Hydra presents: Florida Super Battle 2003, Oct 10th-12th.

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by imf, Jun 12, 2003.

  1. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! I just picked Jimmy up from the airport, that dude was hella tired!
    He was like"Man I didn't sleep at all", he was completely out of it lol!!! You're hardcore Jimmy!

    Congrats to Cappo!!! SERIOUS!!!!!!!!
  2. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Yo mad props go out to Cappo! And adamYUKI as well for taking out Kyasao in the semis. Any chance we'll see any vids anytime soon? I have some webspace so I'll see how many I can throw up
  3. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member



    Round 1
    ghettoSHUN vs Madagascar | IMF vs Cappo | Shou vs Kazu | Kyasao vs adamYUKI

    Round 2
    ghettoSHUN vs Cappo | adamYUKI vs Kazu

    Round 3
    adamYUKI vs Cappo

    1) Cappo (FL, Pai)
    2) adamYUKI (NYC, Jeffry)
    3) Kazu (NYC, Lau)
    4) ghettoSHUN (NYC, Vanessa)
    5) Kyasao (JPN, Kage)
    5) Shou (STL, Sarah)
    5) IMF (FL, Kage)
    5) Madagascar (OH, Akira)

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Results

    Congrats to Cappo *thumbs up* good shit yo. Looks like everything went well. Hope I can come next year, keep it up guys.
  5. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    my thanks to my team members.

    Wow, finally got some time on the computer. Fsb is over with and what can I say. It has been so much fun but also exhausting. Bare with me with this report. It can be quite long. :)

    First off I would like to thank the rest of my team Hydra crew for working so hard to help put this gathering/tourney together. It was my idea to host everyone at my house before fsb. But they also helped a lot to make things easier for me.

    Jedi: You did a fantastic job booking the ucf ball room and also designing and getting that big banner for the Fbs tourney. You and I also did a great job doing the nice announcement/play by plays for the tourney. That was tons of fun. Major props to you also for spending lots of time with the Japanese players (Kazu and Kyasao) while I was busy taking care of the north american players.

    Blonde One: Thanks for getting people into Disney for the non vf4 event. I am sure they had a great time.

    Imf: Thanks for taking them to the beach as well as providing your tv, ps2, and half of the tv trays. By the way, a ton of people looked at my pics and noticed the tv trays. You can get a set of four from Walmart for like 40 dollars and they come with a stand to fold them up. Perfect height to put any joystick even the MAS.

    Cappo: Thanks for helping me with picking up a few guys and also thanks for providing people to use your sc2 stick. Also, thanks for all the help with helping me set up the tvs and tables and such. Yes, that dinner table is heavy! haha

    Ghostdog: Thank you for providing your car to help transport people to the hotel and thank you for providing your stick for others to play during arcade play.

    Dre: Thank you for keeping all the smokers company! hahaha. Kyasao was pretty lonely the first night smoking all by himself. lol.

    The dude: thanks for showing up to the tourney and providing exceptional security. I hope the guy that you shot is recovering. (sarcasm)

    Axel: thanks for not showing up. hahahahaha

    I think there were things that should have been more planned for the tourney/events. But overall, we improvised very well. Get some rest guys because I am going to as soon as I am done typing up my reports. haha.
  6. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    final results for all the events......

    Pre FSB team battle at stomp's place.


    Team china: Ghostdog, Kazu, Cappo
    team Japan: Ice cold, Shou, Kyasao
    Team whip ass: Jedi, Madagascar, Dre
    Team gone home: Stompoutloud, Jerky, Imf

    1st place: Team Japan
    2nd place: team gone home
    3rd place: team china
    4th place: team whipass

    Kyasao's kumite versus north American players.

    Players: Cappo, imf, dre, ghostdog, the dude, stompoutloud, ice cold, big boy, kazu, adam yuki, ghettoshun, shou the sellout, jedi, madagascar

    his record versus us. 38-4. What we did was go against him three times each.

    The four losses were to Cappo twice, ice cold, and adam yuki.

