Found Ver.A in Japan

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by BK__, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:EDIT: makatiel -- ill be at shibuya high-tech land tomorrow (wednesday), i guess ill be there probably during the day till lateish. not sure how many challenges i can actually squeeze in as i gotta start putting aside money for when i go back to london, but ill play as much as i can.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    dont worry, if you play me, youll only use 100 yen. cause im horrible! hahahahah. ill try to make it out to shibuya tonight. if i dont see you, then i hope youve had a good time here!
  2. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    hey remi u dont need to write a huge report, but overall how is pai, does she seem stronger, plus hows the weakened swallow kick and sweep.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    ill let u know what i think when i get back right now i really dont have the time to write some long ass report
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Mmm...swallow kicks....haha, Goh [4][6][K]!!! Sorry, just happy they made it a middle kick class attack. It makes a huge difference for Goh.

    BK, I think there are two types of players: one that goes easy on low ranked, low wins opponents; and one that goes for the "easy" techniques that low ranked, low wins opponents tend to fall for.

    One thing I learned is to disregard the statistics game, and to use your card whenever possible--especially in a scene like Japan where you have so much variety. You'll get used to playing with the pressure, opponents' expectations, and your "natural" winning percentage will arise as you play good and bad opponents. It actually ends up being less stressful!
  5. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Ok, went to shibya hi-tech land yesterday and the competition was rough. i got there pretty early so i took a few challenges then went to get something to eat. actually, i had no troubles at all really with challenges for some reason. these guys looked really tough but i managed to end their streaks pretty quickly (luck?).. the same goh player which i mentioned in the first shibuya post was there using wolf, i have no toubles really against wolf so that was pretty easy too, he then used pai and beat me abusing her evade mid circular. i felt kindda stupid, lol.

    female opponents were taking challenges too, the girlfriends of boyfriends were like doing some tag team switch thing, it was funny, infact it was an all wolf challenge today from some couple using him which happened to be with Bunbunmaru.

    did i say Bunbunmaru?... yep, it was him alright, from the moment i came back from lunch he was sitting there taking challenges, i couldnt believe my luck! i honestly was worried for a long time that he quit VF.

    So anyway, i started watching him for a while banging up opponents, doing his usual flashy play. he had an odd ring name, some VF historical date i think, not sure. His friend was really tight too, i think he even looked as strong / stronger imo. so anywayz, it was an all-wolf-trio of friends (goody).

    as soon as some guy got his ass whooped against bunbun, i got my chance to sit down. I didnt take any time to get nervous, just...played, ended up winning the first match, so i was pretty happy. i dont think he was chuffed about it very much so he challenged again and unleashed some bunbun yomi..

    It was very fun playing, some rounds he would low throw me like 3 times in a row out of sheer guessing. as a wolf player, i couldnt let that go without some payback, so i did it to him a couple of times, lol, i could hear him scream out from the other side of the verses city cabinet.^^* One of the highlights i can pick out amongst all the beatings i took was one match where we were both at like 20% health, and we both ran in for the finish...

    the fastest reaction i can think of was pulling out a PP,fp to take the match guaranteed, so if did and it hit! first P was sucessful, second P was sucessful, then.... thrird P turned out to be a lousy P!!

    he then blocked it and MC kneed me to finish the match, i had my head in my lap for like 20 mins while people were watching. i then challenged again and beat him, so i was alittle happier /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif he then went to play another game, so i was left to take on the wolf couple again.

    of course before i lost my chance i took a photo with bunbun, it looked like it was nothing new to him when i asked, lol enjoyed the fame i guess... but ofcourse he was my idle wolf when i was getting into VF, so why not.

    I was then about to leave when Dera Akira showed up, i wasnt too bothered about facing him, but i did anywayz only to get trashed 4-0. after a while, i figured out he was actually using the K,G cancel throw technique on MC evade, it meant i had no choice but to ETE, and that really narrowed my play meaning i couldnt make many choices to evade and attack. his akira was a demon. my best was about 2-3 against him. i didnt stick around long enough to carry on facing him tho.
  6. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Glad you made it to High Tech. I got help up at work, then helping a friend, then the rain. I just couldn't make it. Sorry about that.

    Seems you got a good amount of play in while you were here though!
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    yeah, no probs, atleast it we tried..

    anyhow i leave japan tomorrow morning, so i pretty my went to akihabara for the last time. there was one jeffry which played just like daisuke (the one UK knows). i thought it was him till i saw the opponent, incredably solid!

    other than that, it was the usual standard level. i found out the Edo kage actually works in akihabara club sega! he was walking around pushing in chairs and cleaning up cigarette buds, lol, now i know what i made him late for last time. unfortunatley i couldnt challenge him again... ah well.

    anyhow, thats it from me, ill be back in london by saturday i reckon, im already gonna look forward to the next time i visit japan^^. it was great!
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    oo0h, ooh!, one last thing!

    wolfs lightweight combo B*P -- (F)P,K,G [screw hook] has now changed from closed stance to being only open stance specific!

    this means that after his [6][P][G] catch, [3][P][G] push, this combo now works when it didnt before! guaranteed lightweight ownage /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mmm...swallow kicks....haha, [4][6][K] Goh !!! Sorry, just happy they made it a middle kick class attack. It makes a huge difference for Goh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The first time I do a midkick reversal on swallowkicks with Brad I'll laugh like a Crazyman on a fort who just found a crystalball in the thunderstorm.

