is it me or is VF dieing....

Discussion in 'Console' started by Sharp7, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Nothing Wong with that

  2. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    I don't know if it's the upper CEO's in SEGA that make business decisions or the guys in AM2 but, for the time being we don't have VF5R so for now we play "vanilla" (the word of the year I guess).

    I find it hard to believe that people are having a hard time finding comp online. People must forget when there was no online play and you could only drag other gamers/fighting gamers by their ears to get them to play VF. I'm thankful for the online and the nice group of players here in Southern California.

    With that in mind, cynicism usually trumps optimism in any fanbase.
  3. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Depends on the fanbase, you wouldn't see hello kitty affectionados telling the makers to go fuck 'emselves.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Recalling times of yore, I remember back when there was no online, there WAS arcade. And it was something else altogether than online.
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    To be honest I think Sega needs to take the system and just repackage it.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    While VF is still my favourite fighting franchise, having easy access to competition like I do with SFIV and BB completely trumps my game preference.
  7. Hittakara

    Hittakara Active Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    I don't know if to be optimist or not about VF6 on console and the VF's future on console.
    If VF5R or another new VF5 version won't come on console, I'm afraid of VF saga on console will finish with VF5, no new VF game will come on a future console and it will continue to live only in japanese arcade centers.

    Maybe I'm too pessimist about VF's future, but the modern Sega is completely different, they continue to do stupid games such as Iron Man and co. or publisher game and they doesn't seem listenrequests by old fans. I still continue to send them mails about VF5R on console (and other arcade games too, for example After Burner Climax, Border Break...), and to leave comment on their videos on YT and I'll continue to do it (I was also active on their page on facebook... but they have blocked my account on their page because I complained about the present situation and games that they continue to make.), but when I observe the modern Sega, I really think sometimes that VF can not have a future on console...

    I really hope for an announce about VF5R or VF Final Tuned on consoles on this TGS... and with a training mode like VF4 Evo (for people who have never played a VF before) and a better on line mode (with more options in this mode).
    In my opinion, these two things have been big mistakes made by Sega on VF5...
  8. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Re: It's you - VF isn't dying...

    Nah it's a buisness man so there always hope. Just that currently Segas buisness decisions seem to be based on staring at tea leaves.

    That would be awesome no doubt.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present. But if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future. The seeds of destiny are nurtured by the roots of our past. The present is rooted in the past. It is through these roots we draw nourishment and strength. We are taught that the most important gift of our nature is the reaching out to one another.
    To say and to listen. To teach what we know truly, to those who do not know. To send peaceful thoughts over the bridge of words.

    As I have said many times my friends, VF is a way of life for real VFers. Even if XBL VF trickles down to zero activity. VF will continue. VF was a global phenomenon even when it had no online capability. It is the gold standard for fighting games. I know of a small rag tag group who are dedicated to the preservation of the virtual martial arts and Virtua Fighter is
    top on their list.

    Even if Sega was to end the VF series at VF5 on the console,
    the VF following would become more powerful than any of us possibly could imagine in the form of a cult following [​IMG]
    (master po cites Obi wan[/size]) [​IMG]

    VF already almost has the status of a black art. If VF were to be discontinued... then it would surpass legend status and the VF players and VF skill sets would be larger in death than they are in life [​IMG] , VF Cult status would grow to gothic proportions and that would eventually lead to a sea
    of Virtua Fighter knock-offs [​IMG]


    We all just pick up Tekken 6, Soul Calibur V, SFV and keep the party going (ROFLMBBMFAO) inhale... puff, inhale puff...
  10. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I would think that even if Sega wanted to announce VF6 or VF5R, they'd be best financially to wait. There is no reason for them to take Tekken 6 head on as its coming out, or to even position their announcement to compete with the excitement of Tekken.

    In the publishing industry, publishing companies time thier book releases so as to stagger them, in order not to compete with themselves, or other blockbuster releases. This would be appropriate for video games as well.

    It would be disastrous for Sega to announce "Hey everyone, VF5R," right as Tekken 6 comes out. the buzz would be underwhelming. Better suited would be to wait until Tekken 6 is released, draws even more hype to the revitalized fighting industry, let it cool off a little, and hten announce a new VF.

    All that being said, there is a 99.99% chance its all moot. I doubt they have any intention of bringin a new VF to us anytime soon. A new VF6, or VFR will probably trickle in for our pleasure in a year or two. Sega doesn't seem to have any interest in making VF a standard franchise (like a madden where we get a new one every year) but rather haphazardly updates us with a newer console version every 2-5 years. Almost like they treat it as a hobby.

    When/if they do finally give us an update, i'll pick it up and be online the first day, and i'm willing to bet so will all the other vfdc alumni.
  11. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    You're assuming that they know that Tekken 6 is coming out.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  13. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    hopefully i can grab some tekken players to play vf
    ( :
  14. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    More like the other way around with the upcoming release date of Tekken 6!
  15. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    [/quote] More like the other way around with the upcoming release date of Tekken 6! [/quote]

    That's unfortunately true.

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