JAEPO 2018: Virtua Fighter Speculation!

Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, Jan 17, 2018.

By MadeManG74 on Jan 17, 2018 at 6:32 PM
  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Next month, from February 9 through to February 11th, is the 2018 JAEPO: Japan Amusement Expo!


    What does this mean for Virtua Fighter? There’s nothing officially announced, but is there a chance that we’ll see some news regarding the franchise at JAEPO this year? Let’s go over the last couple of years and any potential hints for some fun speculation!

    Sega will be there
    Not only is Sega a confirmed attendee of the show, but they’ve got the biggest booth on the floor! The arcade business is still a focus for Sega, as proven by their gargantuan booth at this year’s show. Check it out on the floor map here:


    It’s the 25th Anniversary of Virtua Fighter in 2018
    This year marks 25 years of Virtua Fighter! While I’m sure we’ll see at least something from Sega to celebrate one of their long running and much loved series, could this be a good time for them to announce a new game in the franchise?

    Sega has a history of showing off new Virtua Fighter titles at trade shows
    Virtua Fighter 5 had it's first trailer reveal at the 2005 JAMMA trade show in Japan:

    Even Final Showdown was first unleashed on an unsuspecting public at the AOU show in 2010!:

    Going back to 1996 (Ask your grandparents about this one, kids), was the legendary reveal of Virtua Fighter 3:

    Could this be the year we see a new trailer to shock the world for the franchise we love?

    Virtua Fighter Trademark was renewed in 2016
    Sega renewed the trademark for the series on July 4, 2016.


    Could this have been in anticipation of, or in preparation for development of a new title? If so, it would be ready for reveal very soon! Maybe at JAEPO?

    Virtua Fighter has been featured in Sega’s social media in the past year
    As well as the somewhat bizarre ‘Elbow Day’ and ‘Knee Day’ celebrations;




    They also had some Father’s Day messages, courtesy of Lau Chan



    Virtua Fighter obviously is still on Sega’s mind! It’s being mentioned and used in their social media messaging. Is Sega making use of the franchise to get it back in the forefront of people's minds? Which brings me to...

    Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown in Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
    An arcade-perfect port of the latest Virtua Fighter on PS4? It’s locked behind Yakuza 6, but surely that means something. Is this a prelude to an upcoming port of the game to PS4, Xbox One and PC? We hope so! If not, could it be pushing Virtua Fighter to the front of our minds for a new entry in the series?


    Sega has been supporting arcade output
    Sega has been on a roll these last six months. We’ve seen them supporting arcades and ports from the arcades with;

    · Daytona USA 3
    · Sega World Drivers Championship
    · The House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn
    · PS4 port of AM2’s Border Break
    · Souls Reverse (Also by AM2)

    Sega’s obviously supporting their arcades with some quality output. There’s good reason they’d want to keep up with a proven winner with Virtua Fighter!

    Is this all wishful thinking? Maybe! But it’s fun to speculate sometimes. Whether or not we get a new Virtua Fighter this year, I’m going to keep playing the games we already have. I still think they’re the best fighting games money can buy, and I urge fans out there to do the same. We would all love a sequel, but let’s make sure we support the excellent titles already out there with communities, tournaments and online play wherever we can!
    Dragonps, akapan, SUGATA and 3 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, Jan 17, 2018.

    1. leftylizard
      hey,buddy ....what you do on the weekends is you business and right under the 1st ammendment.:coffee:
      Jason Elbow likes this.
    2. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      Lol. And you're just bitter period. What a hypocritical fucktard! How bout YOU put some time into the scene with your ole' scary, ducking ass!!
    3. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      And you are the poster child for the purrell generation stifled by false validation, and delusional bravado with a lack of any form of a backbone to back up your words.
      leftylizard likes this.
    4. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      Hey leave him be Jimi. What he does when he's home with a bottle of hard liquor, some LSD, some jiffy peanut butter and his pet dog is his bussiness!!
    5. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      I'm sure a lot will be disapointed if SEGA has no word this year for VF and the 25th Anniversary, at least an announcement.

      So what's next now ? 2020 ? ...
    6. MadeManG74
      It's only February, we got 10 more months :p

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