[Experimental] VF5FS Lion Combos Compilation

Discussion in 'Lion' started by SG-Lion, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    You Blind?

    All due respect I think SG Lions was clearer but I like the sound of it being updated more often.
  2. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    33P: 46P+KP2/8P>6PP/_KK/66KK Works in any stance on most characters.

    33P: 46P+Kp2/8P>43P+K>6PP 88DMG Works on Aoi in any stance.

    I cant get this to connect with CPU on tech roll. I don't think it's guaranteed.

    Did some testing on El Blaze. Formatting is a mess, I'm using notepad. Launchers have a colon after them. I may have missed some things or some of you may have better ideas for more damage. It can get pretty laborious doing this!

    33P: 46P+Kp2/8P>43P+K>6PP 88DMG
    44K,P+K>46P+K>43P+K>_P>_66KK 87DMG
    44K,P+K>46P+K>43P+K>6PP 86DMG
    PKP>43P+K>6PP 84DMG
    66p: 46P+KP2/8P>66kk 72/82(CH)DMG
    46P+KPP>_KK 71/81(CH)DMG
    43P: 44K,P+K>46P+KPP 69DMG
    2P>43P+K>6PP 59/67(CH)DMG
    8K(CH): 46P+KPP>8P+K 68DMG CLOSED
    PKP>8P+K 69DMG
    _26P+G: 66>2P>66P+K>6PP 64DMG
    TRTH 2KK: 66>2P>43P+K>_P_66KK 76/81(CH)DMG
    66>2P>43P+K>6PP 63/78(CH)DMG
    66>2P>66P+K>6PP 69/74(CH)DMG
    66>2P>46P+K>6PP 68/73(CH)DMG
    TRTH 9P+K(CH): 46P+KPP>43P+K>6PP 80DMG
    TRTH 9P+K: 46P+KPP>6PP 64/72(CH)DMG
    3/9PKG K(CH): 2P>43P+K>6PP 67DMG
    2P>46P+K>6PP 62DMG CLOSED
    2P>66P+K>6PP 63DMG OPEN
    2P>6PP 55DMG
    6k(CH): 2p>66p+k>43p+k>_P>66KK 78DMG
    46k: 66K>P>43P+K>6PP 71/81(CH)DMG
    44K(CH): P+K>66P+K>46P+K>43P+K>6PP 84DMG
    44K: P+K>66P+K>43P+K>6PP 71/82(CH)DMG
    P+K>66P+K>43P+K>_P>_66KK 73/83DMG CLOSED
    1K(CH): 66P+K>43P+K>_P>_66KK 75DMG CLOSED
    _P>46P+K>43P+K>6PP 74DMG CLOSED
    66P+K>43P+K>6PP 73DMG CLOSED
    66P+K>43P+K>66KK 72DMG
    2K(CH),K+G: _P>66P+K>6PP 69/87(CH)DMG
    44K,P+K>6PP 76/94(CH)DMG OPEN
    61P+G K: 2P>43P+K>6PP 63DMG
    2P>43P+K>_P>66KK 66DMG
    2P>43P+K>_P>66P+K,P 64DMG
    btrm likes this.
  3. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    No problem. I did some editing to try to make it clearer.
    Also updated with some of the new combos you guys found and that I double checked. I put interesting combos I need to test in blue as a reminder.
    If you have any suggestions on how to make it clearer, I'll try to apply them.
  4. Conti

    Conti Member

    As to the Google docs, couldn't they be set so anyone (with the link) can edit them so everyone can update them? That'd kinda speed up the process. [​IMG]
  5. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    It's an option but I see here and there that people assume combo will work without testing, which I try to avoid doing myself as much as I can (not 100% I confess).

    I'd like to keep the "combo verified ratio" close to 100%
    So if you want to PM me I'll send you the link, but I'd like this rule to be followed as much as possible.
  6. SG-Lion

    SG-Lion Well-Known Member

    Conti, the 'input/comment version' sheet should be open to public. You can't do editing ?
  7. Conti

    Conti Member

    Hmm, now that you mention that.. it says under the share options "Anyone who has the link can edit". But I can't edit anything. Strangely enough, I get a normal cursor in the edit window, and I can delete stuff, but hitting enter yields nothing. Weird. Anyone else got this, too?
  8. Conti

    Conti Member

    Got another question, assuming the editing problems get solved: What's acceptable for the combo list? I'm looking at things from a more practical standpoint, so I'd love to include stagger-combos or small damage combos.

    For instance, [4][6][P][+][G] near walls allows for quite some nice combos, but you can get out of the stagger. I found a 131 damage combo from a random Lion replay, which works with everyone, including Taka:

    [4][6][P][+][G](near wall),[3][K](requires wall nudge*),[9][K],[9][P],[4][6][P][+][K],[4][6][K][+][G],[P],[4][3][P][+][K],[6][P][P]
    For Taka, replace the [6][P][P] with [6][6][K][K].

