Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    so you were Jrx1 Lennie?? dude NICE movement dude
  2. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    thanks!! It wasn't easy for me. I was on pad. my buttons for my arcade stick broke during a match and it felt like the end of the world. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    I remember you, so many fun matches. I learned a lot. my Friend who owns the 360(lennie) plays during the week along with our friend Andrew. Andrew uses Goh and Brad. Although he isn't the best at juggles he has better spacing and timing then me.
    Hope to play you more. And I'm always up for tips if you can give them.
  3. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    I played a shitload of fun games tonight! I played Chief Flash and I think the same JHow77 too. Good games everyone.
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Great session with Chibiya. I know you're frustrated, but just look how much better your Akira is compared ot last time I played you.

    Good games to Denkai, BETABOW and Sorias as well. Sorry Sorias for not talking much. I was losing my voice lol. Also sorry to you three for not puting up better matches. I duno if I got tired, my hands were cold or what, but my accuracy and intensity died when I began ranked games tonight haha. Regardless, guys like you all keep me playing online, so thanks.
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Props to Sudden Death and SumoTX(Forgive me if I wrote your name wrong) I wish recorded the Sudden Death matches, b/c just when I had homie, I get RINGED OUT! LOL. But on are thrid encounter I made sure that didn't happen again. They came down to the wire...Thanks for demoting me, Sudden Death, I had you!...freaking RING OUT /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif LOL Good game.
  6. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Well played Black Bauer, DRE Fei (you've levelled up), and Konjou, you dealt with me yesterday. The last week or so has not been going well for me, I don't deserve to be master, I stole it from JHow77 and declined a rematch request /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif sorry JHow77.

    That said, I do only need to beat 3 more 10th dans to get defender. I know I can get to defender, my main problem sometimes I can beat Black Bauer and Konjou a few games in a row one evening, most of the time they'll do the same back to me (more often) I'm just so inconsistent and I can't figure out why.

    I'm also developing bad habits and it's hard to get out of them. For example, At the start, people weren't getting out of staggers and I would follow up a stagger with a mid then a juggle. Now most people struggle and so I just go in for a throw because NOBODY I've come accross struggles out of a stagger and does ETEG. What Konjou does is struggle low jab and I keep going in for the throw which is stuffed by his low jab, it's programmed into my hands. Sometimes I do the mid attack after I stagger him and it gets counter hit on him because he's low jabbing. Anyway, mixing it up is the answer, the problem is I need to train my hand not to get used to any movement and be used to changing it from the last thing I did.

    Anyway well played, just saying, if you play me "ikap Killa" and you own me, sometimes I just give up hope and play crap (put no effort in), so apologies.

    I have no complaints about any players, I think the ranking is accurate, if you're up there, it's coz you've got a good pattern that's hard to break (in which case you won't progress any further if people work you out) or you're genuinely a skillful player, hands up to you.

  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    anybody manage to save any matches?~

    for example if there's no save option, then ppl can still use a camcorder right?
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I bought a DVD recorder last weekend in hopes of trying to record matches, but its not working out as planned. For some reason while recording and playing online the game moves like your walking through quick sand. Even with the best connection severe lag was produced. Anyone know if they make a video splitter that accepts hdmi but splits out to standard rca video? My xbox is connected via hdmi but my recorder only accept standard video as an input. It can output any which way you want, hdmi-component-rca, but it will only accept standard video input /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif LAME i guess thats due to the fact that networks have digital channels locked and encrypted so you cant record them i think, so dvd recorder companies probably feel like why bother putting those options in. Im not 100% sure so if anyone knows or can reccommend a solution so i can record that would be awesome.

    By the way... Welcome "ikap killer", fun matches as usual. I am tired of getting grabbed by you cause i have no clue which direction to escape. I finally stop being lazy and looked up her throw directions /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif normally i would know these things by now but somerthing about vf5 just gives me no desire to really train. Im just playing off of instinct and experience. I think the fact that its online is why i play it so much, because on the ps3 after about the second month i barely touched it unless there was a get together or a tournament a day away.

