FEET BRIBE VOL 4: 15th November 2003 - 2 ON 2 MIRROR PAIR TOURNEY

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Tsuujin, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    Re: the quiet before the storm....

    yeah great team arch, we showed others pai aint just a pretty face. Felt a buit guilty for losing but least we caused a lil scare before losing and had a good win over dai's team. Gonna get me some sticks and really practise dodging and stop doing the Hong Kong action star wild kicks for no reason only when i should.
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: the quiet before the storm....

    first off i have to apologize to Jun for me being such a sucky partner, in the finals i was a joke (also goes for vs the other jacky team) ... perhaps we could have done better if i was playing good enough to back him up, instead he had to clear up after my mess each round which cost us to lose eventually, it would be unfair to claim i even deserve to be 2nd place, it's all his.

    i was distinctly the weakest wolf, and i need to get better, i completely lost all motive after the long break and rinsing off KoF2000 during that period.. each match i won, i think Jun could have with his eyes closed... and i'm also bummed that the dash cancel system sucks in ver.A which is why minami stepping can't be done /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    i also wanted to speak japanese that day, but i did'nt feel that confident i know enough, i found it tricky speaking with jun in english, but it would be even worse me speaking my text book japanese, lol. (btw, who was the cute girl he came with).

    -watching Jun own.
    -Q_Otaku taking on both ryan and his partner
    -team Pai

    -getting screwed with throw cancels, I REVERSED DAI'S LOW THROW DAMN IT!!! frikkin elbow counterable low K!!!! AAAUUGGHH!!

    well that's it, i had a laugh, almost fainted due to the heat, and.... oh, i also have to give a shout to onny's brad and ryo yamazaki's goh, i was VERY impressed.. great play...

    see yaz next time,.... (oh, and ragingsilver, get practicing for KoF, i gonna pwn u again with da clark, ralf & maxima team /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif)


    [ QUOTE ]

    best match:

    Jun and bk vs Dai and prince. The double low throws were sick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    don't forget i did the same thing on ryan's partner, lol.. that was funny.
  3. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    Re: the quiet before the storm....

    well my first VF tourney.. and it was awesome! thanks to ryan for hosting it and doing all the hard work.. thanks to hatim for the drinks and the expert method at turning the music off..it was all good!

    the quality of most of the matches was stunning for me.. i never realised so many awesome VF players were in london! hehehe

    anyway, a top experience! now when's the next one? /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  4. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    Re: the quiet before the storm....


    Much better turn out and much more better matches. I did crap and there was no denying that. I might go back to Sarah just for Ver.A cos Goh sucks in Ver.A. I ain't using that Ver.A sucks excuse, I admitted I did crap anyway but I will complain about the sticks tho, lol. My partner Ryo was cool and I was impressed by his Goh. Shame we didn't even qualify but hey I had fun at least which counts. Thanx to Hatim for the free drinks. Using that lil speaker as a coat hanger were funny I thought. It cuto ut most of the music anyway, haha. Ppls need to switch on that air-con machine for the next trny, I was boiling up man.

    Best matches were mentioned before, Especially the Wolf Pac Vs the Jeff's. Man I've never seen sucha fast paced match and ohhh the low throws in the end. So harsh. I think next time Ryan should start filming during the knock outs and not the qualifying rounds cos man u missed out alot of matches that were awesome. We coulda showed off what the UK crew is all about to the boards.

    Nice characters were again Ryo and Onny's Brad, u show off u with ur lil kick reversals, lol. That new Akira player was impressive too, Mike I think his name was, I forgot who he teamed up with. He SPoD'ed Ryan!, hehe.

    Can't wait for the next trny tho. This time I'll have my namco stick with me and Ver.B Goh. Rock on!
  5. _Berserker_

    _Berserker_ Well-Known Member

    Re: the quiet before the storm....

    So it happened to be a great turn out, the atmosphere was a lot better than those winner-stays-on types of turneys, coz everyone got so involved cheering for teams lol /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    big shout for my team mate mike who was doing great, it's always nice to see new akiras around. I'd like to take back my comment on your akira not doing enough evading, coz you'd still manage to kick some serious arses your way!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    BK i think you're just being too pessimistic about your game! both you and jun pulled off some amazing games, way to go the wolf pack (team) !!

