Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - Coming July 10th

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by MarkMan, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Spanky

    Spanky Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the USA

    Does anyone know what's going on with the Xbox 360 Real Arcade Pro? The Amazon page now says Feb 3, 2009, as does Arcade Shock.

    I made an order through Arcade Shock after not seeing the Amazon page. I might cancel it, since shipping is like $25 through there. Has anyone used Arcade Shock before? They claim to include a lot of extras, and I guess they are focused on arcade parts, so maybe they'll deal with the pre-order better.
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the USA

    Looks like they delayed until the release date of SF4... I'm pretty sure that has to be the reason they pushed the date back. Maybe they think they will sell more sticks if they release it on the same day as SF4 when people might be thinking about buying a stick with the game. I think they're just giving their competitors time to get their sticks out and it will actually hurt their sales in the long run...
  3. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the USA

    Well afaik ArcadeShock sent me an e-mail saying they're getting em the first week of Jan. and will be sending em out as soon as they get em. And as of now it says that on their site too.

    And Gernburgs, I read somewhere in here you canceled your order for the Hori to get the SF4 stick, I was thinking bout doing the same but I don't really want to wait another month and from what I remember from way back is MadCatz made some not so good stuff in the past, but I DO hear these sticks come with sanwa buttons also along with the sanwa JLF joystick thing (or whatever).

    But I was wondering what made you decide to change? Was it that it came with sanwa buttons too and the Hori doesn't? The artwork, or both? I've been kinda pacing wondering if I should get the SF4 on instead, simply cause of the sanwa buttons (stick looks pretty badass too)

    Yarr, be nice if I could put my hands on em to see wich one I like better.
  4. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the USA

    F it, i'm getting the Hori, I can't take this P button not working junk any longer, happens every round and sometimes for a few seconds at a time, even the G button fails sometimes. I'm just going to buy some sanwa buttons (thankfully they just snap in) and try to throw some artwork on there.

    I don't understand why they would have a sanwa stick and not put sanwa buttons in there too, at least they just snap in though.

    I was thinking about breaking my EX2 when I get the other one but i'm just gonna experiment with it, take it apart (without hitting it with a hammer) n see what the inside looks like, try to put artwork on it for practice, may even try to mod it n all that other stuff.

    Lol, man it's on once I get that thing, no more running up for an elbow and just standing there, no more going for /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/u.gif//forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif and evading instead, no more doing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif when going for a SPoD and everything else that's possible when that bs happens.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the USA

    I hope the new controller works well for you. My guess is that it will. Congrats on your VF investment.
  6. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the USA

    Unbelievably I still don't have my friggin stick yet. I paid an extra 25$ for 3day shipping and they got em in stock on the 22nd of Jan. I haven't played VF in weeks cause i'm sick of playing with buttons that work when they want to, i've been doing it for way too long. Yea I know I can mod it but I don't know how to do all that, so the timing of this HRAPEX coming out is pretty sweet for me and switching the buttons on these is a breeze apparently.

    Sorry for my rant, I just want my shit so I can play VF again. I've even e-mailed these people and no kinda reply at all, I can't even cancel my order. I could have just got it from Amazon for the same price and saved 25$ on the shipping since Amazon does it for free. Once I get my stick ima e-mail them again n release my frustration on them, F arcadeshock. Ok i'm finished lol.
  7. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the USA

    Yo FeauchA and everyone!

    I hate to say it buy you should have ordered it from Amazon. I just got mine yesterday and it KICKS ASS!!!!!!!

    The best part is it only cost $9.95 for 2-day shipping, and even better, they shipped it a day late but upgraded me to 1-day shipping free of charge.

    It almost felt like I was playing a fresh game. I was so in control of everything I was doing it felt incredible! Since the EX2 is complete crap, even when it was working it was still psyching me out and fucked up my game. Not the case anymore!

    Everyone should do themselves a favor and pick up one of these. It's the best investment I've made with my XBox.
  8. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    Yea ok screw u Jesse /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif lol nah you know i'm playin man. But yea it's too bad I can't cancel my order, get it from there and use the extra bread for some sanwa buttons cause i'd do that in a heart beat. I just caught up in one of them "oh shit better get it before they're gone" moments.

    Glad to hear you like it alot though, sounds like you went from a Ford Focus to a Corvette lol. Hopefully i'll get mine sometime next week, been a long time since I stun palmed somebody lol. This is just ridiculous... Ah well, it'll be nice to have a good stick that I can rely on whenever I get it.

    I got into VF at a pretty good time heh, started with a controller, went up to an EX2, and now a year later I get to have something nice that's hella cheaper and smaller than an arcade in a box. Enough yappin from me, see ya around online man, I'll have to catch ya playin HDRemix sometime too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif HADOOOOOKEN!!
  9. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the


    I can't wait until to get your new stick. So far in two days I'm 25 and 0. The thing simply rocks! I can't wait to reverse some of your stun palms... oh wait, I can't do that. Don't you miss VF2 when it wasn't even blockable??!!
  10. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    It wasn't? lol, I don't remember that, but hell I musta only spent 10-20$ on that game, it's been so long n smoked so much since then the only thing I have a good memory of bout VF2 remember is the super high jump kicks and being able to do 2 of em, and where the machine was lol. I don't even remember playing it at Jeff's house /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif but apparently I did according to you. Those were the days.

