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[Hydra] VF4 in Florida, what a wonderful thing!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by UnCauzi, Feb 10, 2002.

  1. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Too bad the NYG tournament wasn't completed without the DVD recording or else I'd give Blonde_One props for winning. Cheap win for Florida. Play more SC2, quiters.
  2. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    That's how FL likes 'em baby!
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Personally, I thought blondie would have either won the tournament or at least came in the top 3. Besides the FLCrew, especially Blondie and IMF was more prime, cut and ready to play than the rest of the ppl at the gathering. Besides for a few exceptions like Llamfair and Rodney.
  4. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Oh my god I did not know that. Who was the pushover? You? Be quiet.
  5. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Careful, Kung Fu, The enkindu is one beast of the everglades you dont want to mess with. I suggest you save your self the mess and hospital bills and ride your fan boat our of the hydra before enkindu gets mad. lol
  6. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, I finally got over the cough and moved a lot of the stuff into the new house. Still waiting for electricity and phone line. But anyone interested in coming over saturday or sunday to the old house in kissimmee is more than welcomed. Imf, you feeling better from the nyg illness?
  7. MiKeY

    MiKeY Active Member

    Hey guys, im back for a while, I need to know, since my bro is going to get me one tonight, what a good VF stick would be. and I cant find the chat for mIRC. So I was left to this place for your "wise council". reply ASAP please.
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    There's an irc link at the top of this site's menu bar... right under dural's nose /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  9. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Word from rockys is that they will be the first to get Evo in FL!

    With the recent downtime for Team Hydra since NYG3 this comes as good news. Even better is the announcement of Cappo's return to FL and hunger for domination. Having Stomp still around, Mike's stick in the mail, and Pablo finding a solid solution to his sticklessness recently, things are indeed looking up for Hydra to begin a new season of regular gatherings. The time draws near to hit the arcades and bring in new recruits!

    Who's with me? /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  10. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    I am there the minute rockies has evo. That is great about mikey and Cappo joining us again. Now only if you guys will make a day that we all can have a gathering. That will be better. I think Axel, Dylan and the Dude will also be there as well if the game comes to Rockys. Imf, how many hot chicks are playing volleyball at the beach you go to?
  11. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I'm extremely excited about taking VF to another level with you guys. We all have lots to learn about the game. I hope to see you all soon.

    <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://virtuafighter.com/versuscity/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1033272929Blonde_one">

    Top reasons to get excited about Florida VF!!
    <input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />New sticks for those that don't have them and those that haven't ever used them.
    <input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />New players Mikey and Cappo.
    <input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />EVO released!!
    <input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />Watching everyone consistently get better with every gathering that we hold and driving the level of play "UP" in the USA!!
    <INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

    Just having some fun!! =P
    later guys
  12. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Must get new stick!!!!!!
  13. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hah cool, it will be good to see you all around rockys too. Blonde One graced our presence today and it was like I haven't seen an old freind strange as it sounds considering our history of insults, betrayal, and outright slander. *sniff* the good ol days /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    Geezus, if I like Evo, I'LL be the one getting pounded into the dirt....ick.....I'll take some beatings though if Shun has new shit!
  14. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Shun's new shit rocks in Evo. He has more control of his kicks and such, instead of just landing on the ground and a ton of new turn around attacks. Should be tons of fun playing him. I will start with Shun and Pai.
  15. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Cool man, I have a feeling that despite any new control options and such, you all and your reaction far, far, outshine my own. I'll just be a scrub to pound on for a long, long time. But I'll be sure to hover between that and SC2 so I can feel like the bastard of old once in a while /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  16. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    evo will be interesting. sc2 seems a bit more though. enjoyed playing unc the other week. that bitch talim of mine needs to be mastered and will. going up there this thurs and fri if anyones gonna be there...i have $ now, almost have a car, and am much happier considering things were the way the way they were....life is changing for the better... i think...


    who was the guy playing sc2 with you and i that night? ive seen him a bit....btw, lpgaishou is now on gi.com.... /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  17. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    That would be Dan, I think, small black guy with glasses? Whenever you want to play man, Thursay sounds good since I'll have more time due to my newly cracked/bruised ribs....

  18. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Well after a long vacation, the hydra is back.

    Gathering at my house at 7:00. be there for VF. Ill bring out the second tv if enought people show up and someone brings another PS2

    For those who dont knwo where i live and want to show up, please give me a call at 407-823-5603(work) ask for pablo and let me know you need directions. or you can IM me on VFDC I have Internet at my job. Well I hope to see all the oldies and maybe some new goodies. Peace
  19. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    We all must strive tah keep dee south clean a damn Yankees Suh! General Lee is a counten on us.

  20. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    When I was a Newbie, I was thought of as a slick customer. People avoided me like I was Herman Munster, however I was scooled in the way to properly respond on a message board.

    <~~~ Has just broken his arm pounding himself on his own back.


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