"How Deep is to Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

Discussion in 'General' started by Condor, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    Condor said:

    wow.......thanks for the grammar lesson mr.english teacher.

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    Oh, you actually thanked me for some advice this time? Unlike when you PM'd me asking for Akira advice to which I gave you, what I thought was, a pretty good reply. I got nothing back, not even a simple "thanks that was helpful" or "thanks but I still don't get it" which I thought was a bit rude. But, I guess people can change, so let me take the opportunity to say, you're welcome!

    [ QUOTE ]
    sorry, but this is where you lost me. i just simply post the link and ask for other people what they think.......just what arguments are you talking about?????

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Re-read what I wrote carefully. It was advice for any arguments you may put forward, not for arguments you actually made. But, did you forget when you wrote the following:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Condor said:
    its so ironic bc when i first saw my friend play DOA4 (i didnt get a chance to play), i saw that the movement is very "un-martial art". it was just hands and feet moving around unrealistically.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This statement isn't very favorable towards DOA4 now is it? Anyway, just a couple of things for you to think about:

    1. If the thread offended me that much, I would have deleted it already.

    2. The spelling advice was just that -- advice. I made a point of it because it appeared as though you were quoting, when in fact you weren't. If English isn't your first language, and a copy and paste is asking too much, then forgive me.

    There was nothing wrong in bringing the thread to our attention in the first place. I just had an issue with the delivery.

    p.s. phoenixdth, it's definitely, not definately!
  2. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    Great posts guys. It depresses me that the community of fighting game fans is shrinking by the day...and people STILL flame pointlessly about each other's games.

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  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:

    If English isn't your first language, and a copy and paste is asking too much, then forgive me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Microsoft Word will patch any language barrier.
  4. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Myke, i'm not sure if i should laugh at your slandering me or take it as an offense, but if you were irritated by the unprofessional use of the english language, then please correct every post and thread in this forum. I fail to understand why you are being so hostile to me and what i have posted, which nobody here seems to care. But if you're upset or holding a grudge because of the PM thing, then ok- THANK YOU.
  5. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    At some points, shutting up is the wisest option.
  6. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    i'm not sure if i should laugh at your slandering me or take it as an offense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    slander: a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report.

    Uhm...gotta be false to be slander, bro.
  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    upon seeing fred posting, sexual analogies automatically come to mind.

    How deep is too deep? It can be as deep as you want to be as long as its kept nice and tight. Shallow and loose is barely good enough to fuck around with.

    myke : touche /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
    myke : upgrade the forum with a spellchecker, double touche /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  8. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    It's really depressing to see you arguing with virtuapai, laying out a bunch of points that are hard to argue against, and he either comes up with some parallel that DOA has (that isn't nearly as relevant to DOA as it is to VF), or completely dismisses the arguement.

    For example when you were talking about how VF4 evolved by finding new things, he rebutts with some system mechanics stuff that he found in DOA4 that really should've been explained in a manual or the training mode. Like he said he found that lei fang has some throw where you can get a free attack of 13~14 frames. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that like me saying I "discovered" you can get 16 frame moves off of Kage's 6p+g?

    You talk about how backdashing is much less effective in DOA than it is in VF, and he just says "well I saw THESE guys do it a couple times so it's not!". You know I've seen a Q player beat down a Ken player, but that doesn't mean Q is better than Ken.

    Then the real kicker, he refers to Shang's thread about Wolf sucking. Here's a little known fact: Shang doesn't actually think Wolf sucks! He thinks he is fine, he just trolls online because he's bored and it's fun to him.

    Anyway arguing with virtuapai is useless. He is convinced DOA can do no wrong, and that just makes DOA's competitive community seem less respectable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Meh, I like the series alot however now a days the community has gotten worse and worse. Before wouldn't could get enough people into it. Now we can't get the right people into it.

    I don't dislike vpai, me and him used have alot of fun breaking doa3 down and what not. But now a days it seems like he's lost touch with how other fighters play and he even makes posts saying how "3.1 is lame and old". 3.1 is probably the only doa game I could get a hc gamer to try.

    Microsoft really is the only reason why DoA4 is played now a days. Now that EVO's over chances of DoA making it back are slim and associated tournaments are the same thing. Microsoft sponsored events like WCG, EGL, and Direct TV invitationals are all that really keeps this game. It's kind of sad too cause some doa players will probably make more than sf/marvel/tekken players this year and never even have to go to a tournament with major competition.

    DoA has changed from a once individual and fanfare-ish game series to really microsofts little game peice in it's console wars. It's a shame too, cause DoA and VF are like opposite as far as how they are treated. Gamers love VF and trash on doa but organizers don't even look at VF and over advertise doa. (outside of evo there has not been one doa4 tournament over 25 peeps.... and half of evo was non-doa players.)
  9. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    s_aki said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    i'm not sure if i should laugh at your slandering me or take it as an offense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    slander: a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report.

