Hit checking

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by YOSUKE, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    wouldnt mind seeing some media from that meet.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I could see some movies. thnaks
    sorry. I can not use PAI well. I can use little,very dirty. it looks like Cyo-fu KK sarah lol
    I am going to write some cooperations of Jacky . Maybe this weekend. I have little time this weekdays, so I can't now.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    hello. I am going to write some Cooperation action of my Jacky. However, I want you to do some practice of PS2EVO before doing those action below. Do you have PS2 and VF4EVO? If yes, you can do it. If No, you would cry in bed tonight....lol
    anyway ,Those are....
    1. 4 or 6 escape and throw escape
    2. guard and throw escape
    3. hit chacking
    I am not sure but I think PS2EVo includes hit chacking practice and these practice with jeffry. Jeffry will throw after your skill guard.
    If you want to become stronger, you can also do some practice.

    these are very important for winning. If you practice these action and you can become 4 or 6 escape and throw escape (with 1 or 2 or 3... throw command)
    I will lose you....(>_<) no!

    I used to practice these action when I have free time....a week 3 day? 1 time about 60 minutes....lol
    I used to chack each character frame every night before sleeping except I was tired days.....

    this is so long that I will divide two sentences

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member


    I want you to use some of Jacky's skill.
    1. 6_K
    2. 33K
    3. 44K

    most player usually use 6P, 4P1P,1P, etc, so I chose others.
    for example, If I used PP6P and PP8P totally 4 times, a opponent wouldn't do anything after 6P or 8P, so you can throw and 6_K or 1P or any action after PP
    PP(HIt) then [6] 6_K(guard), even though a opponent guard 6_K, you have +2 frame advantage. Thesefore, you can act throw or 6P NITAKU. If it hit, you can get +4, if counter hit, you can get +6! If you also use P2K, your opponent must be confused.
    this is one of my action.I have not only these action but also more action. Nevertheless, I can not write any more. If I wrote all of my action, I would spend more than a half day. I have to refund some wlong DVDs....lol

    I guess I would show you and teach you with VF4 is the easiest....
    If you have any question, I will answer to you.
  5. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    There are hit checking exercises for every character in the tactics and advice training mode.

    any exercise where it asks you to respond accordingly, is a hit checking exercise.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    hello. nice to met you. you can do them! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif and I am not going to lose with you guys! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    I am not sure if I can play well because It has been long time lol

    by the way, I will do my poor best for refunding wlong DVDs......lol

  7. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    nice avatar yosuke, I've been playing clark a bit recently myself.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    hello. nice to meet you. I think it must be good practice for you, but don't forget to try playing VF4 with the player after you practice hit checking lol.

    I really miss you, but I know that end of December is busy season. I hope we come together and play VF4FT(EVO) some day...

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I will not write that thread, so I will write this one about my hit checking.

    If you have any question, I will answer my poor best even though you want to know about my sub characters.

    now I am busy to make my packages for changing my school.
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    check out my defense thread, you may be able to help in there~~ it's about keeping safe by using movement instead of nitaku. the aim is to to break out of nitaku when there is no need to play nitaku. -- and also keeping safer at -0, there are some movies to watch in that thread.

    i was going to add more things to it soon, for example, at -10 moves and other counterable situations (i give wolf's [3][K] for example), you cannot be thrown if you hit the opponent at the longest hit distance. meaning nitaku is broken, and you can [8][3][3](attack), or [4][4][8][3][3][G] to avioid the opponent dash & throw, or instant attack.

    and yeh, stuff like that /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif ~ i guess i need to upload movies to make it clear.
  11. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I have little time this weekends because of changing my school, so I will write about ARE using my knowledge...
    I will try to write, but I am sorry if you already know.
  12. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    no worries, more explanation to a technique is helpful to a player who is learning it~

    and ARE is something i dont cover very well /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif mabye i dont understand all of it too~

    any other defense technique which i havent talked about can go in that thread~~


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