How to beat Low Punch with this monkey girl

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by ThePrince, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. JF_

    JF_ Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to meet you with immediate disagreement, Srider, but I think you're taking this out of context. Just because LP might be the easiest, guaranteed option doesn't mean one shouldn't search for one that results in more damage and more options.

    Your advice is usually great, and you are respected for a reason, but understand when they take your advice with a grain of salt. They'll learn quick enough what works best for them.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    No worries, eventually you'll learn to use it, and see why it's important to not avoid using it.
  3. SkatanMilla

    SkatanMilla Well-Known Member

    I think the reason some people that are trying to get good refrain from using it is because they are afraid of playing like the kn3wbs that simply does nothing else but spam out those 2P's like there's no tomorrow.
    I on the other hand don't use 2P enough because I simply haven't worked it that well into my game yet, right now I rely more on crushing, sabakis and evading to get out of situations where a 2P might have sufficed.
    But I do intend to learn how to use 2P well at some point, I'm still new to the game.

    edit: Oh, and if people are worried about what they should use because the best stuff doesn't work online, keep using the best stuff even if it doesn't work, that's what I do because it will benefit you the most in the end.
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Let me just say one other thing. I used to think that if I perfected ETEG or ARE, then it will be very difficult for my opponent to beat me.

    All that it did was make me very very predictable.

    You simply need to mix things up, and I just can't stress enough the importance of using LP intelligently. Don't spam it, do it once and hit check it, if it hits, do a mid/throw. If it gets blocked, CD back/fuzzy/do another one, cause that's what VF is about.
  5. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    I agree with you and I am not in favour of style over practicality and winning, I'll just assume you're directing this advice at someone else. LP will never ever be the only one option available to you. Don't forget that "Because it makes for a really boring game if we only retalliate with LP" was only one of the reasons I gave and it's a valid one, because if a game ever did make you always resort to one move to get out of one particular situation it would be a shit one. VF is not like that.

    I love LP, when I do it, I was just discussing ways of beating it when it's done against you.

    Freyja makes a good point too.
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I completely agree. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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