Goh Quickstart Guide

Discussion in 'News' started by CreeD, Mar 27, 2003.

By CreeD on Mar 27, 2003 at 11:36 PM
  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Here it is.

    I wrote it. It's formatted to 80 columns. It has hot spicy goh information.

    I hope you all like it.


Discussion in 'News' started by CreeD, Mar 27, 2003.

    1. SHD
      I don't read it quide !!
    2. DarkSparda
      hey creed, this is another combos ive known to work,

      [4][P]+[K], [P],[P],[4][P]

      If you find that you cant quite get the [P],[P] to happen without the 2 hit move where he slows it down, change the [P]'s with [P]+[K]+[G], that'll make only single [P]'s come out giving time for the last [4][P]to come out and hit barely,plus its pretty guarentted if you do it right.

      also, [4][6][P]+[K],[2][P],[2][K], follow up with a downed throw or a down attack if they dont fall recover.

      [4][6][K] or [4][6][P]+[K]*if staggers for [K]* [2][P],[2_][6][P]+[K] timing is very important here.

      those are just some of my combos, idk if they are "pro player" usable or not
    3. Mysterious_Red
      i still believe [4][P]+[K], [P], [4][6][P], [K] kicksass, counterhit /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif: [4][P]+[K], [P], [4][6][P], [2_][6][P]+[K]

      p.s. nice combos sparda, also instead of pressing [P]+[K]+[G], pressing only [G] also works/versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
    4. GeGoh
      Good work CreeD, I'll read it tomorrow.
      In German I would say: Einfach nur hammer geil!

      Greetings from Berlin.
    5. stpROCK
      Nice guide after all. It helped me to make Goh to one of my favourite characters. He is pretty tough if someone can handle him very well. His lowpunch-sabaki is imo damn cool. If you can get a lowpunch, [4][P]+[K] as a guaranteed move is so sweet. Besides Goh ducks under high ( maybe some medium attacks? ) attacks. Of course its too bad if you dont get this lowpunch......ive seen too many Spods the first times.
    6. ouchthathurt
      great guide. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

      where did you get the frame data from? would you mind adding the rest of the data to it? there are a number of moves that i'm interested in knowing exe time for.

      also on the low punch cut, i think the way its supposed to work is not as a universal low punch counter, but as a mix-up between that and his low swipe. if you can get in the low swipe in a situation, then you can mix up with the low punch cut. they can't jab you out so they have to low jab you out (hence the mix up with the low punch cut). additionally they look pretty similar, and if you get them to freeze thinking low swipe, you recover quickly enough to go with either a shoulder ram or a high/low throw. not the best of strats, but can be useful from time to time.

      imo sidekick and sabaki uppercut should be tier 2 moves. knockdown mid and anti-mp/elbow -> free throw are both good enough in many cases to warrant it. f+p i would move to 3 tier, as it can be useful, but not as important as the other moves.

      for Tsukame, i think of it as, forward/back give you two very high damage options to mix up, while up/down give you 3 decent damage mix ups. so more damage higher risk, less damage lower risk.

      another question, is dodging sweep and split trip the same thing? it seems like it, and dunno what other moves either could be.
    7. SUGATA
      Very useful guide even now for VF5FS, CreeD!
      Thank you very much!!

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