Found Ver.A in Japan

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by BK__, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you're having a good time - if I only I could take the time to have some VF fun in Japan /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Just a couple comments from my experience of FT - 6 weeks worth now /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif 2 weeks Ver A.

    Pai's [6][6][P]+[K] in Version A will crumple even on LC (yellow). A nice change from original FT. On crumple, you can nail [9]+[K][K] on the bounce, or even [9]+[K] -> pounce if you're feeling a little greedy. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Indeed, [4][4]+[K] is a great way to get to her back turned options - it works well in pressure flow charts, and it's also a fantastic oki tool: [4][4]+[K] over an opponent's low rising attack and nail them with [2][P]+[K],[P]+[G] for some nice style.

    In my opinion, the changes to Pai's [K] are not all that noticeable. I can still use the kick as a counter tool in many of the same circumstance as I could in Evo - e.g. blocked Double Palm, etc. I've never really tried to put together elaborate floats from a high kick. Going for [P] -> [P] -> [6][6][P][K] is a bit optimistic in my books, even in Evo. Mind you, I still find that [K] -> [P] -> [2_][6]+[P] -> [6][6][P][K] is no different on counter hit than it was in Evo. But maybe it's just me. <shrug>

    Sabaki and reversable swallow kicks is not an issue. What it does, really, is makes Pai players think about when to use them, instead of relying on them as a sort of catch-all type move that is arguably abused in Evo. So, just be a little bit more careful about using them. I've had them sabaki'ed a few times by Lion players and I've even had a Wolf player reverse them (which was sweet). The change will only make Pai players better, imo.

    Anyway...just my 2 cents.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input Llanfair, doing [K] [P] [P] [6][6] [P][K] is pretty much the norm depending on what character your facing i just found it really hard to add anything in FT apart [6][6] [P][K] i guess i just didnt get enough practice at it. I didnt go into the swallow kick stuff much as it still pretty much just as effective as it is in evo (thank god that one frame didnt do much). Not sure if this is right but when i was in Japan i was facing shun and i'm pretty sure they have changed the moves the you sober him with and the amount of drinks she takes has been reduced i was pretty pissed about that.

    p.s gee ho [4] [6] [K] isnt swallow kick.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    as promised some photos

    Click here

    i'll add somemore tommorow
  4. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    remi, i keep saying this: -- the 14 frame sabakiable swallow kick is just to actually keep pai with a standard elbow / throw nitaku game. in all the other versions, it was way unfair that even if opp was at -1, pai has a hopping, safe, uncounterable, cannable, unsabakiable/reversable and delayable mid attack to play with her nitaku game! and its guaranteed knockdown of the opponent's choice!!!

    her new mid kick now plays as an elbow class poke like any other character's so no, it doesnt feel much different, but yes, it cant do some of the cheapness it used to.

    ..oh my dayz, edo looks like i just kiled his mum or sommin /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    afroconnextion: yeah, thats the FT master guide, import it if you can get it translated... or i think the pictures still explain quite alot imo.

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