How to do low throw?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by chrono, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    lol, man thats a mean burn.
  2. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Pad or stick; which one is easier to use? It's just a matter of getting used to either pad or stick. There's no really notable difference between them. My opinion is that those 'pad is cheating because I can't win those using them' should learn how to play this game and think twice before they start whining about this kind of things. I, too, use pad and I can say that it just needs getting used to if you've used stick all the time.
  3. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ryadus said:

    Pad or stick; which one is easier to use? It's just a matter of getting used to either pad or stick. There's no really notable difference between them. My opinion is that those 'pad is cheating because I can't win those using them' should learn how to play this game and think twice before they start whining about this kind of things. I, too, use pad and I can say that it just needs getting used to if you've used stick all the time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lolericalnonbabbles It wouldn't be funny if he was trying to be sarcastic
  4. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    Just think of how easy it is to do throw escapes when all you have to press is 'Left + R1, Right + R1, Down + R1..... it means that even the most amateur of players can do TTEG without fail.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1) And just how do you hold G in the end of that sequence genius?
    2) You can't do ETTEG ingame. Period.
    3) Travel distance, and hence speed, between inputs as 4p+g and 6p+g becomes slower on a pad then on a stick, your thumb doesn't move as fast as a flicking wrist. That's why people buy sticks in the first place.

    And then your next post goes to say that execution is a problem in highlevel play and honestly seem to believe that execution is easier with a pad in general? That, my friend, is drivel - not Aoi_Me's post. You shouldn't use words like 'drivel' or 'embaressing' in the first place when you're not sure of your thing.

    "As for stick users having an advantage, I am much inclined to think that the person who has 'Throw Escape' and 'Tech Roll'. assigned to one button has the advantage. Not to mention the fact that you can hammer on all the buttons on the pad, making staggering and rolling from the ground much easier."

    Go ask 2d players to do Giefs 360x2 throw with pad telling them they're at a advantage.

    "The fact is, you are cheating. Think about it, if someone was to have the entire input for SPoD on one button, would you have a problem if someone had the max damage Yoho on one button, what about EQTEG???"

    You can't bind SpoD to a button from within the game, you can bind buttons. It's not cheating, no matter how much you want it, unless your playing a tourney where the rules clearly state it as such. No matter how you try to generalize (and poorly so).

    If you loose to a pad player he's playing better then you, no matter what binds within the game he has. End of story morning glory.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again with the dribble. Are you sure you aren't RandomHajile?

    Once again, from the beggining.....

    "And just how do you hold G in the end of that sequence genius?"

    You press up + R1, Down +R1, Back + R1 then press and hold your guard button. Not hard, I used to do it myself before I realised it was cheating.....

    ") You can't do TTEG ingame. Period."

    Umm, By ETTEG you do mean Evade Triple Throw Escape Guard, right? If so, then you are lying, it can be done because, well, it just can.

    "3) Travel distance, and hence speed, between inputs as 4p+g and 6p+g becomes slower on a pad then on a stick, your thumb doesn't move as fast as a flicking wrist. That's why people buy sticks in the first place"

    This I agree with, but this doesn't mean that you have to try and balance out a minor disadvantage with another advantage, it doesn't work that way. If you don't have a stick (which is what the game is meant to be played on) then you have to be willing to suffer the consequences.

    "And then your next post goes to say that execution is a problem in highlevel play and honestly seem to believe that execution is easier with a pad in general? That, my friend, is drivel - not Aoi_Me's post. You shouldn't use words like 'drivel' or 'embarrassing' in the first place when you're not sure of your thing."

    OK, like I explained in enough depth, NO ONE CAN DO EVERY SINGLE HARD-To-INPUT TECHNIQUE 100% WITHOUT FAIL.
    As for thinking pad's improve inputs, no, if a pad is used without have EXTRA BUTTONS TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR AMATEURS, then we should all agree that a stick is better, but when you start cheating, well........

    "Go ask 2d players to do Giefs 360x2 throw with pad telling them they're at a advantage."

    Don't have a clue about Street Fighter, so no comment.

    "You can't bind SpoD to a button from within the game, you can bind buttons. It's not cheating, no matter how much you want it, unless your playing a tourney where the rules clearly state it as such. No matter how you try to generalize (and poorly so). "

    You miss the point, I am not saying you can bind SpoD, what I am saying is that you are making things easier for yourself by have ANY MULTIPLE BUTTON ASSIGNMENTS. The SPoD analogy was just a more extreme version of the same circumstance.

