Evolution 2k4 is announced

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Brisal73, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Quote:Shou backed out on the money match after being pwned in public by Boston, he then avoided playing Boston for the whole weekend.

    Can someone confirm this?

    Mind you, if true it doesnt surprise me one bit.
  2. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    /me starts singing "Why can't we be friends"
  3. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jerky said:

    /me starts singing "Why can't we be friends"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think todd rundgren put it better...

    "We can't play this game anymore but can we still be friends?"
  4. Yushiro

    Yushiro Active Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Renzo: Yeah no one in NorCal plays VF4evo. The best place for some VF matches is probably San Fran.

    Hopefully when Final Tuned comes out, I'll probably be having gatherings for FT and see what happens.

    UNCONKABLE Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Great meeting everybody from vfdc, Mukatsuku Shun, and all of the rest. On the day of the finals, we were clapping for Shou when he won his first matches(me and the rest of STL) and everybody else was booing that shit. Then the more he won, the more the boos turned into clapping and it was getting crazy in that bitch. Well, I am glad he repped with his cheap ass Sarah so props to Shou. I enjoyed his match vs Maddy the most. That was hella close. Also against Kurita.

    Take it easy everybody and hopefully Final Tuned will hit the PS2 or X-Box or something.

    conk out,
    not Sarah is a cheap slut, just...

    WHY ARE HER ARMS BIGGER THAN JACKY'S?!?! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  6. Ken_I

    Ken_I Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Quote: Killbomb- "Thanks for appearing out of nowhere to take us back to the hotel at 8 Saturday morning."

    No problem dude, I just happened to crash on the couch after not having slept for 40 hours....really wanted to stay up for the house party /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
    I just really needed the sleep...besides that, I had a really fun time.
  7. Hsiangsta

    Hsiangsta New Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Wasn't there so wondering how Itabashi would compare to the likes of Chibita and Ohsu Akira?

    Dunno who Shou is, but damn he sure backed his shit up.
  8. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Weren't you banned, Shang?
  9. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    SiLLyWiLLy said:

    Weren't you banned, Shang?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm going to guess, that he WAS banned. Actually, I know he WAS banned.

    Apparently he's not anymore. Welcome back, are we going to expect more flaming of the oldschool caliber, or is it toned down now?
  10. Hsiangsta

    Hsiangsta New Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Wow this is hilarious. I just registered for the first time ever here /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Guess I'm famous.

    EDIT: the crazy shit is I just found this Shang guy's account and what I just fuckin' posted is listed under as HIS post...wtf is going on here...
  11. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Stomp - Posted it in Junky's Jungle already, not in General though...not sure if I should make a double post, if a mod would be kindly enough to move it, I'd appreciate it heh ^^;

    Yushiro - Some of my friends that actually play here in SF come over to my place and we session, we 3 are probably the ONLY SF players left...Feixaq quit, no one else has replied or responded to me about sessioning. If you want and are willing to make the trip(I know you live an hour away, but you can drive), you should come over and all 4 of us can just session for a while.
  12. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Hi. It's maddySTYLE. Even though I am still recovering from tiredness from Evo2k4, the event was just super dope. I had a blast meeting old faces and new people that I always wanted to have chance to meet. Everyone was so nice and cool to me, and I couldn't believe how fast my 3 days at Evo went by when I was on my return flight.

    Some memorable moments and quotes from Evo2K4.

    1. First night when Adam, me, Rodney, and Shou were playing an arcade mode in our hotel room, Dave and one Japanese dude came in. I knew Dave but didn't know who the other dude was and assumed it's Raoh. On his turn, to my suprise, the Japanse dude picked Shun instead of Lau and started beating everyone. In my mind, I thought that if this is Raoh playing as his sub character, how freaking good Itabashi Zangief's Shun is. /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif

    It turned out later that we were playing Itabashi Zangief not Raoh. Raoh was in sleep at that moment in his hotel room LOL. I had to keep on laughing hard at myself when I found out about it.

    2. On the same night, Shou was counting his record against me from the arcade mode. I've yet to seen anyone keeping track of arcade mode records. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif He got up and went to sleep when he was up by 7-4 against me saying he's tired. The day after in the morning, he made lots of phone calls everywhere and started telling everyone he beat maddy 7-4 last night. LOL His moment of victory ended very next day when him and I sat down and played a death match. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    A quote from Rodney on this: Shou would have PMed every registered random VFDC member about the result from the first night if you guys didn't play the DM aftewards. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    3. When Boston's Ticky was playing, Dave and I was talking about his Goh.

    Dave: "I've only seen 2 good Goh players in my life. One is Arashi and the other one is him. He plays an aggressive Goh and that's very important."

