HAH HA! Jacky trick! Easy! Half their life!

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by gamesmaster1_2be, Sep 29, 2002.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Wolf Guessing Game

    Ha, glad you've been such hot shit for decades /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    It's easy to prove this to yourself if you have a PS2. Pick a LW vs. wolf. Go to training mode, press start. Go down to "Record" and choose action 1. When you get control of wolf, do the combo vs. your chosen lightweight - try both combos with u+P at the end.
    Now press start, choose play, and choose action 1. To make it easier, you can choose advanced playback options, set action 1 at 100 percent, and then start playback.

    Now wolf will do the combo over and over against you. Try to get out of the pounce using any method you like. I think you'll find that you won't get out of knee, P, b+P, pounce... and for b+P, d+P, b+P, pounce, you might or might not get out. I tested it a little but I'm not a perfect struggler.
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Wolf Guessing Game

    with b+p ~ d+p ~ b+p ~ u+p, i've been ecaped by a n00b, so that's how i know it don't work.. u+k (mabye), but i'd just suggest df+p or ground pick up, it seems to be the safest way..
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Wolf Guessing Game

    hrm, my impression is that if a ground pickup is guaranteed, a pounce is.

    If a scrub escaped the pounce, it might be a fluke... scrubs can mash buttons REALLY fast.
    On the other hand maybe all you get is a df+P. I think that puts the damage at ~65 or so.
  4. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Wolf Guessing Game

    ok, i've tried out knee ~ p ~ b+p ~ u+p as well as b+p ~ d+p ~ b+p ~ u+p in training mode vs aoi with recovery settings:

    knee ~ p ~ b+p ~ u+p had a 30/40% chance of escaping, i found that whenever it had connected, the opp had already started it's roll animation. sometimes the opp escaped without much hassle, but it may have been my timing.. if it is guarenteed, the timing is extremely strict so it's not very safe to do at the end of a close match mabye it could have something to do with your open / closed stance toward the direction the opp rolls?

    b+p ~ d+p ~ b+p ~ u+p had more of a 90/80% chance of escaping, it only connected very few times, and i'm not sure why it did.. the u+k worked fine, though still does'nt regester as a combo on the bar at the top (mind you, it did register as a solid combo with the knee~p~b+p) as far as it goes, the only two safest options still remain df+p or ground pick up, but the u+k should be fine too.

    "my impression is that if a ground pick up is guarenteed, pounce is"

    well i'm not entirely sure about this for example, wolf's df,df+p+k+g has a guarenteed chance of ground pick up, i'm not sure why, but it looks like it's entering during the recovery animation, or atleast from crouch position. in this situation, an u+p is not nearly guarenteed, nor is an u+k, even the df+p connects as the opp's recovery animation starts... why? i haven't got a clue.. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Wolf Guessing Game

    It's good that you tested this stuff out, but there's one problem: You're You're testing pounce combos vs. the computer. The computer can roll out of pounce combos that no human EVER can.

    That's why you should test always by going to free trainign, choosing a non-heavy character vs. CPU wolf, then go to record mode, and record the combo vs. yourself. Then you personally can try to roll out of it. If you consider yourself a pretty good struggler/roller, and you can never get out of it, then it's probably a combo.
    Ignore the PS2's damage meter at the top of the screen. It 's not accurate. Some proof -- choose wolf vs. wolf, get into open stance, and do b,f+P+K --> f+P+K --> df+P (ground attack) vs. the other wolf. No matter which way the other wolf tries to roll, the df+P always hits... but the PS2 damage meter doesn't count it as a combo.
    By the same token, the damage meter says stuff is a combo even when it's easily avoided with a tech roll.

    Ok, so my test results:
    Wolf knee, P, b+P, pounce - I never got out of it. I never even started to roll.

    Wolf b+P, d+P, b+P, pounce - never got out of it. I don't think normal humans can.

    Wolf df, df+PKG, pounce - This works against the CPU sometimes, maybe half the time if you buffer the pounce perfectly. If a pounce works v.s the cpu half the time, you can be assured it'll work against a human pretty much every time, and that was my experience too. I could not get out of df, df+PKG -> u+P. I might be a poor struggler though, so try it vs. yourself or another human opponent.

    By the way, a little bit of trivia - the fastest ground attacks in order:
    pickup - 25 frames
    elbow drop - 29 frames
    flip - 32 frames
    rollover kick (b,f+K+G) - 34 frames
    pounce - 39 frames.

    So the ground throw is the fastest, but the reason it sometimes fails where a df+P will hit is because the opponent must not be moving at all when wolf picks them up. The df+P can hit as they start to move away.
    The uf+K sometimes hits where df+P fails because the opponent must get out from under wolf's huge ass /versus/images/icons/smile.gif .. and also because if they roll backwards, the flip has a little more forward range and will stuff them as they start to roll away, while the df+P whiffs.

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