    Hightlights of the kumite:
    *Ice cold had one of the most thrilling victories of his visit against Kyasao on the kumite.
    *Everytime shou lost, Kyasao yelled Go back home!.
    *Adam yuki's win propelled him to do a half ass sorry looking cartwheel where one of his sandals flew off while he posed and flexed his triceps like Jeffry.
    *Ghettoshun stopped recording the kumite because he didn't want to see him lose again. lol
    *Jedi had the best ring out of the kumite with his wolf. He ran half way across the screen and did the f, f, p+k+g move to push him out of the ring.
    *I didn't get a round on him. haha

    Single player tourney. Shou posted it earlier. Thanks Shou. You are the man.
  7. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    stomp's impressions of fsb!

    Special thanks to imf, Jedi and Blonde one for getting in touch and bringing over Kyasao for all of us to experience high level Japanese play.

    Kyasao: You were one of the best guests I have ever had in my home. Your game is just so awesome to watch as well as to play against. You taught me so much stuff about shun and Lion that my head was spinning. Thank you so much for coming and hope to see you again. Many thanks for the signed green book.

    Kazu: I have seen your Lau on clips and I have to say it's even tougher in person now. Your lau is very solid and you seem to guess at all the right times. It was great of you to come and also be the translator for all the questions that we asked Kyasao. Thank you for coming.

    Shou: You are not a sellout. Because you play one of my characters that I play. Also, you don't play Lau and you are Taiwanese. Thank you for the Sarah versus Shun matches.

    Madagascar: Korean style game play at it's best is how I can describe this guy. Your enthusiam and game play were both fantastic. You have a very solid Akira. I believe you have the best Akira in the united states now. Also, thanks for teaching all of us how to look up porn. (sarcasm) lol

    Ghostdog: Many apologies about the first night you came over. Thank you for sticking around and coming back later. Your Goh is a thrill to play against. Next time I'll use goh against you. Unless you want my low kick of doom Aoi.

    Ice cold: A philosophy major, cartoon junkie and a vf player. My kind of friend. Your vanessa has improved ten folds from the first night you were here till the tourney. Also, you provided with some of the best highlights on tourney play. Wait till everyone sees his stuff against Kazu and Kyasao.

    Big Boy: Crazy Lau!!!!!!!!!! And you are a cook in real life! hahaha.. you the man!

    Adam Yuki: good to see you again. It's always fun that you can come and I wish you would have been at my pre fsb gathering. Perhaps next time.

    Ghettoshun: We meet finally. Old shun passes on to new shun. Thanks dude. Solid Vanessa. Your movement is great with her.

    Dre: Play Lei Fei next time in tourneys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    Cappo: the winner!!!!!!!!!! You giving me that headset right since you don't have a ps2 modem. lol

    imf: what can I say, your Kage continues to improve.

    blonde one: we finally got some matches before everyone came. sorry you couldn't make it to the tourneys.

    Finally last but not least, Jerky. Sorry you couldn't stay because of work. But it was awesome that you came and your Lion is now the best in North America. We had some great matches and we also had tons of fun just hanging out. You are starting to talk some shit like me now and hey, it's all good! lol. See you in Boston soon!
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: stomp's impressions of fsb!

    friendly spam guys

    well done to all that showed up
    thanks for the pics n stories !

    good stuff all ^^
  9. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Re: stomp's impressions of fsb!

    First of all, let me apologize to everyone for leaving so soon. When I realized what time it was when everyone took a break from the tourney, I had to get on the road. I wish that I could've said a formal "goodbye" to everyone, and maybe ask for a signature from Kyasao. But for what it's worth, I had a great time.

    Special props go to Jedi for booking the room and mcing the event (most of it anyway)./versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    Special props to Stompoutloud for hosting everyone. Your "game room" setup was perfect.

    Congratulations to Cappo for winning the FSB tourney. It's like you turned it up another notch or two for the tourney, which is scary because your Pai was already strong in the Kumite event. And props to the New Yorkers, IMF, Shou, Madagascar, and Kyasao for playing some excellent matches in the last leg of the singles tourney.

    Props to IMF, Blondie, and Jedi for their part in bringing Kyasao here, and props to Kyasao for coming. Kyasao, Chibita, Ohsu, Koufu Megane, NeoTower, and Nuki. If I ever meet/play Mukki, Segaru, and Arashi, I could die a happy man. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    And props to everyone for making an appearance at this event, especially the people from out of state.

    I had a great time at the tourney and gathering, and I loved playing the matches with everyone. It was great meeting the new people and seeing old faces again.

    Well, lemme try to get some sleep(ha! right) /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  10. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

  11. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Re: Results

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shou said:
    1) Cappo (FL, Pai)

    [/ QUOTE ]I said quite awhile back that I thought Cappo had one of the best fucking Pai games I had ever seen and those were from vids I saw of him losing out to IMF. Good to see you step up and take home the gold. Great Job. Also, cool as shit to see jeffrey get some love.
  12. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    other fsb week happenings

    Me, Icecold, Big Boy, Cappo, and Dre went to the olive garden after fsb. It was an interesting site. One chinese guy and four black dudes walking into retirement community based olive garden. The hostess first said that we had to wait for a table. We saw like 15 tables empty. We waited then we were ready to be seated. We get taken to the back corner and sat all by ourselves the entire time we ate there. As soon as I sat down, I said, "I would if we will have to eat outside after we get our food"? Everyone else laughed. We got segregated! hahah. jk.

    Shou has some pics of them going to the beach and burying kyasao. Someone drew some breasts on him and made some rabbit ears. That was funny.

    Jedi's japanese improved ten folds after spending a week with kazu and kyasao.

    Ghettoshun and Madagascar showed the local ucf kids how to play ddr during our break time.

    Me and Cappo went to watch Kill Bill. that movie rocked.

    more if I remember
  13. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Re: other fsb week happenings

    Congratulations to the Florida crew for setting up something like this.
    Great job by Cappo for winning, and AdamYuki for taking second place with Jeffry and Kazu on third!
    I hope that you can make this a yearly event.
  14. _Jab_King_

    _Jab_King_ Member

    Re: other fsb week happenings

    Congratz to all players! Its great to see japanese people coming overseas to play on such events. I hope one day this will happen in Germany too. Nice Pics, maybe a german Squad will come soon to the next big tournament. Nice Pics. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: other fsb week happenings

    FSB: The greatest VF gathering ever.
    Here's my shout out to everyone.

    Stomp:Huge props to you housing all the VFers. You were a great host, and I felt you as like a brother during my stay. (Especially when we both forgot to bring spoon for the chili and salad. It was funny. haha ^_^) Your Shun is much fun to behold and play against, and you did great in the team tournament. Hope to see you again in the near future.

    Jedi:Huge props to you for running and organizing this event. You did a great job. Thanks for picking me up from the airport, too. I liked your Wolf a lot.It showed a great potential to be very dangerous. Keep up the good game dude. It was very nice meeting you.

    Ghostdog: Thanks for showing up and play me until very late. Thanks to you, I could go to bed somewhat satisfied. =) I enjoyed playing against your Goh and Akira. You looked somewhat very tired thoughout the event for some reason, but you did good job representing your town. ^_^

    Dre: You are one of the people that I wanted to meet the most. As I expected, you have a solid game with many different characters. Thanks for letting me duplicate your memory card. I lost all my data in Quest, but now it is even better than ever before. =) Keep up the good games dude. You are serious!

    Blonde one: Thanks for showing up on Wednesday night and having few games with me. It was nice meeting you again. I wish things around you got more solved so that you can go back to VF again soon in the future.

    Cappo: The best ever Bermudian Pai player. Congraturations on winning FSB. The matches were great to behold. It was great meeting you and thanks for your compliments on my game play. Next time, we should play some more matches of your Pai vs my Akira. Good luck on your study and everything in Bermuda.

    IMF: The best Kage player in U.S has got even better. Watching you play just made me wow so much time. It was great to play the death match against your Kage. It was one of the most fun and intense matches I've ever had. Hope to see you again in the near future in Iowa.

    AdamYUKI: It was great to see you again. I like your passion about the game and not to mention your game play. Your Jeffry is solid as rock, and playing against you definately showed me what kinds of things I need to work on my Akira to get better. I will try my best to attend the next New York event in the future.

    Ghettoshun: Definately the best Vannessa player in U.S. I enjoyed the matches against your Vannessa so much. Thanks for the advices you gave me as well. It was all useful and made me realize what kinds of bad habits I have in the game. It was great meeting you again.

    Kazu:Taco Bell. Taco Bell. We should have gone to Taco Bell at least once for Kazu. =) Hey, except for that, wasn't it a lot of fun?
    ^_^ Thanks for showing up and letting me know how much study I need on playing against Lau. Your Lau is very strong, and I enjoyed the beat down by you. =) Until next time, take care.

    Jerky:Thanks for showing up dude. Wasn't it fun even though you had to leave early? =) I had a lot of fun playing against your Lion. Your Lion is very solid and gave me lessons on how dangerous a good Lion play can be. I wish you could stay for FSB, but we always have a next time. It was great meeting you.
    See you soon.

    Shou: My midwest buddy. I think we did great jobs representing the midwest. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif As far as the game play is concerned, am I the only one who thinks your Sarah is not cheesy at all? Well, but since we live in a society of democracy, your Sarah is cheesy since all the other people say so. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Hahaha. It was just plain fun and great hanging out with you as always. You should move to Columbus and play VF with me soon.

    Bigboy: It was nice to meet you for the first time. Your Lau is solid and fun to play against. Good job representing. ^_^ You guys should have a gathering around the time of Mardi gras.

    Icecold: Another Vanessa player who has improved rapidly thoughout the event. I think you will get much better next time we meet up again. It was very nice meeting you.

    Kyasao: The legendary Kage player. His play is just far faster and better than I expected it to be. Even more suprising is his personality. He's humble, nice, and cool so that everyone just has to enjoy hanging out with him. Thank you for making the trip to U.S. It was amazing!

    That's it from me. I hope I didn't forget anybody. ^_^ Again, it was great meeting everybody. I love VF.
  16. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Re: other fsb week happenings

    Well, it came and it went faster than I had hoped it would. FSB my first tournament that I organized is over but the aftermath will hopefully be felt for years to come.

    First I wanna give a big shout out to my co-hosts Stomp and IMF. Both these guys sacraficed a lot to see my vision of the hottest North american tournament come true.

    I also wanna thank all the players who flew in from all over to enjoy my event and making it worthwhile. Now for the individual comments.

    Team Hydra(Stomp, IMF, Blonde_One, Ghostdog, Dre, Cappo). thank you all for coming out and showing up. All the players showed that we arent all talk. We have a solid group of guys here and we are willing to go toe to toe with everyone. Dre you continue to astound me with your strength at every character while I struggle with just one. Cappo, your pai is unbelivable. The way you just turn a match around when ever you want is insane. You had won this thing from the start in my opinion. IMF, my mentor, what can I say, sometimes I get on your nerves, sometimes you get on mine, but your one of my best friends and the guy who has shown me how to play VF. I dont know if I would still be playing VF without you. Just deal with my shit for a little more and I promise Ill imporve my game. Ghostdog, Testsujin Amerika-jin. The american Iron man. You dont stop, no one has as much love and determination as you. I think you beat yourself up alot. If you just let go of the worry you would come out on top all the time. Blonde_One, SWG baby, Ill see you on naritus.

    Nelson and Adam Yuki(and the rest of the NY crew)
    First I want to say that what ever problems we have had as two crews, or what ever problems I have caused, I hope they are squashed. Nelson your vanessa is calculated and mean. You dont ever miss opportunitys. You may not be as well versed at all the situations, but you never miss the opportunitys you are given. You are a strong player, and a stronger person. IM glad I got to meet you "kun" Adam, you are definately one of the people who is going to put america on the map. Continue playing and I promise you I will continue to strive to be at your level. Your the man, and I hope we can stay friends this time /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    To the rest of the NY crew, especially Sal. I apologize for anything I ever did to upset you guys. As adam will atest, I dont want anamocity between us, I would rather have friendship. I know i have pissed a lot of you off, mainly sal, but I hope you can see past that and give me a second chance. We should all just be cool with one another and play together.

