For those who know your MBTI type, what are you?

Discussion in 'General' started by Hyunster, May 28, 2012.

  1. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    That's a very good question. I think it could and does. In general, The intuitive types are outnumbered by the sensing types by about 3-1. Look at the Simpsons. Out of the family of four (not counting the baby) Lisa is the only intuitive type, and feels quite alienated in her own family. In particular, male, intuitive, introverted types (such as Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes) do fall into trap of using MBTI typing as the gateway to snowflake syndrome which in turn serves to compensate for their minority status. My type INFJ is quite rare and even rarer among males (but not as rare as, say female INTJ). I have to admit it did pull me into a symptom similar to snowflake for a little while.

    But then, it seems just playing VF seemed to have incited snowflake syndrome in many of us. (Which, I might remind again, is just a videogame.)
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I agree with that comment in vf inciting this as well. Although it isn't too common I think it does happen. It doesn't help that people expect vf players to act as such.
  3. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I felt more like a snowflake before doing these types of tests.
  4. omegamarth

    omegamarth Member

    Despite being extremely intelligent, and an introvert, I rely on emotions to decide what I want to do, then let logic decide how I do it. But the more important part is the emotional part that gets me to do it. But, being an introvert, people assume that I'm cold and calculating.... They're wrong, other than the calculating part, in which yeah, I'm pretty damn calculating.
  5. barn34

    barn34 Active Member

    INTP pretty much to the core. I'm a research engineer specializing in machine automation, so everything in that original link fits me like a well tailored glove, for the most part.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Eh just generally the last letter doesn't change so maybe just a little schizophrenic
  7. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Why schizophrenic?
  8. barn34

    barn34 Active Member

    I actually just had a discussion about this with a guy over lunch today and he said he thought I was a definite INTJ. I ended up reading both descriptions and then took that online test and, sure enough, INTJ. Most surprisingly, it was J by a wide margin. I read both descriptions and INTJ definitely seems to fit better, but there are so many aspects about INTP that fit, as well. Oh well, who knows how accurate these tests are but here were the results I got:

    Introverted - 89
    Intuitive - 75
    Thinking - 50 (I actually expected this to be higher)
    Judging - 89 (I expected this to be lower)

    Interesting thing is, I've noticed a lot of INTJs in this thread. That's a potential pattern emerging and reading into the INTJ description with VF colored lenses is very interesting.

    Read that article and think about how those traits would translate to VF play. Compared to INTPs, I feel INTJs SHOULD MAKE the better player because they would be able to read the same patterns and notice the same traits, but be quicker to make a definitive call on how to approach or counter that strategy. The wishy-washy nature of INTPs decision making would be to their detriment in playing such a fast paced game like VF. Again, I'm assuming everything else is equal between the players (experience, dexterity, reaction time, etc.) and the only difference is in player personality. INTPs ability to shut out the outside world and absorb themselves in thought and analysis of a given system are obviously huge benefits, but they seem more suited to strategy situations that allow them time to think through every potential option before making a judgement call on how to proceed. I would think INTJs would be better at fighting games and INTPs would be better at chess and maybe even a game like StarCraft (but that requires some pretty fast paced decision making, as well). Maybe I'm wrong.

    Still, I think it's obvious that INTJ is what I am now. I quickly picked out a potential pattern in the thread responses and dove head first into analyzing it before I even realized what happened. lol
  9. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Should I be alarmed that I'm the only ISTJ here?? :p
  10. barn34

    barn34 Active Member

    A very interesting experiment would be to take the 16 different personality types and see what VF characters we think should best fit those player personalities.
  11. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Something worth noting which I would think is completely non-dependent of personality types would be reaction speed. A good example of this would be the gun-shooting game, Police Trainer. I have a friend who used to play this with me and one of the modes is a bunch of random targets that pop up with two different pictures, one of a civilian just standing there and the other is the same looking civilian but is pointing a gun at you. I remember my friend used to shoot the gun pointer before I could even determine what the image was. Now I'm talking only tenths of a second but he was still shooting them before I could even discern the image. My reaction time is pretty fast, but that really made me realize my limitations.
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Someone do a list of who is what, I'd do it but I'm getting ready for a funeral ATM. I know tht gutti, Adam and I have the same type.
  13. Northofself

