Formerly FS Trademark -> now Off-topic stuff :(

Discussion in 'Console' started by Dandy_J, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Learn to smile and nod Myke.
  2. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    Does Final Showdown have more stuff than R?
  3. deadfrog

    deadfrog Member

    hello gentlemen would you like to party
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

  5. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

  6. Berzerk

    Berzerk Well-Known Member

    TGS is a week and a bit away. Look forward to confirmation!
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Osmium. Definately Osmium.
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I think that R has the property of not being FS, while FS has the property of not being R. I am not sure if that amounts to R having more stuff, but certainly has something thet FS doesnt have (the property of being R, plus the property of not being FS).
  9. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    WORD UP!!!

    That's sick! Just awesome!

    Hopefully there will be no more blue-balls around here. Still let's just be measured until it's a lock, just do our best to stay grounded so we don't get crushed again.

    I'm just saying that for solidarity's sake, but this is the best news I've heard in a long time!
  10. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Assuming the game does get released, I hope we don't get gipped on items... It would be nice if the items on R were also on FS... I mean I would love do deck out Lau or Jeffry with all the crazy items that were in both games...
  11. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    If this occurs, I can finally return to the series that made me care about fighting games.

    And I can finally give up the hateful Street Fighter IV.

    Not 3S or BBCS though. Those are good.
  12. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    ^Do yourself a favor, if you don't enjoy SSF4, drop it entirely. I did and life became better lol. (Actually I'll still enter local tournies to boost numbers :/)
  13. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Not buying that game was the best decision I ever made.
  14. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Well I went in for a little while. They put in Makoto, but I felt she was a bit too stiff and doesn't mesh real well in this game. From the earl loc-test neither do the twins or at least Yun. If they threw in Alex I might have gone in on principle and stuck with it.
  15. DaiAndOh

    DaiAndOh Well-Known Member

    It's true.

    I've become a happier person.
  16. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

  17. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    i beg to differ, but okay.
  18. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    I did the exact same thing.
    Also picked up blaze blu, fun game, MUCH funner than SF.

    But its no VF [​IMG]
  19. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    I wish 3d fighting games had more titles to chose from.
  20. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    When you get down to it, all the other 3D fighters have had very solid versions put out. With Tekken, Tekken Tag was probably the best. With Soul Calibur, it was Soul Calibur II. With Dead or Alive, it was Dead or Alive 3. And I would take any one of those games and play it seriously if there was a scene left for them, or decent online play. The problem is, the most recent versions of all the major 3D fighters have completely caved in to the casual audience, producing games that aren't very suitable for competitive play. I mean, you can still play them competitively, it's just not very fun, because the games aren't geared to it. VF is the last holdout for hardcore 3D fighting enthusiasts.

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