    Keep up the good game Ticky. You've been reconized as the 2nd best Goh by a player who played in Japan for a long time. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    4. Shang vs Shou

    First night at the Venue, finally the battle between Shang and Shou happened. We were playing arcade, so it wasn't a death match, but funny thing was I've never seen crowds getting into a casual match like that ever before. Shang pulled off his victory against Shou with all the crowds cheering for him, and I was rolling on the floor laugh my ass off!! You just had to be there to realize how fun it was.

    A good thing about this match was that Shou was getting used to the crowds not favorable to him at this early stage. He later turned all the boos into cheers when he stormed through everyone in the finals.

    5. When me and my hotel room crew were heading back to the hotel at one night, We got pulled over by cops. I was sitting in the back seat ,and the moment we got pulled over, I tried to find my seat belt. The cops were apporaching to the car seeing me moving my body left and right while my hands were under my legs. They immidiately pulled out their guns. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif They must been thinking I was trying to pull my gun out when in fact I was trying to find my seat belt.

    Quotes from this event.

    Cop: Did you guys drink?
    Shou: No
    Cop: Where you guys coming from?
    Shou: A video game tournament.
    Cop:(Pointing the joysticks looking kinda scared) Then what are those things?
    Shou: Video game joysticks.

    They let us go after this, and later on.

    Rodney: I can't believe they don't know what video game joysticks are. Don't they have any kid playing Nintendo or something? Did they have no childhoods? /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    6. The drunk Akira

    At the house party, I was feeling hungry as I didn't eat at all at Denny's after the tournament. (I passed out in the car. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif) I was looking for food at Brian's but there weren't any, so I started drinking beers to take care of my hunger. There's some known correlations between alcohol and my VF.

    A quote from Adam at FSB,

    Adam: "Maddy, when you drink, you become a completely different player. You get kinda fearless."

    So, I've been there done that as this was my second time of druken VFing. As I had more alcohol, I started feeling more relaxed and forgetting about frames and all the other shit. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    One time I was playing Itabashi Zangief, and I completely had no thought as to who I was playing against and started playing like I was playing the PS2 Quest mode. lol (quest rox)

    The moment of fun came when Itabashi tried to throw me with his 4,6,6P+G ,and I broke it. He couldn't believe how ridiculous that was and went and said "OHHH", and the funny thing was I still have no, zip, none, zero clue as to why I broke forward there. I think that was totally out of "an alcoholic yomi".

    A quote from someone at the party

    "Maddy's getting stronger as he gets more drink points. He's like a real life Shun." "We should keep him from drinking more." /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    7. The Shou time

    What Shou has done in the tourney is already well known at this point, but before the tourney this is what we talked about.

    Adam and the crew: It will be ok if we don't win this one. As long as we fight hard and leave good impressions on everyone and the Japanese players, we can think of it as a success, and that's what we want.

    Back in the day on VFDC some people thought that it's impossible to hang with Japanese players by playing VF in the U.S. Somebody said that playing VF in the U.S. itself is a big mistake. With this negative thought by majorities of players, However,there were some people believed otherwise and dedicated themselves to work exetremely hard to prove that it can be done, and Shou has certainly been one of those players.

    For me, when Shou was playing in the finals, it wasn't just a Shou's night, but finally a wish-come-true night for all of us.It was moment of the glory for the whole U.S. and western VF world. The booing at the early stage towards Shou started turning into cheers as people realized that this was what they've been looking forward to watching for a long time. Everyone was clapping for Shou for his good fights after his final match against Itabashi Zangief. I couldn't describe my feelings on how great it was to have moments like that. If you think it was only for Shou, you just had to be there. Anyone had to respect what Shou was doing regardless of the fact that he/she is a fan of Shou or not.
    You just had to be there. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  13. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    For me, when Shou was playing in the finals, it wasn't just a Shou's night, but finally a wish-come-true night for all of us.It was moment of the glory for the whole U.S. and western VF world. The booing at the early stage towards Shou started turning into cheers as people realized that this was what they've been looking forward to watching for a long time. Everyone was clapping for Shou for his good fights after his final match against Itabashi Zangief. I couldn't describe my feelings on how great it was to have moments like that. If you think it was only for Shou, you just had to be there. Anyone had to respect what Shou was doing regardless of the fact that he/she is a fan of Shou or not.
    You just had to be there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think this is a very genuine thing to say. I'd have to agree that for a NAVFer to make the finals is an accomplishment worth noting. It's definitely a benchmark for NA VF.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  14. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    speaking of you had to be there, you also had to be there for the third strike semi finals between Justin Wong and Daigo. