HOWTO: Mod VSHG single switch PS3 / X360

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by KoD, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    If you have a PC or cordless phone headset lying around, have you tried using that? I find it works more reliably with the extension than the official xbox headset.
  2. Cowdisease

    Cowdisease Member

    I couldn't fit an official 360 headset to the joystick anyway. If you notice the picture I posted, there's a simple headset plug on the left side of the joystick, so I have to use my cellphone headset.

    The issue is that I'm not hooking up my headset directly into the Mad Catz headset port. 001 had to use a Radio Shack headset extension cable to hook up the Mad Catz headset port with the hole he made on the left side of the joystick due to the limited space inside the VSHG. I think the combo of the Radio Shack headset extension cable and a USB 2.0 extension cable is what disables the headset functionality.
  3. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    I'm using a usb extension cable, the radioshack headset extension cable, and a cordless phone headset. It works. Different PCB (microcon vs arcade stick) could be the issue.
  4. Cowdisease

    Cowdisease Member

    That's very interesting. If any of you VSHG modders have to use the Mad Catz Arcade Stick for your next project, please test the headset port with a USB extension cable and without a headset extension cable. It could very well be that the Mad Catz Arcade Stick PCB does not play nice with a USB extension cable.
  5. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    I'm about to do a VSHG mod with the MadCatz Arcade stick, I'll test it but I don't have a usb extension cable yet. Might get one later today, I'll report back my results.
  6. EastX

    EastX Member

    How about connecting a GameCube controller or Hori Wii stick in addition to the 360 and VSHG PCBs, is that possible?
  7. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Yes, as long as they use a common ground setup. Same basic idea (connect the grounds, +5v, signals), you just dont need a switch, b/c the cube (or whatever) controller is only plugged in when it needs to be.

    Voltage difference between usb and other console might cause problems, but i doubt it. Definitely dont have more than one system plugged in at a time.
  8. EastX

    EastX Member

    Thanks, KoD! Wow. I think the Pelican 3-system (Xbox/PS2/GC) PCB is common ground. Can you imagine having a stick that supports all 3 current gen systems plus the PS2/PS1/GameCube as well? That's mind-bogglingly useful! I'm ordering a Virtua Stick High Grade this week. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    BTW, have people done many aesthetic mods of the VSHG stick? I like to personalize my stuff, but it doesn't look like changing the stick and buttons would be too easy since it's got those yellow mini-buttons at the top. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif
  9. EastX

    EastX Member

    Man, I just found this thread at Shoryuken, which says that the VSHG has problems registering a diagonal direction + 3 buttons at once.
    Have you noticed any problems like that on either console, KoD?
  10. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I haven't. VF5 works fine with it. Might just be a PC problem or a specific stick problem ?
  11. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    works fine with vf5 or you would hear alot of people complaining about things like low throws or stance changing.

    there is supposedly problems in mame using the original vshg ps3 pcb but if you do the mod and have a 360 pcb in there as well you would just switch to 360 mode to play your mame games. i don't use mame so i haven't really tested.

    tekken 5dr is the one game you will have problems with though if you use brian since he has a 3 button taunt move which is used in alot of his combos.

    i tried ps2 backwards compatibility games like alpha 2 and tekken 5 and had no problems with 3 presses in doing stuff like zangief lariat, custom combo, level 3 supers, or brian's taunt.
  12. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    I can confirm now that the headset port will NOT work with a usb extension cable just as Cowdisease has mentioned. I bought a belkin 10ft extension cable, and everything works fine except the mic input. I have a VSHG with the madcatz arcade as the pcb.

    The mic input works only without the extension cable, this means having to get a wireless headset if you want to use an extension cable and chat on 360, oh well...
  13. EastX

    EastX Member

    Thanks, Jide and 001. It does seem that the people with problems are mostly experiencing them on the PC end. I'm more worried about PS3/PS2 performance, so I guess I should be fine.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure which 360 PCBs are in my HGs. I do have some headset weirdness and I use USB extension cables. My headset will work if I have it plugged in when I turn my 360 on. If I plug it in after I power-up, it often doesn't function. I have been able to get it running again by unplugging my controller from the extension and plugging it back in. I'll try playing without an extension later today and see what happens.
  15. Cowdisease

    Cowdisease Member

    If you were able to implement resistors on the triggers similar to what is described here to trick the PCB into thinking that they're digital buttons, could the triggers then work in this dual-system mod?
  16. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    I've got resistors on my triggers. They work, but still will (infrequently) activate even if nothing's touching them; I just leave them disabled in button config.

    I'm sure its a solvable problem, but why bother? There aren't any worthwhile games that you'd use a stick for that use more than 6 main buttons anyway, are there?
  17. simplygriff

    simplygriff Member

    So if I want to add a PSX PCB for use with converters to my VSHG, could I just solder in some wires from the back of the VSHG PCB to the correct spots on a PSX PCB, and connect the grounds and +3.3v of each PCB together? Is it really that simple?
  18. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it really is that simple

    (assuming 5v for the usb vs 3.3v for the psx doesnt matter, which I dont think it will)
  19. simplygriff

    simplygriff Member

    Wow... Guess I need to get me a soldering iron and some wire then. Thanks for the confirmation.

    According to something I read Toodles post on SRK, 5v to 3.3v won't matter.
  20. Guayaba

    Guayaba Member

    so like wow i didnt read everything but this looks damn hard for me to even attempt maybe a visual would of worked but ty for how to do

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