I am - not - a lag-player

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Ellis, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I don't know if this counts as wireless or wired but is worth a shot I use my computer as a gateway rather than the xbox wireless receiver I don't know if this holds true for PS3 but i plug my ethernet into my computer other end into the box and it reads it as wired even though it's really not. depending on your computer and how new it is chances are the wifi receiver in there is way better than in a PS3 or xbox so I guess thats the next best thing behind truly wired connection its worth a shot. And by "computer" I mean laptop/ ultra book etc.
    Ellis likes this.
  2. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member


    I'll give it a try, thanks for the information.
  3. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    You don't really seem to grasp how wireless vs wired works with your first comment,
    but that is a whole other issue (not being up to speed with how network-tech works).
    Unless you were making some sort of simplified comparison for laymen.
    To be frank, a stable wireless (80% or over, might even be less) can be fine
    - it is only increasing the chance of random interference,
    which is why wired is generally prefered if it is possible.

    Also, that bar comment is also grossly over-simplified, you do not know how the connection works between me and modelah, and from my experience online the bars do not tell the whole story. Heck, some of the persons that have complained have had 2-3 bars with me even. It is a momentary gauge of, something, i do not have it on print if it is purely ping based, but even a stable ping-latency is more stable then it fluctuating.

    Another issue is upload, and how busy the network is one one side
    - from the looks of it, some people are even hanging around the shoutbox while being online on ps3 fighting. I do not know how much bandwidth vfdc uses generally
    - but that is still not a display of great effort towards improving ones online stability.

    I don't know if you were online here when i did my little "investigation" on how the ps3 connects to the PSN network, and how VF uses the PSN servers?

    As far as i found out, it seemss the sole connection is to one in-between server as the first step, namely: "static-resource.np.community.playstation.net"

    Here is a messy pastie from that check by the way:

    I checked it from the state of logging in to PSN, to loading VF, to Going to an online lobby in the game, to connection to a fight (which i forfeited since i was testing stuff).
    From the looks of it, this is one of the places "in between" we all connect to when fighting online, and that atleast rules out the theories about the connections being purely "P2P".

    I do not know if anyone has done a similar test before me, if so then it is old news, i had not heard of anything like it myself and i was technically interested.
    Not that this solves the riddle for where the issued and differences when connection are (besides the obvious ones), it was just interesting as a side-note.

    And i do not mean any offence here, i just want to keep casual mis-information to a minimum to not make this even more muddled.
  4. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    That is an interesting experiment, and in a way you end up with wireless, only the computers wireless and then the network-connection in between,
    if i am understading it correctly in that you have a wireless connection for the laptop?
    Have you been able to measure the connection percentage of the wireless signal your laptop receives VS the percentage you get through the xbox (if it shows wireless strenght percentage somewhere)? this would be interesting!

    Anyways, to what i have seen myself, the wireless on the PS3 atleast is in no way worse, or all that different, on one you can get for a computer, and it might be the same for an xbox - but that depends on what you have gotten for the computer, if it is anything in particular for a wireless card (or internal chip).
    I have no facts on this though, if it works for you then that's good : )
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I have never played anybody who had wireless and that the connection was "fine". When I played someone with bad lagspikes, and I sent question "do you have wireless?", more often than not the answer has been "yes". I have played people who live 30km from me (Yomi, he has copper now), had wireless and the connection was atrocious.

    The issue is not in its speed. The issue is that wireless transmits data in bursts rather than steady latency. This creates those spikes that everyone hates.
    IcKY99, Ellis, Koenraku and 1 other person like this.
  6. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Wasting your breath Manji, the guy is a Swedish IT expert, who has done his own investigations into the matter... and then tried to play wireless Americans who (justifiably, in a sense) yelled at him.

    The bottom line here, is Vanessa should take damage after she busts a OS 9K that you block, not then land another 9K, and then just 'combo' into 9K. It's a travesty. Constantly playing under poor network conditions just ends up atrophying someone's play-style, clearly.
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    If you're referencing the Tekken 6 online days of yore when I indeed had to use wireless in order to play online due my PS3 having to be in the living room because I didn't have a monitor back then nor a 20m ethernet cable so that I could hook up my router and PS3 together, then yeah I guess the connection was atrocious due to the constant but random disconnects happening mid match, but IMO the games themselves when it didn't DC were about as good as T6's online can be, which was pretty shitty in any case, but there was no additional lag or any spikes. Not defending WLAN or anything here, it sucks ass and anybody who uses it for any "serious online game" and then proceeds to complain about it being ass should be hanged, but then again so should anybody else who complains about lag when they seriously try to play people at the other side of the world.
  8. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Yeah but isn't the person on the other end also signing up to play someone from the other side of the world? It takes two to tango and you can both see the bars and have to accept the match so where does calling one side a "lag player" come into it?
  9. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Heck, why this pai?, also, - what manjimaru said did not even contradict what i said -
    He has not had good experiences with wireless, which is understandable since the lag-spikes can happen when the signal is interrupted somehow, whereas i meant to say that wireless can be stable (most of the times) but that wired is prefered since it cannot be randomly interrupted.

