is an 8.1 from gamespot justified?

Discussion in 'General' started by Condor, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. yuki_daruma

    yuki_daruma Member

    Re: NO

    interesting i will have to double check and get back to you. I have the us version so im not sure. My tv supports 1080p and it does look like it but im not sure. If it supported 1080p im sure they would have put that on the back of the box.
  2. ahnslaught

    ahnslaught New Member

    Re: NO

    I think the 8.1 is completely fair. After playing with the thing, I'm thinking the EGM/1up review, as well as other high scoring reviews of the game, are waay off and is the result of a combination of previous bias and hype surrounding the game. Hell, I might have scored the thing even lower than 8.1 and give the thing an average/above average mark if I reviewed the thing. Yes, the gameplay may be great, as everyone here says; however, there are too many problems with the home port that it cannot be ignored.

    I think the port is one confused creature that isn't quite competent in both single player and versus. As for the single player (I'm leaving out the AI here - that's a discussion for more experienced folks), it has a crappy dojo mode that is completely outshadowed by Evo, and does a horrible job of getting a new player to even want to learn a character's moves. The sheer fact that only a few moves are demoed by the computer is inexcusable; a lot of these moves are flat out hard to pull off, and having no help in getting the timing down in the dojo mode sucks.

    As for versus (note: I'm completely fine with no online - they told all of us beforehand that there will be no online versus, and that's what we got), it's also got its share of problems. As everyone here said, lack of the ability to transfer profiles, either online or through card/thumb drive, is sheer stupidity, as it gets rid of a big part of the appeal of building up your character and showing them off to others.

    VFTV is also another "feature" that's underutilized, as a way to upload/download replays would have been great; however, it's not there. Not a big deal, but again, something that could have and should have been available for a home port.

    Further complicating matters is the fact that the controller absolutely is not up to the task. I was playing with the sixaxis, and multiple times, when I input a bunch of commands at once, the thing would just freeze up for moments and keep K + G held down or some other weird combination, thus locking me out of control. Here's hoping the USB joysticks remedy this situation; however, for the general public who will not be making this investment, the controller problems are inexcusable. This alone would have dropped my rating of the game.

    Lastly, I have to criticize Sega's odd choice to make you jump through hoops to get a resolution beyond 720p. A minor point, but an annoying one nonetheless; it may be a vanity thing for me, but what the hell. I shelled out for a 1080p TV, and if it's available, I want to see the game in that mode. Why Sega chose to force the game to default to 720 is puzzling. Yes, there's an easy workaround in unchecking the 720p box; however, why should I have to go to the menu every damn time to change it just for this one game?

    Again, let me say I've got nothing to complain about the gameplay itself at this point; I'm sure it's arcade perfect, and I look forward to learning it in the weeks and months ahead. However, the numerous problems that I've mentioned make for a bad port, and does nothing at all to welcome newbies to VF5. Yes, the graphics may be next-gen; the whole package, unfortunately, is far from it.
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: NO

    Woah! It has MEGA-CHEAP A.I.!!!!
  4. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Don't trust journalism organizations that let only one reviewer go at it.

    EGM had 3 editors write about VF5. The 3 scores were...


    Their only disappointments were the lack of any kind of on-line features and the inability to carry data from one PS3 to another.

    Honestly, the fact that Sega made the same mistake as PS2 Evo with the inablility to have chars from different data play other really really really pisses me off and should detract more than .5 from the score. To make a stupid mistake like that once is one thing, but to do it again?! Seriously... WTF?!! Beyond that, all 3 of EGM's editors were spot on. More so than GameSpot's 1 editor. (OMG pun)
  5. gregor_thewolf

    gregor_thewolf Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Gamespot editors SUCK at the game. I saw Gerstmann and Torres playing and they were BAD. I mean, Torres didn't block at all and Gerstmann was as basic and punch-kick again again again down hit. Bleh. It's really hokey that VF5 didn't even get a 9 at least for graphics. It's a weirdo review with odd scores even though they praise it in the writing.

