Help with Brad ;-;

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Kefka, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Re: Brad

    Patience is especially valuable against players (A.I. or human) who constantly attack. The point ist that the quest A.I. Lion (standard, last arcade) will eventually do a move which leaves him at enough of a disatvantage for you to severly punish him for about a 3rd of the bar. I find the Lion A.I one of the easier ones in quest (Only Akira and Jeffrey are worse imo.)

    And with regards to #3. I wasn't talking about throw escapes (TE). Rather, I ment after you are thrown, do a techroll and then follow it up immediately with a [6][6][K].

    Again, do all of this only against A.I.
  2. Kefka

    Kefka Active Member

    Re: Brad

    [ QUOTE ]
    StoneColdSerb said:
    And with regards to #3. I wasn't talking about throw escapes (TE). Rather, I ment after you are thrown, do a techroll and then follow it up immediately with a [6][6][K].

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh, yes, I often do that, works woder.
    Like Akira's buffered double palm, etc.

    I finally beat Ohsu Akira (Sarah), was an epic fight, lol, I also finally beat Tana Shun (Lion) since I have Arcade H at 100% now.
    I learned that Sorry Shun can be a pain x_x

    btw, I'd add Goh and Vanessa to the "worse AI" list =/

    Thanks for the help, again.

    Here are my stats for a good laugh:

    Champion - 1363 wins / 197 losses = 87.4%
    Akira 94 / 6
    Sarah 163 / 112
    Lau 73 / 1
    Shun 67 / 8
    Jeffry 122 / 3
    Pai 85 / 1
    Jacky 96 / 11
    Kage 104 / 14
    Lion 91 / 20
    Wolf 89 / 4
    Aoi 74 / 4
    Lei-Fei 92 / 3
    Vanessa 75 / 7
    Goh 60 / 0
    Brad 78 / 3

    When I told you Sarah was a problem XD

    I'm missing 3 special opponents, and I need to challenge Makunouchi and Tetsu again, since I lost to them -- they're in my list but no star in front of their name ;-; and Brad is 100% yay ^__^
  3. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Re: Brad

    I don't know if this is already said but using slippings is very effective against goddamn Sarah. For instance, when Sarah goes to Flamingo stance it's good to do SR[P] and perform a nice combo. Unfortunately this works only when Sarah doesn't use low attacks or spinning attacks. Another good trick is to use [2_][3][P] attack. It usually hits and flies the opponent when countered. I personally love to use it. I haven't played a lot against Sarah but I find these kinda effective for a while but your opponent might learn these quickly. Sarah is also well-known for her mid-kicks which makes Brad's mid reversal useful. Use it and perform some throw escapes at the same time.

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