    And the sweet pie team, you guys have improved so much since i last played both of you (ages ago), you were doing all this crazy pie flowchart shit that I've never seen before, namely the low throws, reversals, ownage mind games and the funny evade-trip throw thing hehe....

    Onny! nice to see some brad player for a change (nice change from Mishurugi)!! didn't know you're still around, i still remember the first time we met in southampton, and that other random time in namco station in westminister, then now in our massive(?) uk VF4 community lol!!!!! those were the good old SC1 days, you better practice some SC2 and be prepared for the MAXI's revenge..... /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    So it seems that it was worth it for me taking a day off work, travel all the way down from colchester with Sham and be geeks with you all. (For optimusomega's infomation, Sham was practicing against my akira all these time..... he's properly trained his lei to be an anti Akira assassin monk!! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif )

    I've prolly missed a load of many other good players and games, but atm these are just things i could recall off my head, remind me by posting the clips, double time!! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    As for my own performance, I was so random, and prolly got lucky in some of the better(?) fights..... damn i couldn't pull off my newly trained stepping and my secret ring out / wall combo ancient technique properly...... better make the next gathering a PS2 gathering so I can bring my stick..... hehe /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    It's ashame that some people left early, it was fun towards the end of the gathering, hope the recorder picked up some good matches for you to watch, before it ran out of battery!!
  6. Tsuujin

    Tsuujin Well-Known Member

    Tournament thoughts...

    Hey, how come no one has remembered to comment on my sick 20+ win streak after the tournament with Akira. That was my highlight, it's sad that all of you guys take away all that hard work and skill that I had to put in to get those wins and just remember the one minor win that Sham got to take me off.

    Anyway, yesterday at trocadero showed us the best VF evo tourney that we have ever had. The level was higher than ever and the turnout was great too. Thanks to all of you for coming down to participate. Its good to see that the level is always getting higher.

    About the batteries, in trocadero I have seen that they have power sockets so for the next tournament I will just record straight from the mains to guarantee I cap the whole tournament.

    Last time I got all of it on those two batteries and had loads of space left over so I thought I could manage this one too but it didn't work out. Next time will be way better. Sorry about that guys. Keep practicing guys, now we are gonna get serious, my next tournament will be a ranking battle tournament, so yes it will be one on one.
  7. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tsuujin said:

    Hey, how come no one has remembered to comment on my sick 20+ win streak after the tournament with Akira. That was my highlight, it's sad that all of you guys take away all that hard work and skill that I had to put in to get those wins and just remember the one minor win that Sham got to take me off.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh probably because everyone expects it. Anyway looks like Gerald got pretty far without me with onny hehehe. Sorry about that Gerald i can't believe out of all these people not one represented Lion.

    Fuck what Kyasao says Lion is bottom tier heh at least in the UK :p

    Nah J/k bah i was hoping to see a video of the tourney ah well.
  8. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tsuujin said:

    Hey, how come no one has remembered to comment on my sick 20+ win streak after the tournament with Akira. That was my highlight, it's sad that all of you guys take away all that hard work and skill that I had to put in to get those wins and just remember the one minor win that Sham got to take me off.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh probably because everyone expects it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah it just a given that your gonna have your sick winning streaks cause your level's still higher /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Remember guys if there are any good matches on the tapes I'm your man for putting/converting them up /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  9. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    try to go to the next tournament in december but this time im bringing my GBA. though the waiting times cant be helped best to prepare myself next time.
  10. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    It was funny. during soem of the matches before the knock outs I got bored of watching and BK had a while to wait before he was up again. Next time BK, I'll get u on KOF2000, lol.

    I also forgot to mention Gee ho's Pai. I wondered who u were and how ur pai was like. Ur pai is quite diff from AA in that u do more reversals and low throws and have diff set ups.

    Oh no's the next tnry is a ranking one! I'll skip that one me thinks, lol. I'll be at the bottom somewhere, haha.

    Anywayz, peace y'all, seeya on the December event!
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    I think it's way beyond the point now were uk vf players should be fussing how many times or when they beat ryan. I mean come on guys we all have to lose some days.
  12. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, how come no one has remembered to comment on my sick 20+ win streak after the tournament with Akira. That was my highlight, it's sad that all of you guys take away all that hard work and skill that I had to put in to get those wins and just remember the one minor win that Sham got to take me off.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Minor win?

