I am sorry, but you have to realize. . .

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Hyun, Nov 22, 2001.

  1. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    "If webmaster doesn't care about update nobody will. This is something no amount of posting on the forum will change."

    Hyun where were you when jeff built TWO different complete versions of VFDC with tons of information for VF3, even listing people who played which character, movelists, and movies?

    Did tons of people flock to add content to the site then? No...Jeff has put tons of hours into making great versions of VFDC and they always got critisized instead of being improved by the very people who just sat around and critisized.

    Jeff has my upmost respect for putting tons of time, energy, and dedication into VFDC. For ONE person to even have created the last version of VFDC took him at least several weeks of designing, coding, updating, setup etc.

    People dont seem to see the tremendous effort of Myke and Jeff that alone makes them great leaders.

  2. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Josh, thats a good idea! Now if only you could get a group of dedicated people to fufill the responsibilities of a team.

  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    **Hyun where were you when jeff built TWO different complete versions of VFDC with tons of information for VF3, even listing people who played which character, movelists, and movies?**

    Oh please...that version of the site was crap, and you know it. Everyone who saw it w/o reality blinders knew it. And get your facts straight - there were NO movelists ANYWHERE on the site! Zip, zilch nada! How absurd is that? Then you had a few of those shitty "step one" guides for two or three characters, a few outdated system guides, only a few links, some crappy movies for a few characters, and the "specialist" lists were a fucking joke. Taka and Aoi's section had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in them, iirc, and most outside of Kage, Jacky and maybe Akira had nothing more than paltry smatterings of info strewn about. It was a JOKE. Tons of information, my fucking ass.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Two or three people put together most of the movies, one person primarily responsible for the forum, and one person wrote most of the articles or archived/transcribed the ones that he did not, and for the longest time was the only administrator of the site. Oh yeah, he also designed and coded the site.

    VFDC compared to what? GameFaqs? THOVF? Your site? Please.

    Andy: Thanks for the word of support. Some people have nothing better to do than to sit around and think of new ways to piss others off.
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Jeff, I knew you have heard these points before and I agree that if nobody make change nothing change. And I say this: I don't make movelist for the same reason you haven't made one yourself. Again, by your own account it takes no skill to make movelist then why haven't you? You not having access to VF4 certainly is not an excuse is it? Actually, if I was given a responsibility about this site (like you and Myke) I would have made a movelist long time ago. But I decided to accept no such responsibility and that's my choice.

    Oh please Hyun don`t give me that crap. First, responsibility is not given, it is taken. Second, it`s very simple: you either want to write those movelists, or you don`t. Nothing else to it.

    I do not compile movelists now primarily for the same reason as I never did before...namely, other people have them, and I would rather spend my time writing other things (should I choose to write at all) like a system document, strategy guide, combos, etc.

    On that note, yes, I`m planning to write a system document. But, that`d have to wait until I have regular access to the game and after I finalize a few things in my life.

    Also, to someone else, I have actually tried archiving past Versus City posts...I still have a file with URLs to several posts. I sort of fell out of regularity in updating it though, when it became clear my job search would be a lot tougher than I anticipated. Still, I expect it to resurface soon sometime in the future.

    Finally, one last word...there are some very high expectations of Myke. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Myke, and I have utter faith in his capabilities and vision. That said, I am very experienced in fan sites of our nature and I have seen many administrators burn out. Sometimes, stretching those expectations beyond what is reasonable accelerates that process...so please guys, just let Myke do his own thing and have a little more faith.
  6. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    In short, I would like people to start archiving posts, or sections of posts, relevant to a character.

    i'd be happy to help to do something like this...
  7. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    Re: Clarification

    On second thought, the Japanese gamers' homepages are de-centralised, but they aren't disorganised. They have database/search engine Websites where they register their fan pages, which are sorted by the database/search engine Websites, such as Gamers Terminal and Surfersparadise.

    Also, popular games might have Web Rings, which are registries of the fan pages of a particular game, such as Senti, Soul Edge/Calibur, Tekken, and VF.

    So, a Japanese gamer's homepage may have the banners of and links to the databases and Web Rings high-observably in its index or main page. This is in addition to the link list in its Links page.

    And, in the case of VF, some of you already knew it has a Headline News kind of bulletin homepage, which reports all the updates at allied VF official and fan pages, titled Virtua Fighter 2000, at

    So, one of the projects that VFDC or VP.com can include is a similar What's New list that lists all the updates at English VF official and fan pages. And if you're thinking "But there are only, like, three English VF4 fan pages out there,"
    or even "But there's practically no English VF4 fan pages out there," then this is actually an initial advantage, because there are just a few English VF4 to unite and report.