    The IGN review is more complimentary, but still a line of 8 score.

    Surprisingly, the Gametrailers review, while sounding harsh, ended up giving a pretty high 9.1

    1UP and EGM gave this game the best scores which it deserves.

    It's a great game, best graphics and animation for a fighter yet, gameplay is as solid as Everest. Don't let hokey reviews (though they do agree it's a grade-A game) keep you from playing it. If you do, well... your loss.
  6. lonewolfx

    lonewolfx New Member

    Re: NO

    I agree with jeff 100% and Gametrailers also made some very good points about the game.
  7. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    I am very glad that some of you VF veterans can come to terms with me. Honestly, you can't fault gamespot for giving it an 8.1, because an a game reviewer, Gerstmann has to give out every single detail of this game, not just focus on it's strong core - the game play. As a consumer, expecially those that are outside of the VF fanbase, would like to know excatly if this game is worth $60+. Unfortunately, VF5 as a whole, does not really live up to its hype. And based on most of your opinions in this thread, i was really dissapointed because i always thought that Sega's VF series was all about quality over quantity. The quality is there, but maybe not as much as before. Anyway, i am still optimistic about VF5, and hope to get a copy soon. But as i say earlier, an 8.1 doesnt really help expanding the VF community.

    By The Way, Jigohro, I believe that Greg Kasavin, too, mention in his reviews of VF4 and Evo that Akira was a "karate master".
  8. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Frankly Im just happy this port is even made even if its all bone and no meat. People complain way too much for a company that can really care less about what this side of the world thinks. But yeah, 1up yours am2, I can care less about getting my name in your freaking game ? How about better content that was already released in older versions! LMFAO@AM2
  9. Zakazeramesh

    Zakazeramesh New Member

    Re: NO

    the dojo mode is just subpar compared to VF4/Evo. Why doesn't it keep track of the moves as I perform them. Its not so much a big deal but it gave a sense of complettion atleast. Only some moves are demoed and some of the choices they made for that are just stupidly easy to pull off. Why take out AI training. That would have really been pretty good since there is no online. I remember the reason they gave for its absence in VF4: Evo was that it was already in VF4, but why not put it back in VF5? This port is just so barebones its shameful. Maybe over in Japan its not really neccesary since this game is to "practice" for matchups in the arcade but what are we here in the US to do. There is really no good reason why we can't atleast trade replays with other players using the Playstation Network.
  10. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    I guess I'll sound like a fanboy here, but I think the score wasn't justified.

    Honestly, they weren't scoring the game for the gameplay itself, rather they scored the game for lack of extra features.

    Don't get me wrong, I totally agree that VF5 is a bare bones port that doesn't really help the player get better at the game.

    However, the core gameplay itself is very very good. It looks great, sounds great, and plays very well. It's easier for beginners to enjoy. There are interesting new wrinkles to the combat system. AM2 crafted an entertaining fighting game, and that's why we are all here on the boards talking about it.

    If we follow Gerstmann's rational, a game like the new Mortal Kombat, where you can play online and there are a ton of unlockable minigames and content, would score much better than VF5. In my opinion, MK combat isn't as good as VF5 combat, but it's true that the extras and stuff to extend the life of the game are there. VF5 lacks a lot of these extras, but again, the core gameplay is head and shoulders over most fighting games.

    The argument really is: would you rather have a sup par game with a ton of extras poured on top? Or would you prefer a really good game with fewer extras?

    So, basically Gerstmann didn't review the game as a person who enjoys fighting games, but rather as a person who plays fighting games because there is lots of unlockable/extra content. That's OK, but obviously that's not my perspective. I think only someone who really loves fighting games will enjoy VF5, but the opinion stated in the review is that people will "wonder what all the fuss is about". That statement tells me that Gerstmann either doesn't really enjoy or play fighting games, or that he's biased towards another series.