    Someone else said:
    "Pad, shoulder button using players still have to guess the throw escape direction or whether to throw escape at all."

    While this is true, the same applies to stick users, the difference being that stick users have to press all the relevant buttons......

    Another comment was:
    "My opinion is that those 'pad is cheating because I can't win those using them' should learn how to play this game and think twice before they start whining about this kind of things. I, too, use pad and I can say that it just needs getting used to if you've used stick all the time"

    I have yet to come across a pad user who can beat me (except Elite). I have no issue with losing to a pad player. Weather I win/lose/draw, the issue of using EXTRA BUTTONS still remains.

  5. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    the more ergonomic layout of buttons on a joystick makes them easier to press both simultaneously and in rapid succession thereby putting stick players at an advantage
  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Painty_J said:

    the more ergonomic layout of buttons on a joystick makes them easier to press both simultaneously and in rapid succession thereby putting stick players at an advantage

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only true if people use extra buttons. The use of a stick allows people to use their wrist muscles which are faster than thumb muscles. If a pad is used with the correct buttons only, then the stick player will have the advantage, which is why it should be played on a stick. Pad players shouldn't resort to cheap-ass cop-outs and start using more buttons than the game was designed for.
  7. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    What cheap-ass additional buttons? You mean a pad player would change his buttons just to make it easier to play the game or what? I think all the pad players consider the given buttons and commands good and won't change them because they have got used to them. You're starting to sound childish, Ev2. Stop this nonsense and learn how to play! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Umm, By TTEG you do mean Triple Throw Escape Guard, right? If so, then you are lying, it can be done because, well, it just can.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shaun, in terms of actual frames it is impossible to do TTEG.

    You can do QTE (see challenge mode) and Ryan Hart has shown you can do E-QTEG but it in terms of buffering 3 TEs and holding G on the end to register a guard, in frame terms it's not possible.

    Check out Hiro's memo to see why exactly.


    Here's Hiro's post:

    [ QUOTE ]
    4.Throw escape Guard (TEG)
    This can be used ONLY WHEN you have –8 and above. Then, you can input
    TE and G before you can start to move. Note that since you are utilizing the
    first half of the throw escape time frame, you can NOT really input more than 2
    TE. (Even 2 is hard enough to do consistently.)
    There are two parts for the throw escape time frame. i.e. before you get
    thrown and after you get thrown. In VF3, you had 10 frames each. (I don’t know
    how many frames in VF4.) However, when you do TEG, you have to be holding G
    when you can start to move, you can only use the first half of throw escapable
    With this technique, you can escape one (or two) throws, fastest and
    delayed mid attacks, and circular attacks. (After defending Jacky’s b,f+K+G,
    you have +15. Considering that he does not have any strong low attack, this
    technique is useful.)
    Vulnerable against delayed throws and low attacks. But, after you get
    hit by most of low attack, you have +3 to +7, so it’s fine.

    As an exception, you can use TEG even when throws are not guaranteed.
    This can be done if you get thrown by the throw after which you can QR and TR
    such as Giant Swing. This technique is, in particular, useful against Wolf and
    Brad, since you can QR and TR after their main throws. (Could be used against
    Akira (b,f+P+G, db,f+P+G), Lau ((CR)-f+P+G, b,df+P+G), Jacky (df,df+P+G), Lion
    (b,db,d,df,f+P+G,df,df+P+G), etc.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh and Ryadus, Ev2 knows full well how to play the game and has played consistently better than our local players on stick and pad for the last year and a half or so.
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Actually ment Evade then throw escape. As far as I am aware you get more time to throw escape if you evade first.

    As for pad players changing their buttons, why not? I did.
    I am not really bothered if people want to use EXTRA BUTTONS, but the moment they do they have an advantage, even if it only helps with staggering/quick rising, as there are more buttons to press.
  10. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    It just didn't sound like Ev2 was a good player when he kept on mocking those using the pad and extra buttons. But since I was wrong I think I've to apologize. But I still think that it's only making harder when you change the original buttons because you must've got used to them. It's true that it helps staggering. Actually, I changed my buttons when I completed the Stagger Challenge /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    Again with the dribble. Are you sure you aren't RandomHajile?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah I'm sure. Why the hell do you keep on pissing in the fire saying stuff like that? WTH has RandomHajile got to do with this and why am I being compared to him by you?