    On the other side of the spectrum, [3][P][P] works pretty well for me after an evade, so I looked what I can do with that. Obviously I don't get a whole lot of damage out of this, but I still got rather interesting results. [6][6][K][K] works for everyone as a followup, except Taka, giving 36 damage. [2][P],[6][6][K][K] works with the heavyweights, Akira, Jacky, Jean, Jeffrey, Wolf, for 42 damage. For the lightweights, Eileen, El Blaze and Aoi, you can followup with [2][P],[​IMG][3][P],[6][6][K][K] for 54 damage, but it depends on the stance and the direction you evade: It works in open stance when evading left, and in closed stance when evading right. Otherwise you will have to live with [6][6][K][K], which is also the only option I found for Sarah, Shun, Pain, Lion and Vanessa.
    Gee, wouldn't have though that it's that complicated. o.o

    *Is there an official term for this? It's basically a very short stagger when pushed against the wall.
  9. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Conti, I'll test this 46P+G setup and see what kind of stagger you're refering to.
    Was 46P+G the closest to the wall as possible or a a bit farther ?

    Also for the 3PP combos you mentioned, first we have to test if 3PP is natural combo on side. If it's not, it means it will only work on minor counter (aka during the recovery of the evaded move) which would make the combo a bit random imo. If you evade sometiong like an elbow it probably won't work. Then you add the stance recognition etc it makes it quite impractical.

    It's still something to know, but there is already a lot of work for more conventional combos, may be we should start with those ^^;

    I saw you've tested a lot of combos in your Gdoc too, if we work together it should be finished quite fast. I'm on holidays next week, hopefully I'll have more time to do some tesing.
  10. Conti

    Conti Member

    It had to be pretty close to the wall, though the only way I could get the move done reliably so far in the dojo was to set the CPU near the wall, and then do [3][K],[3][K] before doing the throw. It doesn't have to be this close, but otherwise it seems pretty random whether the [3][K] will result in a wall nudge.

    Yeah, that's probably true. I mostly did some testing with this cause it's pretty useful in my own play. [​IMG] I'm not sure if I get what a "natural combo" is, but [3][P][P],[6][6][K][K] works in any situation, as far as I know.

    I agree that focusing on more obvious combos seems like the smarter thing to do, though. [​IMG]
  11. Seismo17

    Seismo17 Member

    i think nobody mentioned my favorite combo so far...

    46k>4p+k+g>ppkp (77 dmg on CH)

    ...and not many players TR after they got slammed into the ground, so with an extra 1k or 2p>3p you get a nice 92 dmg on CH (77 on normal hit)
    for all hits from the stance to connect 46k has to hit close.
    if it hits far a nice alternative, only guaranteed on light weights i think (maybe up to middle), is 4p+k>2p>66p+kp (75 dmg on CH)

    46k is risky with -9 on GRD but it hits mid and timed correctly goes over many low attacks, i use it a lot.
  12. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I like this combo too but it won't work in both stances on a lot of chars. iirc it will often not work in open.
    For most midweights 46K,4P+K,P, KK, does more damage and works for both stances so its seems better.

    Also when going for hits on the ground vs non tech rollers, 66K(confirm)K is often the better choice.
  13. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    46K 66K P 43P+K 6PP for everyone up to lion (against eileen 2P instead of P)
    46K 4P+K P KK for kage jean goh brad lei lau and jean
    46K 662P 66P+K(G) 6PP for jacky and akira
    46K 662P 46P+K(G) 6PP for wolf and jeffery
    46K KK for taka
  14. Conti

    Conti Member

  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    This is an awesome list, but for Jacky I use:

    46K --> 662P --> 43P+K --> 6PP for 63 damage (+ non techroll bonuses)

    Max Damage for Akira is based on Stance and distance from Akira when doing 46K.
  16. Toto

    Toto Member Gold Supporter

    Hi there,

    This spreadsheet is excellent, thanks for sharing. I'd be happy to help you test some stuff out: I'll post as soon as I have!
  17. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i tested the first one out a lot and i couldn't get it to work on Pai no matter what i did.

    i do have a combo to add to the 46K starter list. i saw it in Chibita vs Fuudo's Pre-Launch party fight.

    [4][6][K] --> [4][P]+[K] --> [P] --> [4][3][P]+[K] --> [6][P][P]

    it needs further testing but i got it to work a lot in practice.
  18. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Against Pai, you need 1FK for 4P+K to complete this combo. You can also use P>66KK against Shun after 43P+K.
    For Eileen/Aoi/Van, 46K> 2_3P > P > 43P+K > P > 66KK
    For Blaze, 46K > 66K > P > 43P+K > P > 66KK
    It's easy to use 6PP in the end and only 2 damage less I remember.

    For 2_3P CH combos, 46P+K P 2or8 P works properly if you rotate the direction to opponents back. For example, against Jacky/Akira/Jean, 2_3P CH > 46P+K P 2or8(toward to opponent back) P > 66P+K P.
  19. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Nice little wall combo at 2m37s.

    Chanchai likes this.
  20. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    For the pai combo:
    46k(tap guard right when both legs come down)>4p+k>6_p>43p+k>6pp/p>66kk.

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