    (Hmm. Sounds like I'm organising a labour union... or a Rebel Alliance.)
  8. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Who the fuck said I was comparing VFDC to anything? Please. It didn't need to be compared to anything. It was useless just on face value alone. The only reason people went there was for the msg board, and any retard can host one of those.

    And yes, this discussion is very old, Hyun obviously didn't know I gave you endless shit about VFDC, especially that version. I'm just refuting Andy's post - the old site was USELESS, completely and utterly. The lack of, and your outright refusal to upload even basic .txt movelists just exemplified how fucked up your site and your management was, and hopefully Myke's situation is in fact solid and you actually won't have much hand in the new VFDC.
  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    **I do not compile movelists now primarily for the same reason as I never did before...namely, other people have them, and I would rather spend my time writing other things (should I choose to write at all) like a system document, strategy guide, combos, etc.**

    No one ever asked you to make the goddamn movelists, your highness (you'd probably mangle them, anyway). How hard could it have been to to upload EXISTING .txt versions? What the fuck is this "i do not compile movelists...people have them" bullshit? You find the movelists out there. You upload them. If you need to, you ask the original writer. Then - PRESTO! Movelists on VFDC! What a CONCEPT! AMAZING! They're smaller and simpler than any movie you ever uploaded.

    Were you really incapable of that? Did this process totally escape you? Or were you just above it, somehow? Your line of reasoning and logic is fucked - but that's old news.

    ** I`m planning to write a system document.**

    Woe to the newbies.
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Hyun, please feel free to use my site, it's not finished, but it's easy to navigate, and it has a GOOD link to virtuafighter3 site with moveslist's and galleries, it's "PAV'S vf3 page"

    my site: www.geocities.com/virtuafightermedia

    i will also be putting up a "tech" page with vf techniques, moves and K-STEP quotes (not that it's relavent to you i dont think)

    if you want vf4 moveslists, it's at "tbzone" but i forgot the URL, mabye someone can post it

    i'm not saying anything about oppinons though, or i'll get flamed off the face of this board... (^_^), sorry...

    if you go to my site, PLZ dont forget to sign the guestbook to let me know that you have been *cheers*
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey Rich, at least you kept your use of profanity under some control this time.

    Comparing VF to other sites: I was basically trying to make the point that most of the sites that had VF info were basically derived from GameFAQs and that VFDC was pretty much the only site that had content that GameFAQs didn`t...on the flip side, VFDC was also missing much of the stuff that GameFAQs had. That`s why I always found criticisms of VFDC quite funny...VFDC had *original* content. New stuff; it wasn`t just an archive.

    Making movelists: Uhm, Hyun just asked me why I didn`t make movelists, and I told him why. Not everything is directed at you, please, don`t flatter yourself.

    Uploading .txt files: Like I mentioned in a previous post (try searching for it eh), I had this idea back when that I had wanted everything in a standard, VFDC format. For quite some time, progress was being made on that front with a collaboration between VFDC and VP (I believe Akira`s movelist was finished), but that was never completed. That`s fine with me. Further, I don`t even think there were TB .txt movelists...but I could be wrong, as I never tried looking for them.

    Systems document: Hiro asked me, "Why do you want to spend time to write something for arrogant and condescending people who won`t even appreciate it?" Now that I think about it, that`s a damn good question.
  12. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    **Hey Rich, at least you kept your use of profanity under some control this time. **

    Aw fuck yeah, shit, I gotta mind that motherfucker and keep that shit up, bitch.

    **VFDC was also missing much of the stuff that GameFAQs had**

    A mediocre system guide, tiny basic guides for Akira, Jacky and Wolf, and a Dural movelist and combo list all centered around VF3, and some tiny misc smattering of info tidbits here and there. That's about it. This is supposed to make up for what Gamefaqs lacked? Yeah right. Gamefaqs had literally megabytes more info, and for all the games. Your site didn't fill in any holes, it left a gaping one.

    **Uploading .txt files: Like I mentioned in a previous post (try searching for it eh)**

    Feh, I know all about it, it's another one of your lame excuses you squeal about whenever this old flamewar gets brewed up again. It's fucking asinine - "it'll take too long to html'ize so I won't upload at all" - really, what the FUCK!? When is nothing better than something? And personally I think it just lends credence to my argument that you didn't know what the hell you were doing. HTML'izing text documents (not talking about movelists in tables), is just the worst thing you can do, especially for long, detailed files.