    In case you didn't notice, that was the 2ND TIME IN A ROW i ended your tens of man win streaks.
    On this occasion, alongside beating u 3-1, I also got 1 EXCELLENT, 2 if u count the 3-2 loss.

    Its sad how you take away the hard work and skill I put in to getting those results, and call it minor. Then again seeing as it was so easy beating u, i guess it was a minor win.

    As for the tourney:

    yeh i played shit. so fucking what.
  13. Tsuujin

    Tsuujin Well-Known Member

    I challenge YOU...Chicken!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sham said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, how come no one has remembered to comment on my sick 20+ win streak after the tournament with Akira. That was my highlight, it's sad that all of you guys take away all that hard work and skill that I had to put in to get those wins and just remember the one minor win that Sham got to take me off.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Minor win?

    In case you didn't notice, that was the 2ND TIME IN A ROW i ended your tens of man win streaks.
    On this occasion, alongside beating u 3-1, I also got 1 EXCELLENT, 2 if u count the 3-2 loss.

    Its sad how you take away the hard work and skill I put in to getting those results, and call it minor. Then again seeing as it was so easy beating u, i guess it was a minor win.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, you wanna come on line and get rude? Do you know how many famous vfers I've beaten all over the world? Do you? Do you think you are anything to me on vf? You must be joking. Why would I consider your one win on me some sort of victory? I would be insulting all those pIayers all over the world that I do rate if I considered you to be anything at all. I would have battered you if I'd challenged you again that's why you teleported from the arcade. 1 win is minor, I have always said that. After 20+ wins I'm sometimes easier to play cos I'm tiring and stuff, especially after just playing a tournament too. Anyone can beat me after that, my level of VF is much higher than yours, do you think that 1 win should impress me or something, you will have to do a lot more than that to impress me. I'm not just anyone you know.

    So you think you are something do you? Wanna play for money? Why don't you bet me £20 to a first to 5 or 10 series on arcade or ps2? That means something, not one MINOR win. I know you won't accept the challenge, you're a chicken and if you can't accept the challenge you should edit your post, if you can't accept after saying that beating me is minor then you should change your name to CHICKEN. Also you played more than everyone else. In the space of about 8 mins I played you about 3 times. How did you manage that on a busy Sat evening whne everyone was waiting to play? People were waiting in line to play but you had to push in front to have your game didn't you. Of course you have more chance of taking me off if you have more goes in a row than everyone else. If you were going home, why didn't you just go home? You just used that as an excuse to push in front to get your undeserved games. This shows your attitude to vf and the other players isn't good straight away. Just ask the other vfers what they thought about your little trick on Sat. You will find out that people are not happy.
  14. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    rahh! thats was harsh!
    well the way i see it, ryan was itchin 2 play as akira during the tourny (akiras XSiv joystick input comands feel so much better then button mashin with jacky OR lei-fi!!!)
    and ryan always gets about 20+ wins b4 he bottoms out from the stress or bordom?
    hell its like someone said here that sham has been playin' against akira at uni (i was told this also that nite) and ive also been told how sham had the most plays against ryan when he was akira (soming about him going in front of the q cos he had 2 go home?)
    anyways im not beggin friend with ryan, hell im glad he lost! but c'monnnn it was LEIFe the teef! i hate how hes got like a back turned 4 hit low low high high hit bull shit combo!
    anyways b4 i go on about how much i hate that charicter, let me say that basicly u 2 should hav a 1st to 10 match or summing!
    hell if i remember the evo game was set to an extra credit if u put in £2.50, (ie 6 credits for 5coins)

    high lite was the wolfteam v the jeff team, knew that dai would do a low kick at the end but it wasnt enough!!! to finish him off!!! big up to the prince for the great sommeerfield deal:) and for turning up an playing as welll!!! didnt he hate that cheepish wolf move!!! the spining elbows (you'll never see me do that in a combo)
    good to see jason there with his shun, what happen to him playin as akira thou???
    saw some new faces there to but was disapointed that the THEN new heads last month didnt make it!!
    i kinda liked that gou team, even though i hate gou, an did i hear that Ryo carry'd the team??? kinda like the aoi team as well, olli/optimus did well to bring the team that far, edward need to listen to you some more, what up with his low poke in to a counter that works 5% of the time???
    the pai team was rude, archangel played as per usual( v good 4 a pai that is) but his friend rocked it, like to see someone who dont turtle (block) up an just look for a cheasy KK in to pounce!
    mark/colombo jacky was okish from what i saw then sudenly got really really boom! what happened? it was like he was the embodyment of jacky!!! also how many missed thows did i see from the jackys in genral!!???