    Uhm...gotta be false to be slander, bro.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so is this thread becoming a making-fun-of my poorly use of english vocaulary and grammar? if it is, then by all means, fire away.
  10. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    Great posts guys. It depresses me that the community of fighting game fans is shrinking by the day...and people STILL flame pointlessly about each other's games.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then please, ban me for being a noob that i am, bringing this trivial topic to attention.
  11. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    you guys are funny. Condor, I would just suggest you move on. No one is going to hound you from thread to thread but you can be sure that the bulk of this one is dead dead dead.

    Don't fret, far worse has been said on other occasions and it seems you just caught Myke on a bad day. He's pretty much the most relaxed Admin ever.

  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Yeah, Myke must have been pissed off or something.

    Anyways, this thread really had almost no substance to begin with.

    Reading the DoA central threads and the kinds of arguments that vpai brings up makes it very apparent that he has no clue what he's talking about. Like what EMX said, he has really lost touch with how VF plays, especially the comments he made regarding VF5. It's amazing how much stuff he's willing to make up that defies all logic just to bring VF down so that he can equate the two together.

    "VF5 sucks in this and this and these ways, so DOA is just as good as VF.... "

    ok whatever. stop making these kinds of threads. If they want to play DOA then let them play DOA, not like they are any scene to brag about.
  13. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    thanks for the head up.
  14. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Take VFDC as a bunch of really good friends. Like good friends, they're not affraid to tell you you're being an idiot. Also like good friends, they expect you to take it with a grain of salt.
  15. Condor

    Condor Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    srider, please pardon my inexperienced in video game, and because i'm new to the video game universe, i though that the article was something fun for people here to discuss. Cuz, i guess i was an idiot to have posted this thread in the beginning. I'll remember not to taint your precious "Virtua Fighter 5" forum next time.
  16. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Holy crap, what a crybaby!
    Grab a tissue and drop the issue, jeez /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  17. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    i got a question about DOA4, how the hell do you land guaranteed throws in this game?

    the only time I noticed when I was able to throw was when an opponent is walking, idle or guarding.

    Even after blocking certain heavy attack, i tried to guard and throw, but for some odd reason I was never able to throw successfull during the post hit animation of the enemy. I don't get it.

    Virtua Fighter takes into consideration guaranteed throw moves vs non-guaranteed throw moves.

    DOA just considers you can only throw turttlers,, what the hell
  18. Raansu

    Raansu Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Throwing in DoA is lmiited to punishing an unsafe string / defensive holds / and whiffed moves. Other then that throwing is dumb and risky, and usually begging for a hi-counter hit /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    I was trying to be sympathetic towards you there Condor.
  20. Sieg

    Sieg New Member

    Aye, I'm new here and not a very big fighting game nut so this article may seem a little random for me to just spit out, but I want to say something as the ignorance of that DOA fanboy had kind of got me worried.

    o.o Weeell, I won't say which I think is better as every game was made and intended to play for a different reason, see.

    Before you skim my post or make plans to come round my house to beat me with a VF4FT import case, the fighter thats gave me the most pleasure aside from VF2 on the Saturn was Soul Calibur II on GC.

    I just have to mention, that to say that VF is 'too deep' is to totally miss the point of how VF is structured to begin with, and just proves yourself to be an idiot who can't find the words to say "I don't like my fighters to be as complicated as VF."

    Yes, its true that a fighter can be good - and DOA4 IS good - with the structure that DOA uses. But to say thats the only way a fighter can be made is total fucking ignorance. Though games are split into different genres, even two games of the same genre and structure can use slightly - if not very - different means to entertain.

    From my short experience, Soul Calibur, although a heavy mindgaming game, relies on speed and fluidity to fulfill the requirement of being fun. Theres alot of chars and thus a ton of moves, but they're not all balanced, and due to the forgiving buffering and other things, and some of the moves being similar, its not as 'complicated' as VF.

    VF on the other hand is, as most know, very user unfriendly and hard to pick up, but has the best mindgaming opportunities IMO. I find joy in jumping into one of the other characters I haven't used and learning a ton about them, its quality for sure. But to those who want to just jump into a game, want a ton more chars, and a slightly more creative twist than just basic fist fighting would steer from it. Duh.

    Every fighting game has its own properties and strengths, hell, even if VF is a ton more deeper, something like Soul Calibur isn't on the same programming, so it probably has types of depth that VF doesn't. Though prolly nowhere near as strong.

    To compare games that have totally different strengths and are meant to do different things like that is stupid. Well, its fine to compare them, but to ignore the whole point of VF?! I'm suprised this guy can even play VF without thinking its too 'slow' or 'clunky' like the majority of dickheads who ignore the point, since he thinks its 'too deep.'

    He should've just started a small little fucking shoutbox comment saying "I prefer DOA over VF" and be done with it. Hell, he even ignored the strengths that DOA actually DOES have over VF, proving he knows jackshit.

    One day, when the fighting game community - and along with it, probably the genre someday - is totally burnt down and in flames, this guy and whoever else agrees with him will be standing on top of it. You have this sorta person to blame x.x

    ...and hey I'm new.

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