    Furthermore, as i said, i have always prefered to be wired, on everything, when possible
    - and with a static IP rather then a dynamic (which has to re-negoiate after a while)

    My comment was about you talking about how 'wireless sets an arbitrary distance to how far away you can play people' - which is just not how it works, both my and manji comment will tell you that.

    I also did not mean to offend you, i were talking of the technical side of your comment,
    not to you as a person - chill man, you don't need to resort to making up pretend ironic titles for me. Please just see where i am coming from and don't aim to find insult were i do not intend any.

    (Oh, and plenty of people punish a blocked 9K, if they act upon it and do not waste the opportunity doing something silly - what odd kind of example is that?!. After a fight that did not work as you expected, check the replay and what you were yourself trying to pull in a situation before making it to be the other person just per default.)
    ToyDingo likes this.
  10. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Not being able to punish heavy recovery moves due to constant delay everywhere is a key example dude, and a big reason why you Sony only guys are always squabbling with each other.
    Not wanting to play someone because their connection sucks is shallow minded now? You people are hilarious, truly. Carry on trolling each other day and night. PS3 = 4chan console, always was (they even hacked it lol, from which it never recovered). Wireless mode is endemic on there, and it's just disgusting for playing fighting games in any kind of reasonable environment.
    The long term real world arcade guys I play with on Live would play one match under such conditions (PSN + Wireless = bad VF), then leave and probably never play you again. They have more sense and respect for the game.
  11. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    From what i gathered Baz "accepted" the match in a room, meaning that it was either playing or waiting for quite some time
    And Prep you're saying that your connection with Modelah who lives in japan is good???? sorry i highly doubt that either that or you dont know what good connection is
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  12. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that missed then entire point of this thread...
    steelbaz and Ellis like this.
  13. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Why are you trying to turn this into some Console War foolishness? "PS3 = 4Chan console"?? What?? o_O
    PoisonKid13, Pai~Chun and Ellis like this.
  14. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Funny how when I played Brodi, the connection felt better than when I played Prep... and I live in Europe ;)

    We'll see when this match v Japan happens (VA v TA) if the OP truly is a "lag player" or not. I believe the PSN terminology is, "it's on u" :p
  15. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Well, sorry to burst your bubble here darksoul but yeah, the connection is consistently good for some reason. Even in rooms with PReP and MentallyTofu (who lives in New Mexico) the connection is consistently good. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's the time of day we play, I have no idea. Of course I wouldn't play PReP let alone challenge him to RAW if I didn't think the connection wasn't good.

    Do I know what a good connection is? Yeah, I do. Being conscious of my location I ask a lot of my opponents how the connection is and most of them say it's fine. So that's fine by me. And that means there's a lot of people who don't know what a good connection is, according to you.
    Ellis likes this.
  16. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    You kept trying to play one of my tags on there once, even though it came up as a super laggy no-bar (grey). If you live in Japan aka the Mecca of VF, why don't you just play there offline with cool, one million percent legit guys?
  17. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Hmm, so;
    - Funny how when i play Rikojang0, he is one bar and still can punish my 9K or evade properly against me?

    I could do this too, just abritarily throw out quotes like that,
    but what is the factual point?

    Look over your own setup, don't go around throwing around quotes about your glorious "FiOS", or make factually incorrect observations on how wireless works.

    I cannot grasp the concept of how you get how you try to turn this thread into a PS3 vs Xbox360 thing, while still starting out the discussion by talking about blind fanboyism.
    You can keep on going on about your "FiOS", like you are the singular player with a good connection.

    You also keep evading the actual issues i am adressing, and skip over commenting the actual topic of discussion, or miss the actual point of what i am saying.
    I can see if i have a replay with you saved, and see what move you tried doing after a blocked 9K, and we can discuss the fight second by second if you'd like?

    Though that is still not what my remark was about, it was about your mis-informed comment on how wireless works - it is your choice to twist that around and coming up with other points of attack against me, giving me ironic pretend-titles of your own imagination
    - and keep trying to poke at me with off-topic <-> of discussion points.

    Thing is, you are not adressing my points, and i feel bad that i have a trouble just letting that go.

    I have a strong feeling that this argument could go on forever, back and forth,
    The only thing it proves to me is that you don't read the whole comments.

    I bear you no ill as a person, before i made this thread i have had sane conversations with you,

    I just ask you to stop the needles attempts at ridicule - which you try dealing out instead of facing the actual topics discussed.

    I am refusing to pay you back in kind, and _that_ is on me.
  18. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Hurry up and retire ya si, you're a lag player and we all know it :rolleyes:
  19. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Look, if you're going to start calling people names, take your business elsewhere.

    And I choose to play online rather than in the JP arcades because I like playing people I meet here. Simple.
    PoisonKid13 and daRockReaper like this.
  20. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    For the same reason where you dont play offline paichun :p

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