  10. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    again Bk thanks for the report, you met and played Bun bun! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif , stalking Edo was a bit out of order though /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  11. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Hey i didnt stalk Edo!! Club Sega is the arcade hes blanantly walking around, infact u are pretty much minding ur own business playing VF and suddenly Edo comes out of nowhere to clean up the ash tray on ur machine.. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    i hope you did other things in japan besides vissit arcades. Not that theres anyhing wrong with that mind u
  13. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    now i know what i made him late for last time. unfortunatley i couldnt challenge him again... ah well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Probably not. Sega are rather assholish about employees playing in the game centers they work in. I know a floor manager of Shibuya Gigo, but he has to go to Club Sega to play anything.
  14. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    Hey i didnt stalk Edo!! Club Sega is the arcade hes blanantly walking around, infact u are pretty much minding ur own business playing VF and suddenly Edo comes out of nowhere to clean up the ash tray on ur machine.. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At least whilst doing his job he can sneak behind and watch some ppl in action, lol.
  15. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Ahhhh where to begin,first off for those of you who have not been to Japan GET OUT THERE! Chances are you will love it and want to go back i know i do, ive already started saving hopefully if i get my lazy ass a job then i can be out there by january or late febuary at the latest.

    Anyway Day 1:

    From what i can remember we arrived in Narita airport about 12pm japanese time, though my body thought it was 2 in the morning GMT time. We go tot kinda lost on those stupid imigration forms but eventually managed to fill them out (Purpose of visit to Japan: PLEASURE).WE waited around in the airport for reasons unknown to me and probably the rest of them as well, eventually at about 3 we got on the train to Ichikawa for probably the longest train ride ever well not ever but it felt damn long due to the jet lag but i did manage to have an interesting conversation with some old japanese lady who thought we were a bunch of amercians. From Ichikawa to Koiwa then the walk in humidty pulling the stupid luggage which i stupidly overpacked on ("silly gaijin" i swear to god i heard
    somebody say that). We arrived at the Ryokan fugi inn and then we all slept for about 19 hours so nothing much happened on that day well nothing VF related anyway.

    Day 2:

    We all woke up around 4 in the afternoon then went to AKihabara(Electric city). Me and BK both managed to buy the VIRTUA FIGGHTER 4 FT MASTERRRR GUIDEEEE for 1600 yen in one of my favourite shops in akihabara. 8 floors of games, mecha, dvds etc etc etc and a basement for the porn(smiley face). We found sega GIGO right around the corner from the that shop and must have recorded the quickest time going up the escalators to try and find FT,we finally found the game on the top floor not really what i was expecting it was a bit like being in the trocadero again except the sticks actually worked and the air con was blowing in cold air anyway down to business the first port of
    call was to get the FT card. BK managed to get one and vic (our non playing vf friend) got one until i step up to the damn thing I put in my 500 yen and the damn thing takes my money without giving me my card and there wasnt any assistant around to ask to help out(not that i would be able to since i cant speak japanese). In the end i bought the FT card off of vic finally i put the thing in and sat down to try beat the shit out of BK as usual.


    Pai's bb + k is a move that can finally give you a semi safe and fast way into her BT stance making her BT moves almost as effective as lei fei. bb+k is usually ducked at first but since she has a hole host of mid attacks from BT including her new hit throw which starts off with a mid elbow so your opponant is kinda screwed if they are still ducking. I didnt get much time to use ff p+k as much as i would of liked but it seems like another good move, it crumples on red, covers alot of distance,can be guard canceled and also give you access to her pp strings and other moves from that
    stance.From what i can remember i lost a few times to Bk and beat him a few times dont think either of us were fighting seriously just trying out new moves etc etc etc.Anyway from there we moved on to Club Sega i dont think i have ever seen so many vf arcades back to back in my life the competition varies alot in club sega but you have a nice mix of standard players and expert players i must admit my card got kinda trashed today ended up with like 4 wins and 14 losses people were just alot better then i expected and just about everyone i fought read me like an open book. It was strange to see how like fuzzy guarding,ARE and ETEG is just the norm and everyone uses it so effectivly even down to the most scrubby players. With all that said and done i had pretty much run out of money and only had my train fare left so i couldnt play anymore. Only thing that bugged me besides losing so many matches was the changes to pai's standing k, it seems slower and doesnt float as high. Even On red i found it near enough impossible to add the usual pp ffpk after her standing k which i had come so acustomed to in evo. Many times in the matches i played i made the mistake of trying to add more hits then i could and paid the price by losing the match.

    I'll do the other days over the weekend and hopefully i'll have the pictures by then as well.
  16. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Some Photos

    i think archangel hs the rest on his camera, i had one with edo somewhere..

    enjoy /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    yeah i should get my photos back tommorow i'll scan some in.
  18. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Which book is that in the pic "Daily Meal"? Is it the master guide, and is it worth importing?

    And thnx for the cool pics. I look forward to seeing the others.
  19. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for thr report and photo's aa, sounds like you guys had fun time /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
    [ QUOTE ]
    not really what i was expecting it was a bit like being in the trocadero again except the sticks actually worked and the air con was blowing in cold air ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    haha, the cold air makes all the difference though /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  20. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    well elast her new moves compensate for her weakend old ones i hope, im not to bothered about [K] as i dotn use it that much,sahme about [6],[6][P],[K] gauranteed after. Hm i hope her swallow kick aint as screwed.guess have to gues use to using [4],[6],[K] instead

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