    I had a dream last night I got my stick but it felt like I wasn't dreaming..Till I woke up, I was like damit man! It was in this huge box and they gave me some extra stuff for taking so long to get it.

    Yea you can't reverse it but i'm sure you'll deflect it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif
  11. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    Haha Feaucha, couple days ago i had a dream someone wanted to sell a viewlix for a 1000 bucks, I asked my mom and she was like ok sure and bought it for me.

    Then I woke up, I feel you man trust me.
  12. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    lol, yea man it that thing must be kinda heavy on your mind like that stick is for me.

    I'm glad someone can relate and admit it hahah. Ahhh the dream world, so nice.
  13. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    Well you're right about one thing - it does come in a huge box! Wow, I'm surprised you forgot about the unblockable stun palm. Yep, as long as they were standing, not crouching, you could do it all day long!!!
  14. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    Lol, that's weird, still aint got my stick yet /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif If I don't have it by the end of the week....I dunno man, this is some bs hahah.

    But yea man I don't remember that at all, I do remember that day when you were telling us about the buffered double palm though, and that Lau win quote (I think it was). I can't spell it obviously but hang with me lol, it went like "mosh kosh kuhu o soonde kata kuta bege datana" or something like that. When Mike W. came to my house before I left to Florida I just busted out and said that to him when we were playing on his SSF2 arcade thing and he just started rollin laughing sayin "omg I can't believe you remember that!" But other than that I don't really remember anything bout VF2, just lil dumb stuff here n there like the sound it made when ppl fell n hit the ring, like a big hollow steel box. Probly some more lil things if I remember hard enough. But i'd have to say this is the first VF i've really tried to play and get good at, maybe I did in VF2 but I remember not liking that game very much. If I could only have some videos of me when I first started playing VF5 compared to now.

    Some useless shit I be remembering hah, but yea I can't believe that was unblockable..Well not really there's a few unblockable moves in VF5 if I recall right. I like how it pushes people back real far in VF5R now though, that's pretty awesome.

    I'm derailing the mess outa this thread /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif

    I'll let you know when I get it though. It's been probably a month now since I played VF, ima jump right in the mix soon as I get it though, I started with Akira dammit, I fear nothing lol. We gonna have to play man, Ima beat ur Shun up and you'll see a new win pose of me sippin outa your saki bottle thing lol. I'll prob lose 30x ina row but I don't care, I just wanna play /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  15. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    Heh, I'd love to see that win pose!!

    I believe the saying went, "Mou sukoshi kufuu o tsunde kuru kara beki datta na? But I could be butchering it myself. =) I remember Alex saying that all the time too.

    How about in VF2 where if you hit someone who was ducking or stuck in a low move with Akira's single palm? Remember what happened? The opponent went flying back onto his ass.

    And you gotta remember the glitches where you could rise in levels above the opponent. That involved Akira's reversal and pushing up on the joystick. Or how about freeze frame with characters that could cancel their kick with the G button right before the replay came on.

    God I loved that game!

    That's too bad your stick hasn't come yet. Let me know when it does!
  16. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    Well, still don't have my stick yet, and since it seems being nice gets you no where (since I sent e-mails before asking what was going on with no reply for weeks)I sent an e-mail cussin him/them out and to my suprise he responded the next day /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    So it turns out his reason for me not having my stick now is that they don't remember charging me for it back in September 08' and that's why I don't have it. Then he was trying to charge me again for it lol. So i'm like wtf man check your records, you already charged me! And no reply lol, so now i'm waiting on the bank to give me a statement (should be tomorrow) showing he/they already charged me for it so I can fax it or e-mail it to him, whichever. I'm sure he won't give a f when he gets that and just say "oh sorry".

    Hahah, this shit is ridiculous man. I can't believe it's going down like this. Can't play VF, can't play SFHD, been almost 2 months since I played, sucks lol. Crazy man, why me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  17. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    Yo wtf?!? That's messed up! Where did you pre-order it from? Didn't you get an email confirming the charge on your card and the order info? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    lol @ the fast response after cussing him out.

    I already got my HRAP a few weeks ago. The damn thing is bigger than the 360 itself. I lol-ed. Takes a while to get used to but I'm starting to double palm like my old self again.
  18. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro EX (360) - 29Dec08 in the

    Well I ended up not getting it from arcadeshock, I guess from what my bank told me is that he did charge me (cause I remember seeing the name on an older bank statemenet thing) but then un-charged it a lil bit after or something like that (I forget the term she used). I'm just thinking wtf why would someone do that, I guess he just really wanted some set in stone permission from me to charge it.

    So now they're sold out or are selling on some sites for $200-250. I even saw one dude on ebay asking for $375 lmao, that dude is really on one hahah.

    But really all bs aside I don't even care anymore, i'll find one in the near future for around what I was originally gonna pay for it, i'm sure they'll be around on ebay n what not for a lil while, and if not, f it, it's not that big of a deal. Yea it sucks to have my only reliable button as K (lol) but it's all good. Ima be back playing VF again now since all that is over with, been away for too long and I need my fix.

    See yall around.

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