    **Further, I don`t even think there were TB .txt movelists...but I could be wrong, as I never tried looking for them. **

    There is one. And it's RIGHT ON YOUR OWN FUCKING SITE. RIGHT NOW. IN THE FUCKING VF3tb SECTION. Dude, come ON. Are you THAT disinterested in the works of others, and in your own site? GLC's guide has been around for ages, and it's probably the best of all the .txt VF guides as far as sheer amount of info.

    And yes, that's a great question by Hiro.
  13. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Mr. Bungle it may not have been good enough for you, but the effort was definately apparent. Look at how hard myke works on VFDC's forums just to get blasted all the time. Jeff again was only one person, he created a design and hosted some content and among all the english VF3 websites out there VFDC was definately not all that bad, in fact it was pretty good at doing its main job of getting people to communicate about the game and organize meetings. The closest of the VF3 websites out there that could compete with VFDC were hardcoregaming.com that had small team for the website and basically everyone from chicago helping out from time to time and Chris (I think that was his name) VF3 site with those animated gif's but no forum.

  14. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > but the effort was definately apparent.

    Where?! In the empty or near-empty character sections?! There was hardly anything on the site! I don't know how it was good enough for ANYONE.

    And Myke gets shit for forum updates? Where? I think now that people know Myke is at the helm, and that his efforts, even in this developing stage, crush anything Jeff and co. ever did, people are giving him less shit. Save for Hyun. Oops.

    And Jeff just said that he was not alone - what little there was on the old site was done by several people, namely movies and the message board. Drop the "one brave revolutionary man" spiel, already. It doesn't work.
  15. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Jeff and co.

    The point is it was just Jeff, im just acknowleding the effort he put into the site. It was more effort than ed at hardcoregaming or Chris's sites but neither got as much critisizm as he is.

    What Jeff did as the one man spiel goes, is he designed, coded, organized, setup emails, setup the first forum, login system etc. Heck step one was buying the domin name which any of us could have done, and also when the bill comes he pays for it.

    Myke is in fact replacing Jeff, and would I call it a one man show? Yes mainly its myke doing over 50% of the work with of course contributors helping, but no one does more than him to make the site better.

    "people are giving him less shit. Save for Hyun. Oops."

    Point is Myke shouldn't (of course this is near impossible) get any shit, and if he does everyone who's a longstanding member of the forum should help explain Myke's views and support the site.

  16. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    ** im just acknowleding the effort he put into the site. It was more effort than ed at hardcoregaming or Chris's sites but neither got as much critisizm as he is. **

    Bull-fucking-shit. Ed's site, Chris' site (and Kris' site, to boot) had more content in them than the old VFDC ever had. And they don't get shit, because they actually do a good job (or at least tried). And if asked, they didn't become defensive mewling bitches spewing fucked up rationalizations as to why they won't do this or that.

    **yes mainly its myke doing over 50% of the work with of course contributors helping, but no one does more than him to make the site better. **

    Get your facts straight. Mike is doing ALL of the work. Jeff has not done ONE SINGLE THING with the new design. Jeff ain't doing shit except sitting on the throne flaunting the fact that he owns the site (so no real change, really). The dude doesn't even know what's on his own site, for chrissakes.

    **and also when the bill comes he pays for it. **

    Not always - remember when VFDC died earlier this year? That was cool. And w/o Myke, the whole msg board database would have been lost.
  17. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Mike is doing ALL of the work. Jeff has not done ONE SINGLE THING with the new design.

    I never said Jeff did anything with the new design, thats not what I was trying to imply either.

    Let me take my whole quote here:

    "Myke is in fact replacing Jeff, and would I call it a one man show? Yes mainly its myke doing over 50% of the work with of course contributors helping, but no one does more than him to make the site better."

    I did think that Myke was a one man show though, 50% or close to 100% I dont know how many people are helping him so i dont want to quote any numbers. To elaborate on the above Myke will just like the old VFDC have contributors such as GLC writing FAQ's, Creed writing forum guidelines, GE and myslef making moves etc. that will contribute to making a complete VF4 site. Without it Myke could/should not do it all himself.

  18. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > But by your logic, Jeff did all the "work" in creating the first versoin


    Jeff made a site with a pathetic amount of content in it. Jeff made minimal effort to upload existing information, and other people put up what little content there was. Mike is making a site with as much content as possible. Mike is making every effort to upload existing information. Do you know what it takes to organize and put together existing information and documents? Work, and Mike is doing every bit of it.
  19. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Man you reply really quick, I edited out my post just after I sent it in.

  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey Andy, forget about it, even I`ve given up. When Rich goes on a crusade, there`s just no stopping him. Hopefully people will think with their own brain...and think hard about what was in VFDC and what was not.

    As for this site...uhm, the present design were based on the two dozen prototypes that I drew up a long time ago. Oh, how convenient, Rich forgot.

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