Jacky Bryant: General Discussion and Q & A

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by Chibiaya, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Yeah, I know. Like I said it's ridiculously hard, at least for me, to get out of backdash staggers. But it definitely is a strugglable stagger.
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I should have explored training options more. Didn't realize you could set the opponent to backdash. Thanks for researching that though guys.

    And yeah given when that occurs, I bet most won't shake the quicker follow-ups.
  3. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Okay so exactly how lenient is Jacky's Flash Sword Kick ?

    People say its a Just Frame but I know for a fact I can't perform a just frame input if my children's lives depended on it.

    I will say this though... its harder for me to perform the Flash Sword Kick in VF than in DoA.

    So uhm.... what does "iaigeri" mean ?
  4. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Don't quote me on it but I thought it was a 3 frame window.
  5. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    That feels right..... in the input details display I seem to get a succesfull FSK if I hit[G] after 4 Frames but before 11 Frames after hitting [6_][K]..... I can't seem to get an accurate window because I don't know how to read that display correctly.

    All I know is because of the Inconsistant way I do it.... 5 seems to be the ealiest and 10 seems to the latest frame.

    When looking at the numbers in White.... should I include the numbers in yellow if I want to know the exact Follow Up Intervals between inputs ?
  6. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Okay so this is what the Iaigeri (Flash Sword Kick) looks like when the AI performs it... according to the input Display.

    0....3 [6_]
    ......3 [6_] [K]
    Okay so since the move goes active in 16 Frames I would assume thats when the window for the Iaigeri closes.
    So what I need to know is.... that number 13 over there next to [G]... is that the Amount of Time that has passed since [6_][K] was inputted (on the first Frame).... or do I need to include the red 3 next to it (the total duration a move was held down) ?

    I ask because my Iaigeri looks like this:
    0....17 [6_]
    ........7 [6_] [K]
    ........3 [6_]

    Any thoughts ? :)

    Edit: the red numbers are suppose the the active input frames.
  7. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Just double checking, Jacky's best punish against -15 moves is [3][P][P][P]?
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I think so, generally speaking. Some players like to use 6P+K for the plus frames. 9K might be best for max damage in some cases.
    KrsJin likes this.
  9. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Nice thanks man. Didn’t consider 9K. And yeah plus frames and mixups sound nice, I’ll explore those as I get more comfortable with the game.
  10. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    When I play Jacky, I like to block opponents attacks, and then use [P][P][8][P], because the last punch knocks people away. I think the command, is now [P][P][P] in FS.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
  11. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Ah yeah, that’s what I used in 5 Vanilla. I think it was replaced by [P][P][P] in FS but not sure that’s natural combo on recovery now. I’ll have to test.
  12. JackymusPrime

    JackymusPrime Active Member

    Thats right, shit on that guys neck!
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  13. JackymusPrime

    JackymusPrime Active Member

    Well I haven't played since vf 4 evo on ps2, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Im doing the dreaded iaigeri training (Day 1) and will continue to do so until I get it. Its quite frustrating as I cant figure the timing. I think its vital to learn it as it opens up Jackys Max potential and limits your game if you dont learn it.
    Chanchai likes this.
  14. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Depends on a few things. But for the most part, in the open, yes. Vs taka you want 6p+k. And if you evade something that gives you a 15f punish due to successful evade you also want 6p+k
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Always hit for [6][P]+[K]followed with [P][P][6][P][K] Leaves you -2 tho. If your opponent like to [2][P]spam afterwards then [9][G][K]

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