How do u hold ur joystick?

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by social_ruin, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. verdisQUO

    verdisQUO Member

    I'm using a combination of the wineglass and the no homo. This feels the most comfortable for me.
  2. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    it's kind of a half-wineglass.

    shaft between middle and ring fingers, with my index and thumb on the ball top.
  3. Tolarus

    Tolarus New Member

    A combination of the no homo and the wine glass, but I might try the actual wine glass to see if it feels better.
  4. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    I use a "no homo" variant. I think I saw a video a while ago, saying Daigo used it, and have been using it since.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I use the MONKEY grip and sometimes switch into no homo. My fingers really chaff on the shaft though so I stay away from the no homo style. I grew up on Bat sticks so the MONKEY grip just feels natural.
  6. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    Same as Tricky. I used "no homo"-style for 2D fighters before I came to VF. Then I switched to Monkey grip. How ironic, since I play Eileen I don't only play a monkey style character, according to that video I actually play like a monkey myself lol.
  7. MegaMaN85

    MegaMaN85 Well-Known Member

    Like Tricky, I use either the monkey or the no-homo as all the arcades near me up until recent were all bats so it just feels more natural and comfortable to me.
  8. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    Relaxed monkey grip. So that the hypothenar eminence and little finger of my hand is always resting on the joystick's dashboard, and I use the 1st 4 fingers of my hand plus some slight motions from my wrist to move the stick.

    That uses all the fine muscles of your hand. Using more proximal grips like the wineglass means you're relying more on just your wrist and not so much your fingers.

    I only started using the joystick's buttons in VF format. I finally realized that it's actually easier than programming other buttons for button combinations. By using only P, K, G, my buttons hand never has to move to reach other buttons, and my PKG fingers stay in contact with the buttons at all times.

    That's why I used to prefer the joypad for VF. Because I totally screwed myself over with the joystick's buttons.
  9. Kamamura_CZ

    Kamamura_CZ Member

    The Grip of Doom seems good when you want to rip the stick from the base in a fit of rage and drive it through the other player's eye.
  10. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I thought I had posted in this thread years ago. I use my thumb and first two fingers to hold the ball, and then have the other two fingers resting for support.
  11. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    I kind of use a loose Monkey grip, but after watching that video I'm thinking of transitioning to Wineglass. I have an American-style fight stick and Wineglass actually feels pretty natural with it.
  12. Kamamura_CZ

    Kamamura_CZ Member

    I have started with a "just grab it" intuitive grip, but I have realized that certain direction is always "less ready" since I was shifting the grip involuntarily to accommodate the expected direction - this made me less ready in one direction at all times.

    So I am sort of forcing myself to the wineglass (I still sometimes fall back to the old grip), but I have found out that Wineglass actually offers much more precise control with subtler hand moves. I don't know how anyone can use "Grip of Doom".
  13. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i use Wineglass for now. started out with Monkey Grip but that wasn't too comfortable so i've tried Wineglass and it's not bad so far.

    EDIT: i'm using more of a mix of Monkey and Wineglass or i guess it could be a modified Eagle grip but it's not exactly Wineglass anymore
  14. capt_catalina

    capt_catalina Well-Known Member

    I tend to use Monkey grip when using a Bat-Top/Suzo stick.
    My balltop grip has my index resting across the top, pinching the sides with my thumb and index. Kinda like a claw grip for a mouse.
  15. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    Guess I'm a hybrid, I hold it 'no homo' but open handed and flick the stick 'eagle' style between my thumb and middle finger, unless I'm playing 2D fighters then I use the traditional 'no homo' with the full grip :cool:
  16. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    Tsumaki Kid
    usually mix it up with wineglass or standard position but I'm really favoring wineglass.
  17. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    I hold mine in wine glass when I move left to right, and standard when I move right to left. Although I generally kinda roll my hand all around the controller as I play. It's a a thing that comes natural where I just kinda get my hand in position where I can hit my direction easiest. But idk maybe it actually hinders me lol.
  18. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    I've never seen anyone use most of these methods, I simply have the stick resting between my thumb and pointer finger, sometimes I have the shaft between my pinky and ring finger while doing this, "no homo" style. joystick motions are all done with wrist movement just using fingers and hand to guide the ball.

    I think this is pretty standard, very similar visually to the no homo but completely different because the thumb is very important and you don't guide the joystick with your pinky/ring fingers, you just have them there for a good wrist angle.

    same method I use with american sticks actually.... I don't think anyone tightly grips the stick with all their fingers, at least nobody who is good with a stick. Joystick holding is a preference thing for sure but gripping any joystick with your fist at any angle is going to have you doing every movement with your slow ass stupid arm and not your fast precise awesome wrists.
  19. Im getting one of these in a few days with the fanta stick upgrade.
    This, in case you didn't know, is a korean sitck, the diferance between it and a japanese stick is that there is no gate and that it's got a bat top rather then a ball
    Im getting it for tekken and i want to use it for VF as well, but would i hold it how you usally would (monkey grip was it?), like this

    or diferantly and is it better to use a japanese stick?
  20. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    the only thing i know about Korean sticks is that they require 4 ground wires (one for each direction) instead of just one for a Sanwa/Seimitsu assembly. so, you'll either have to daisy-chain the ground wires somehow, or you'll have to solder them all to a common ground point on the PCB. i'd consider a Korean joystick if the ground setup wasn't so different from the Sanwa assembly.

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