    Northofself Member

    I've been into the theory behind this stuff for ages, and come out a clear ENFP. That said, the first time I took the test, I just barely scored INFP, which threw me off for a good year until I realized I really had no ceiling to the amount of people-time I could stand (but went pretty screwy after too much isolation).

    In terms of the way ENTJ's and ENTP's brains process information, they've really got nothing in common, so let me run by the gist of what makes each tick:

    The ENTJ's are going to be all about making their ideas (as in: practical, objective ideas) interact with and work in the outside world. They use their secondary intuitive sense to anticipate where a system will lead to help them do this. What this does is let them single-out all the information relevant to their usually practical and realistic goals, making them pretty efficient problem-solvers. In heightened moments, they're dispossed to putting aside their internalized, future-building tendencies in favour of focusing on the present, having fun in the moment, losing themselves in sensation, etc.... They're not the type to often care or bring up life's more subjective things, but over time they'll usually settle on a firmly-personal and internally-generated value system. The Hollywood archetype of a CEO or big-businessman often falls into this category. I usually think of UFC president Dana White.

    ENTP's on the other hand focus on using their intuition to look for patterns in their world, and then go about breaking down the logic behind it all in their own heads, until they have a good sense of the possibilities, tangents and interrelations behind it all. Some are more likely to be interested, concerned, or at least feel the need to tackle subjective, societal traditions, and can get pretty good at debating them. Others just stick more to tinkering and invention (and then sharing their creations). Ideally, as they age, they usually get better and better at managing details and noticing changes, which helps balance out their flighty intuition. Hollywood has a tendency of using this archetype for inventors or lawyers when they aren't portraying them as reclusive or boring. Comedians like George Carlin, and that more outgoing host of Mythbusters fit the bill.

    If any of you want a Baptism by fire into this stuff, check out this INTJ Youtuber's channel.
  14. aseomoc

    aseomoc Member

    INTP, apparently I like to think a lot. Apparently this type isn't very good at applying it....which is true I guess.
  15. conbrio4

    conbrio4 New Member

    I think these tests are more for entertainment, like going to a palm reader or reading your horoscope (which doesn't make them any less fun). And it sometimes seems that people will modify their behavior to fit into a desired mold, rather than the tests actually "diagnosing" what type they are. In addition to the reliability and validity being questionable (there's plenty of research to that end), the system falls apart if you don't accept the assumptions upon which the tests are based.

    Oddly, this is probably what a typical INTJ would say. Meh.
  16. Northofself

    Northofself Member

    ^ Agreed. There's a lot that can go wrong with the tests, and some descriptions tend to get a little carried away with how much they try to tell you. It's not altogether useless for knowing your limits and speed-reading other people's preferences though.
  17. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    I was really interested in this so I did 2 quick tests. They gave completely different results but I'm going to go with the one that was more in-depth. Apparently I'm an ISTP, can anyone shed light on what that actually means?
  18. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member


    People who prefer introversion tend to focus their attention on the inner world of ideas and impressions.

    People who prefer Sensing tend to take in information through the five senses and focus on the here and now.

    People who prefer Thinking tend to make decisions based primarily on logic and on objective analysis of cause and effect.

    People who prefer Perceiving tend to like a flexible and spontaneous approach to life and prefer to keep their options open.

    /wave How goes, Rayne? [​IMG]
  19. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I was once ENTP, then it turned into INTP post deployment.

    I used to have a couple of books on MBTI, but can't recall where I put them.
  20. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Usually INTJ

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