    yea nxt time it would be good to get the air con workin, not to much mind, an ryan to use their mains for the camera so we could get the joke interviews too,(would hav to mind the cable thou!!) and i was v surprised to hear it was only £1 to enter!!! damn, how much did u lose???
    anyways thanx to the peeps after at the crispy duck for the bair joke!
    an VO for setting mans some cash:)
    so there will be only one on one nxt time??? an theres me an my bro wantin to chalenge team nobordy??
    ohh well nxt time
    ohh is the nxt one the pre absolution(dec18th?) or is it a beet try an teef win wit lei tribe tourny?
  15. Masamune_Blade

    Masamune_Blade Well-Known Member

    Re: tournament thoughts


    [ QUOTE ]
    Bare_Knuckle said:

    i completely lost all motive after the long break and rinsing off KoF2000 during that period..
    see yaz next time,.... (oh, and ragingsilver, get practicing for KoF, i gonna pwn u again with da clark, ralf & maxima team /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    don't play that shit game (on shit sticks too)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Q_Otaku said:
    SC1 days, you better practice some SC2 and be prepared for the MAXI's revenge.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    don't play that shit game

    props to everyone who tried hard and helped to make the tourney good.the opposite of props to everyone who didnt show up.

    tourney was good, shame the video won't be complete, but we got the best overall match and all the group matches, so everyone gets seen.

    Ryan, bring the cable next time!!!! (im sure you figured this one out already, hehe)

    whens the video on sale?

    Request: team Norbury Vs team uh james and justin.

    i wanna see the little guy kick some ass!!!!!!
  16. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    heh. normally i'd say ryan's got an ego, but the difference is he can back it up.... /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


    sham, tsk tsk.... that would have been a rude remark nomatter who it was too. Insults spoil the fun environment.... not to mention u chose the wrong guy dude...

    EDIT: masamune -eastenders rox, KoF rox, nuff said..
  17. Saurian

    Saurian Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    Props to everyone involved for such a wicked event!

    The people running the arcades here are so full of it - without people like you we'd have nothing. Proper inspried to train up hard and bring a better challenge next time!

    Very sorry I ducked out so early, I hurt my arm the other day and it's causing me misery >_<
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    [ QUOTE ]
    like to see someone who dont turtle (block) up an just look for a cheasy KK in to pounce!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    unfortuanatly when i'm constantly getting hit by jacky's beat knuckle i dont have much choice.I dont mind anyway construtive critism always good to hear, i know i can play better though.

    [ QUOTE ]
    an theres me an my bro wantin to chalenge team nobordy??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    whats the beef with us random?
  19. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    thers no beef, if u want beef i hear that mcD's has a mc tasty burger!
    haha, anyways im just sayin' id thought u lot hav teams! i would be better that way, an most importantly more joke! anyways i played shit (as sham did so he says) i just need to go out an find a crap stick to play on, as ive not got money to hurt on arcades like b4, got to get my kid bros an sis xmas crap!
    hell how bout nxt time we can have grudge matches there as well!!! haha
    i can think of a few people who can vs each other, ryan v sham anyone??? an prob dai v jun!??
    me id like to see a masumue vs raginsilver vas stalwart (all sarahs)
  20. Masamune_Blade

    Masamune_Blade Well-Known Member

    Re: Tournament thoughts...

    [ QUOTE ]
    RandomHajile said:

    ryan v sham anyone??? an prob dai v jun!??
    me id like to see a masAmuNe vs raginsilver vas stalwart (all sarahs)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think people wanna see good challenges dai jun = good the others, uh ONE SIDED!

    BK:eastenders =teh sux0r, kof '99 -'01 = teh sux0r (2000 especially,even more so on those sticks)

    heh i predict bare friction in the future of UK vf relations. THIS WILL HELP TO RAISE THE OVERALL LEVEL(a good thing)

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