    Good games to everyone i have played with. I'll be MIA for a day or so, but when i get back im challenging Denkai for VETERAN! I think we have dodge each other long enough simply because we are good friends.
  9. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Great games to Fatal Rose and Bencar. Fatal we always seem to have great matches no matter what and even though you ended up with the win from the best of 3, I GOT THE EXCELLENT! :p

    Bencar, thanks for the match. Very cool looking Kage and I hope I can hang soon!
  10. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    It's like these words came out of my own mouth. I think your above paragraph may apply to a lot of people on this forum. Not sure what to do with my PS3 now.
  11. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member


    Although I still switch on my PS3 for WarHawk, and waiting for upcoming games like MGS4 and Little Big Planet, yes... building my own platform... wooohooo! yipeee! Seriously, it's gonna be fun. Maybe...
  12. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    PS3, good for Ratchet & Clank, Drake's, Warhawk and BluRay. Unfortunately that's all I use it for right now. Tekken 6 will be a nice addition to the fighting library but when SF HDR comes out, I will be getting it for the 360. If SFIV goes console, 360 again. Live is just so much more robust than PSN.
  13. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    GG to you too. No worries about talking... I still remember my thought process that first round... "it's a vfdc guy... should I say something?... oh wait, half my life's gone... I really should say something... oh wait, now all my life's gone.. should probably shut up now and play" It's all good though, I got some revenge later on.
  14. toastcrumb

    toastcrumb Well-Known Member

    GG to Fulaani, who recognised me from here! And then thoroughly stomped me. All good though, I'm learning every day. Also GG to StayRisky, whose Goh is very good.

    Tonight was my first go on the ranked battles. After 8 losses I was getting a bit disheartened, but then I took a win from a cocky 4th dan Akira who I played twice in a row. He beat me on the first, and talked trash all through the second (he was going to "show me some real moves" apparently), then got well pissed when I got my first win.
  15. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I love shutting up shit talkers Toast.... job well done!
  16. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Hey man, good games! Youll get better the more you play. Make sure to look at that flow chart stuff i posted on my blog, It will help a bunch! You had a really nice midcounter game going there. Just dont abuse it so much. Thats why i grabbed you so much.
  17. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I am also lost against Eileen. She is so annoying. Those combos are confusing and I really enjoy how she can float you with the later hits in her combos.

    I lose all kinds of matches agianst Eileen and Brad b/c I think I can attack but I don't have avantage and get nailed. I lose to Brads with much lower win % than me pretty regularly. Different Brad players, but they seem to fight the same: they do attacks that give them adv. on block then crush my jab or low jab/. If I get adv. they do DM and nail me. Seriously, DM like three times a round. Beats throw and beats most attacks. So then I do dumb shit like blocking when I have advantage or when Brad does his dumbass shucking and jiving, and so I get thrown. It's pitiful. I hate DM.

    It sucks when you lose b/c you don't know the character you are fighting. That seems to happen more in VF5. With more characters, they have to find ways to differentiate among them so they take the rules of the game that they created and they turn those rules upside down. It adds novelty and sometimes adds strategy (or subtracts startegy if a person can do well by spamming moves that are successful purely b/c most players do not understand how the moves have bizarro properties).

    As much as I have wanted to avoid it, I may have to sit down with Brad's and Eileen's movelists and see what move does what.
  18. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    hahahahhaha man i know exactly what your talking about dissmaster. I can't tell you how many matches I have lost to random DM's. LOL! I even remember one match like it was yesterday... It was against a brad player and it's round 5. I hit him with SDE for a nice floating combo. Remind you I still have a full bar. He gets up and I hit him with like a DE then a standing punch then another DE and then everything goes downhill from there. All of the sudden... BAM - BAM - BAM - BAM - BAM o_o WTF - RANDOM PG THROW = K.O. I FUCKING LOST! All DM kicks to the gut. buuuuuuuuuuahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahaha i still laugh at that shit every time I think about it. Now I know Brad, Jacky, Vanessa, maybe a few others have a good DM, but christ it's godly online and it's funny that that's all beginners and intermediate players do. I feel sorry for them, because they won't evolve. I had sensed the pattern of random DM's but it wasn't until that day when I ate 5 in row I realized how much those type of players depended on it. So now it's easy to spot those kind of players as they tend to use that tactic the first sign of trouble. So even if you lose the first round you have already seen the flaw and know to just hit them hard once and just wait for the DM to come. I love getting free damage with akira :p and they make it sooooooooo easy.
  19. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Same, I think a tiny part of it is down to how useless Dojo mode is. No replay just really sucks.

    Yeah I think I've played that same brad player nothing but DM's even when his low jab connects on major counter o_O. Uses about a total of like 5 moves.

    Anyway good games to Texas-Lion, DRE-FEI and Yuu Kun there is a shun player called rustsleeps. He's getting slightly better every time I play him.
  20. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Hey Konjou, I know what youre saying about walking through mud. When you record you have to make sure youre still listening thru your digital sound. Otherwise the delay through the recorder will throw your game off. I recorded some matches the other night but who wants to see Bauer running through me like a hot knife????

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