    My two cents.
  11. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lastly, I have to criticize Sega's odd choice to make you jump through hoops to get a resolution beyond 720p. A minor point, but an annoying one nonetheless; it may be a vanity thing for me, but what the hell. I shelled out for a 1080p TV, and if it's available, I want to see the game in that mode. Why Sega chose to force the game to default to 720 is puzzling. Yes, there's an easy workaround in unchecking the 720p box; however, why should I have to go to the menu every damn time to change it just for this one game?

    I just wanted to point out that 720p is still very much the standard (and will be for a while longer) - it's simply what most people are still working with these days. 1080p will make its move as the new standard eventually, but 720p is where it's at for the time being.
  12. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Think of god of war 2 getting 9.5s and higher. Which game should provide more enjoyment, VF5 or GoW? I'd say VF5 hands down. The goodness that you get for $60 far exceeds that which you can get from the vast majority of games. The weak extras suck, but the sum of what it there is awesome.
  13. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Well on that, sir, we will have to disagree. I don't want to get into a VF vs. GoW debate, but I think God of War is one of the best things going in videogaming right now, and it deserves all the accolades it gets. There aren't many games out there that execute on as high a level in every regard.
  14. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    You have to think on the level of the CASUAL game player. We are all hardcore fighting game players here, but at least I personally am able to step back and see it from his perspective - single player game doesn't provide a lasting/complete experience for the CASUAL player. So they can go and unlock stuff, but there aren't a lot of features for them to enjoy or ways for them to really get better (full dojo mode). Then, if they do want to go and play with friends, there are other limiting factors in the customization not being transferrable, etc. So basically, while us fighting game fans will get hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of this game, casuals will play it for a bit, then move on. They won't see what we see.
  15. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Worrying too much about making games for casual players is like worrying about making DOA appeal to feminists.

    Make the game for the people who like it. Don't revolve your game around appealing to the people who don't like it.

    Random praise: Nightshade > DMC > Ninja Gaiden > God Of War > Barbie's Horse Adventure
  16. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    Errr... Cla... you say make a game for about 10k hardcore fans over making a game appeal to MILLIONS? Are you aware that PS2 sold over 150 million consoles? SEGA is a BUSINESS. They don't care about you, they don't care about me, they care about MAKING MONEY. If you appeal to the people who "don't like your game", there is a chance that they WILL like it. Right now, SEGA is doing just what you are saying. They are focusing on the arcade market and saying screw you to the console base, because their money is in the arcades. However, there is still a chance they can be successful if they put in the time into the console version. Only problem is maybe they don't want to risk that and end up wasting resources. They have a BIG opportunity here with the 360 version to really make it a VF5:Evo. We'll see what they do with it.
  17. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    It won't be in 5 years.
  18. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Re: NO

    If that's so, then shame on him, too. Even if in fighting games there's only a skeletal storyline, at least what's important is the characters' fighting style.

    BTW, a week ago I was reading an article about upcoming VF5 in a big console games magazine in my country, and one of the things there was "...for example the garden stage is big, but it has no walls so it forces a more careful play". Garden stage... Like, Kage's cherry blossom garden? The one with walls? Funny thing, it was even on a screen on the same page.

    If writers aren't sure about something they shouldn't include it in the article, and if they want to include it, they should double-check it. That's about readers' trust, after all. Kind of makes me not care about any reviews, anymore. I'll just wait and see with my own eyes.
  19. yuki_daruma

    yuki_daruma Member

    Re: NO

    I just wanted to point out that 720p is still very much the standard (and will be for a while longer) - it's simply what most people are still working with these days. 1080p will make its move as the new standard eventually, but 720p is where it's at for the time being. </div></div>

    Can you expand on that Jerky? I have a us version of the game and the back of the box says that it is only compatible with 720p. How exactly do I get to it to display in 1080p?

  20. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

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