Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    Good games lately to...


    There were some new people. I can`t remember the names of ggs to them also.
  2. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Thank goodness I had a fortunate chance of playing quite a bit of VF5 over the last couple weeks during the late hours of the night when there were mainly west coast US folks and east coast nightowls online.

    Thanks to Plague, HappyFriend Lau, DrFamilia, KingofcarnageVF, JunoSynth, GunSniper Ls, titantony99, THE WEIAND, LeftyLizard, kungusmurf, bpack12, Ferric78, cruzlink2, and DATCHI SPL for the matches.

  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Good games to Ferric78 last night, I enjoyed fighting your Lau ^_^
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    GGs to Chief Flash and Daydream CE.

    Flash I really liked when you did that hop kick followed by another one. After you rushed forward I assumed a throw was coming but the hop kick beat my TE and the possible whiffed throw that would have come out from it. I wish the conn was better but I ain't making no bones about it, it was still a pleasure to play you. You're looking strong dude!

    Daydream CE, after I beat you, Flash went and did the same to me. So, circle of life, keep practising [​IMG]
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    GG's to a sick brawl with Weiand, new player I think or rusty nightmare cuz, and yet another ft10 with ayu. ^^
  6. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    ggs ad4m, ggs blossy shame about connection. ggs darkbo713 ggs dio 38, jackblack, ggs kanoppio, ggs kingo good fights man must of played 20+ games!! great pai btw, good luck with lei, ggs siedon thanks for advise and insight bud very valuble and helped me loads and also cheers kingo for tips aswell. ggs shujinko close games, ggs tatofuerza, ggs tripson nice aoi really tough., ggs undreamedalarm, ggs cheiflash awsome matches bud wolf v wolf i laughed my back off lol 20-1 lol but it was worth it loved every minute. ggs godeatervfdc good pai you destroyed my wolf lol i have to play kage to win you [​IMG] ggs rodz jesus you are the most cautous fighter ive played on here i really had to work on you. outstanding kage, how many times did we time out lol very slow games it was more of a mind game [​IMG] ggs player 6 who plays exactly like dr fam mmm... ggs gamtrix too and fro m8. ggs to the newbies i played a vann player and a goh player pretty good. almost forgot ggs stl tm your sarah is unbelivable!
  7. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    Ha, I will. I enjoyed the games nonetheless. I'll keep at it and hopefully get revenge sometime in the future. GGs!
  8. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Good games to

    Gameztrix: always fun to fight your akira.

    AnimalStaccato: thanks for switching to akira and making the match more competitive...your lion destroyed me.

    Kruza: good matches as usual. i decided to use jacky this time to keep it fresh.

    TitanTony: i need the experience against wolf players so its good to play you.
  9. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    GGs to Rodnutz: I don't think I play very well against you American players, mainly because of the lag. You see I like to move around a lot and be active and it doesn't work online. I see that second mid coming, I let go of the stick, bam, I get hit anyway because my character is still apparently crouched. I evade, bam I get hit because the evade didn't come out and the game thinks all I did was let go of guard. It's very demoralising. But I suppose I should be grateful to get some experience against top tier players. And Rodnutz I hope you don't think I'm being disrespectful because I have to give you credit for beating me with Lion using only his basic tools although I do wonder if you base your style around mids because you know fuzzy is hard/impossible online. I remember getting destroyed by your Kage ages ago and it was mid, mid, mid...but still dude, I know you're very good. Thanks for the games.

    LeftyLizard: it was fun, ggs. I'm always happy to whip out Akira for some sub practice.

    GGs to Marly: Ak vs Ak, jolly fun some ridiculous shit going on there.
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Chefboy_OB/TrueWiseman for a great set. Adaptation was the word for the evening.
  11. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    Not that many ggs to report since the last post. I`ve been getting disconnects a lot lately. Anyone else getting this? My other consoles don`t lose connection :S

    I should think about creating a static IP address

    GGs to centpk, gameztrix, carmarco and cooladdy.
  12. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone I've played recently even though there has been a huge influx of people who leave early or love to play at full distance all the time. By the way, Ultralewis, I believe Gameztrix is cooladdy, just theorizing, lol. And how close is your internet connection to your Xbox? That could influence connections.
  13. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    lol, yeah i'm getting sick of people FREQUENTLY retreating to the other side of the screen. also some people are using crouch jab too much. i like to play moral matches. thats why i usually only play people on my friends list. Gameztrix is not cooladdy. i have better connection with gameztrix than cooladdy and cooladdy always leaves after 1 and gameztrix always gives me at least 8 matches.
  14. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    GG's to everyone I played today!!

    Rodney. Yeah lag was pretty bad. haha its cool

    Tony - always fun playing you!

    Flash - think this is the first time we ever played against each other. haha. I know you played my bro Tx Lion a few times. Honored to finally play you. Look forward to future matches and trying to figure you out!

    Everyone else Great Games!! Ive been gone for awhile and its exciting to see all the good players online!
  15. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    ggs tripsem last night good blaze. ggs undreamedalarm ggs shujinko ggs sowderjamie ggs gamtrix(gamtrix is not cooladdy) i know them both cooladdy uses wolf and jacky you will only ever see gamtrix using akira. ggs hurricainstrain ggs to someone whom i cant remember their name but a good akira player.
  16. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    pleasure to finally play you brother! question: who was the wolf player you were playing offline before our session? [​IMG]
  17. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    TX Lion.

    He has a lot of non tourney characters he messes with. I just have Lei for now. I'll probably play Taka and Kage in FS though.
  18. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    And here I thought you had a legitimate reason. They both live in the UK, I have the same exact connection with both of them, They both love to write hate mail in the same exact manner (Hell, addy responded to a ggs message I sent gametrix), I experiment with many characters but does that mean I only use Aoi? Either way, like I said, speculation.

    Anyway, that said, anyone who has vs'd me, thank you for bearing with me. I'm trying to play with as many characters as I can and my game play may seem a little shoddy >.>
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    GG's to Flash, Dennis and Tiripsem!

    Flash, you absolutely destroyed me today... and I fucking LOVE it! I want more!

    Dennis, I feel like I may have angered you at the end but I'm not sure, games were laggier then I wanted it to be today but gg's for the first half atleast. [​IMG]

    Tiripsem, Problem?
  20. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    ggs KO,
    sorry I wasn't able to stay longer since phone call, and I probably can play few later tonight cuz I have console with me. The connection was horrible, and I think you are at the same location with mack, aren't you?

    I don't know why you would like to walk toward to edge at the end, and the first thing came out to my mind was that you didn't want to play anymore. If you don't want to play, you can just leave, nothing harmful actually.~

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