    Do you think anybody is actually dumb enough to believe your "Actually ment Evade then throw escape." cause you edited all your posts after LM_Akira's attempt to help you understand?

    [ QUOTE ]

    You press up + R1, Down +R1, Back + R1 then press and hold your guard button. Not hard, I used to do it myself before I realised it was cheating.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For starters, you're a retard for not just holding G (on another button) while using your assigned p+g button and pressing the sequence. In fact making it so that you have to press one more button then you should need to - in actual gameplay time that would mean your effectivly doing QTEG speed things - which I sure as hell doubt you're at the level to do on your pad (or in life). Oh wait, that was supposed to be EVADE TTEG right? By the way, since you've edited your posts making really silly quotes that have never been said (WTF?) etc as a result... you should really edit in a *evade command* as a start in that chain of what to press and what not.

    Don't fucking missquote people should go without saying kk thx.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ev2; Here's a question for you - how do you do *proper* staggerrecovery technique in VF and recover the fastest? This would help you understand the Gief 360x2 example... No? Still doesn't ring a bell?

    Answer; You twirl the stick (hard) since every direction equals an input. Normally 1.5-2 twirls. It's not about "mashing buttons", atleast not on highlevel and the really hard to get out of things. And since you've agreed with me that the wrist is faster than the thumb you should fucking understand that you can twirl the stick two spins faster on a stick then on a pad - please do explain to me about the superiority that padusers have in stagger / recovery situations while playing VF in a normal setting once more. I'm really eager to hear it.

  12. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Using pad button assignments doesn't do squat for the player. They will lose to a better player wearing the black or summertime dress with floral patterns they just bought. Futhermore it is not cheating - the game provides the option itself!

    This is a general reply.
  13. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    just to expand on what jerky said:

    try pressing p,k,p,g,k,p rapidly on a pad. now try it on a stick. which is easier? how long does it take to be able to do the sequence quickly on pad vs stick. how about P+k, P+g, K+g, P+k, p+k+g?

    if all you do is use face buttons on the pad, its easier and quicker to learn on a stick. if you use shoulder buttons mapped out to the commands you might be able to keep up pace with much less practice, but to be able to mash out the same sequence on stick and on pad you ahve to put in alot more practice on the pad.

    so who gives a flipping shit about using shoulders mapped out to multi-inputs on the pad. if you're some faggot who thinks your better because you use a stick then you probably should go here instead.
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I remember when I was young.... like 12 or something.... and I bought this programmable controller for my SNES. I thought I would have been king at SFII with the controller, but then it made me suck even more cause the inputs would fuckup and stuff if try to access the programmed moves while I'm playing. I think I used it for about 30 mins or so, and then I never used it again.

    Wow, I knew the difference when I was 12.
  15. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Good mother of god I despised that controller. I remember that in order to reverse the directions of a programmed input (236 to 214 when on 2p side) you had to hold forward ....

    Now kiddies, we all know what move you get when you do 623 instead of 236 - SHORYUKEN

    I hated that piece of shit. Thanks for bringing back painful memories Srider.

    P.S get out of my country kthnx
  16. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    srider you dont know the difference between recording a macro and binding a button to multiple inputs
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    It makes no difference in light of the argument at hand.

    Why learn to do the same thing with an extra button? I'm not advocating anything, but if the game only ask you to use 3 buttons... why would anyone want to make it more complicated?
  18. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    I have to agree pad will never match the stick in input & speed. & if you think I am wrong then you don't know how good I am w/ a pad.
  19. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    A lot of talk about how people can't afford buying a stick.

    But the truth is that with the price of a couple of DualShocks you can get a good stick, not RAP, but a good stick.

    Is really hard to get the money for that?

    Please forgive my ignorance, I live in the Dominican Republic that is a country that in economics terms is always in trouble.

    So let's see: A US$65 Stick is RD$1,950.00 and for bringing the stick from the US and Custom Fee (something that you guys don't need to pay) could be another RD$1,500.00 for a total of RD$3,450.00

    Now someone working at a FastFood place could get that in a month. So take that taking 2 month you can gather the money.

    I really wonder how hard is for people that lives in the US to have a Joystick.

    Heta Akira

    Please excuse my English (is my second language).
  20. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    What's RD$? Is it same current as original dollar or some kind of Dominc Republic own current? Ordering a stick from US really can't cost thousands of dollars, can't it? Shoot! If I'm ever gonna buy a stick, I truly hope there're sticks available here in Finland.

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