Is it possible for a beginner to use Lei-Fei?

Discussion in 'Lei' started by Soccaprodi, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    add me and invite me. i'm always down for mirror match and giving tips. Also ask vf5935 who posted right above you, when he's not loaning his game away he is excellent
  2. Esura

    Esura Member

    I dont find Lei-Fei to be easy at all. In fact, I put him right up there with Akira and Goh in terms of difficulty. Actually, Brad seems to be like one of the easiest one. I easly go through Quest Mode with him without practice.

    Lei Fei has waaaaay too many stances. I already thought he had too much on previous iterations.
  3. Gar1283

    Gar1283 New Member

    I played around with Lei Fei in VF4 but didn't get into playing as him until VF5. Even though he can be a bit slow, his combos are really hard to predict whether to block low or high and the stances serve as pivoting points in each string of movements. If you're more of the patient type with inputing commands you can spread out your idle time between the stance shifts and keep a long flowing combo goign rather than just 4-5 attacks followed up by the cadential with a long idle time.

    Sorry if no one knows what i'm talking about. I got my own lingo /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

  4. Esura

    Esura Member


    Lei is just hard plain and simple, especially on the 360. I think I'm the only one on this site that has the PS3 version.

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