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How hard is VF compared to other FGs?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira


    I think the problem is that other games tend to have mechanics and gameplay elements that make the games seem more accessible than they really are, in Tekken you can just mash out cool looking stuff, we have simple to perform supers and comeback mechanics in practically every other game. If I can shoot a 90ft wide laser across the screen i'm going to feel confident that i'm doing something right even if I haven't begun to scratch the surface of the games depth.

    I agree that VF can be difficult to grasp, i've played since VF1 and I practically knew nothing till Evo came along and shown me how to play.

    Edit: Only just realised that Po's posting just to call VF boring x500 again. Need to learn to stop taking this guy seriously [​IMG]
  3. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    That's been a huge issue for me, in getting newcomers genuinely interested in the game. I love a good Quest or Story mode, myself. I think it gives motivation to repetitively fighting AI, however slight that motivation may be. But, as you said, the game's lack of flashy bullcrap turns people off almost immediately, and its reputation for challenging combat certainly precedes actual play. I won't lie and say that I don't feel a sense of pride in being the minority of gamers perceptive enough to be a devoted VF player, though not in so many words as Po said.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    This game is more cerebral than visual I'll agree with that.
  5. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    EPISODE 6: VIRTUA FIGHTER 3 vs DEAD OR ALIVE 2 vs TEKKEN 3, ft Kung Fu Master

    Thought this was interesting. Great documentary that helps explain the technicality with VF, and other games.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    C'mon Feck.... You know when I used boring and VF in the same sentence, I'm presenting it from the view of the ppl who don't like VF. I'm on record many many many many times saying that I am the ultimate VF fanboy, I think its the best fighting game on the planet, and I hate fireballs, lighting, super punches, kangeroos, magical flying samurai, fighting kodiacs/panda, power meters, flying pirates, characters that can disappear and then reappear behind you or on top you etc.

    To me excitement in a fighting game, comes from being involved in or watching a fully functional, complete, advanced, no nonsense fighting system being put through its paces by two or more ppl who have achieved high to advanced levels of play with characters whose movelists they've mastered and can deploy at will, with as much creativity and improvisation as they see fit. AFAIC no nonsense fighting systems do have one hit kills, power up moves, power meters, invisibility,rage, super punches/kicks etc. There are no animals (e.g. kangeroos, donkeys, panda, kodiak) in no nonsense fighting games (AFAIC)

    When I post VF is boring I'm referring to how its perceived by many outsiders. If I thought VF was boring, I would not be approaching 150,000 fights in the series. Yes to my fans and h8ters since VF4 I've accumlated almost 150,000 fights. Granted the majority of these are against the various AI's available in VF4, VF4Evo, and VF5, but I'm not embarassed. There's no shame in my game. So I've been a little banged up by the VF AI [​IMG] I won't mention how many of the 150,000 fights are loses [​IMG] Now for those of you that immediately
    say to yourself playin the AI is not the same as playing against real opponents of course I know and agree with this with this caveat:

    Not everybody plays VF like an AI, but VF AI's all play like somebody[/size] [​IMG]

    Yes VF is exciting to the insiders, the elite players that truly love the game. Yes VF is boring to most other fighting game players in comparison to their favorite fighting game.

    Yes VF fails the buttonmashibility test.

    True Story:
    This past Easter Weekend, I'm messin around with some of my nieces and nehphews, and couple of the neighborhood
    kids, showin them what the old man's still can do with a stick. And we're playin Tekken 6, and one of the young girls, about 18 or 19 never played a fighting game before picked Christine (I guess since she one of the few female fighters of color in Tekken) I saw her mash her way to victory 2 or 3 times against some of the other kids who were also mashing, she almost beat me once but of course I was mashing with Lei Wulong, the reason I bring this up in this thread, is because intially VF was in the PS3 and up on screen it wasn't in the game menu's yet so it was just playin the intro over and over.