    I was sorry to see you go dog, but there will be a next time. Your lion is very strong and you have gotten so good at VF its scary. I remember when I could smoke you like a virginia slim, but now your a tough tough opponent lol. See you in March homie, get that japanese down.


    If one thing could be said about your gameplay, its shocking. You shocked us all, you are perhaps one of the most improved players in VF. Adam said it himself. You my friend are going to be on top at what ever tourney you go to next. I have never met a nicer guy and someone who is so hungry for VF. Anytime you wanna come to florida and hang out let know.

    Kazu, I didnt get to play a whole lot of VF with you, but I did hang out with you a bunch. You are a cool cat and a good friend. I hope our friendship can grow and we can continue to play VF together. Maybe next time I will visit you in New York. You also need to get ready for march, im going to Need a translator.

    You cheesy bitch, thanks for the seven bucks, I didnt forget i just couldnt make it to erics house before you left, Next time your in orlando Dinner on me. Your sarah is good and its not just cause no one plays against sarah. You have become a good friend and I hope to play you again in the future very soon.

    The baton rouge boys, its hard being the rookie crew but you guys do it with a dignity and determination that everyone should strive for. you both have improved your game ten fold since I saw you at tit. I hope to continue seeing good things come out of the Dirty Dirty.

    Finally but not least My homie Kyasao. I dont know what to say dude. We hit it off and it was a blast hanging out with you. Your a class act and Im glad to have gotten to know you as well as I did. I cant wait to be riding around in the sti on the mean streets on tokyo in march. Your VF play is legendary but its nothing compared to how much of kind and cool person you are. I was sad to see you go dude. But Ill see you soon(and well go see some more strippers)

    Well I hope i got everyone, but if I did miss you im sorry
    I hope everyone will be able to make it to FSB2004, cause its going to be hot. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: other fsb week happenings

    Good job guys. Sounds like 2 Great VF tournaments happened this year. For those who went to both EVO2k3 and FSB. What were the differences. I'm interested in knowing more about this.
    Also if you can seperate FSB and EVO a little bit more it would help a lot. So that I can make it next year.

    p.s. Jedi revenge will be mine /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  18. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Re: other fsb week happenings

    FSB was a VF4 only tournament thats the biggest diffrence. So you didnt have guys who play SCII signing up for vf just to see how they would do. lol

    I think if EVO wanted I could help them with the VF portion of their tournament. Put all my resources towards it. Or FSB can continue on its own.
  19. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: other fsb week happenings

    First of all I'd like to thank Jedi and IMF for setting everything up. I can't believe we had that much space! /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
    I hope we get a similar location next year. Also, thanks to Stomp for the best hospitality before the tournament. Once again, congratulations to Cappo.

    Like all the great players, he likes to have fun (which I think is the most important thing). He has a great sense of humor, so there was never a dull moment. Hopefully we can bring him back next year and also take a trip to Japan.

    Team NY:
    I had fun playing against Adam, Nelson, and Kazu. You guys are all hardcore. I'm sure we'll see each other again soon.

    You've obviously trained hard, and we all witnessed your skills during the tournament. Good, strong, agressive style.

    You cheesy bitch! jk /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
    I wish I didn't have to leave so soon on Monday, but the matches we had were fun. I hope I can make it to E8.

    Great matches as usual guys. You've improved since the last time we met in Texas. If I can get the time off, I'll visit you next year.

    Good to see you again. Sorry you had to leave before the main tournament, but the team battle at Stomp's house was awesome. I hope you had fun during your short stay.

    Thanks to everyone who showed up. See you all next year!
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: other fsb week happenings

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jedi said:

    I think if EVO wanted I could help them with the VF portion of their tournament. Put all my resources towards it. Or FSB can continue on its own.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    EVO would definitely benefit from your assistance, but it would be nice to see FSB evolve into something bigger every year (it's also a great reason for us to visit Florida).

    Tough call.

    Congratulations on a great event.

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