    My peeps passed by the screen several times, and eventually asked me did I have anything else, like Tekken. VF (even the intro) just is not attractive to the majority of ppl. And those that are attracted to it typically find it harder to play.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Nice, a small group of casual players you know happened to find VF (even the intro) boring. [​IMG]
  8. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    I would say that others over complicate the difficulty, because it's just a video game. It is easy to understand the simplicity, but to be more competent, it should be treated as a moderate chore, like with other fighting games. Specific fighting games tend to focus on special move importance and higher execution from alternative combos and strategy, which is different from the guessing strategy and bad habit exploitation that Virtua Fighter emphasis on more, also with non-traditional fighting games.

    While everyone has their learning speeds, I would say that the genre have been an equal measure in difficulty from my experience. I do not think it is fair to compare different fighting systems.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter



    YO Feck: Look into my eyes... I've got 3 quotes for you.

    "Five hundred. … 500 fights, that’s the number I figured when I was a kid. 500 street fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate tough guy. You need them for experience. To develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But then, after, you realize that’s what you are."

    "You won't truly know some one until you fight them"

    "What is more yielding than water? Yet, back it comes again, wearing down the ridged strength, which cannot stand to its strength. What is more forceful than quite water?"

    Never let it be said, that I didn't try to tell yall in hundred
    different ways.

    I really did
  10. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    STFU Master Troll. Writing a wall of gibberish does not equal literacy, but rather makes you more insecure and insane with each post. We are sick of you trying desperately to gain a modicum of respect and relevancy online because you obviously don't have any.
  11. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    I would like to take back what i said about VF5 being hard. I repeat, i would like to take back what i said earlier in this thread.

    I was just being lazy,lol. It requires time and effort like anything worthwhile in life. Chief Flash hit the nail on the head with his response earlier. If you can read and follow instructions then you can learn VF. In fact,im a firm believer that anyone can become good at any fighter its just a matter of how bad you want to.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Nil Poi
  13. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Speak for yourself man, I enjoy his posts. Starts my day off right.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Who the fuck is we? Po understands the forcefulness of quite water? So many unanswered interrogative statements!
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    We are known and unknown.
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Wii are known. Wee are known.
  17. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I thought we are Legion or Venom?
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    We are the borg?
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Definition of Troll For Hyunster

    I'm just sayin Hyunster if the shoe fits LOL

    Anyway you already respect me and I already have relevancy online with you. You simply have a juvenile way of showing it [​IMG]

    That word 'modicum' did you look that up just to use it in your post about me or did you borrow it from one of my previous posts [​IMG] "no just kiddin hyun"

    Hyunster, Hyunster... Hyunster.... LOL I love you man. I'm sure you fight just like you post ( I know I do LOL).
    You know there is an old Africasian saying: "Fools rush in where the brave dare not go"

    Let me ask you are you out of breath yet Homie?

    Being the totally effective troll that you really are, you have successfully derailed the tread at least momentarily.

    Here is what the matter at hand is in this thread: How hard is VF compared to other FGs. Well., let's try to get the tread back on track, shall we.

    Even if we charitably would like to say that VF is not hard, we can still say that in general it is perceived to be harder than the other fighting games. Now, focus Hyunster. When I post in general, I mean, something more than 50% of the fighting game population that has ever tried, or played VF perceive it to be harder to play. So for those of you arguing that VF is not hard. Okay let's run with that, but you have to accept that in general or most people, or something more than 50% of folks who have tried it, feel that its harder than most fighting games.

    Of course for a minority of ppl harder sometimes leads to more enjoyable, a bigger challenge, more rewarding. That's why a lot of us that play VF play it. But for many many players, harder means, not fun, not enjoyable, in some cases even boring [Shout out to B_Feck Goes Here]. I guess the best place to post this thread would have been on"


    We might get more informed answers from some of the players that have tried VF but put it down in favor of other fighting games. I can only give anectdotal evidence, testimonies from tournaments gone by, eye witness accounts, and all of the empirical evidence that I have, says that even if VF is not hard, its harder than the other fighting games (or at least perceived so).
  20. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    MasterTroll, you confusing train-wreck attention (and amusement) with respect and relevancy is a proof positive that you are a troll. Out of all the trolls I have met online since 1993 (when I first had an access to internet) you are positively the most pathetic. I did not derail this thread. Any thread with you babbling about water or kung fu is already derailed.

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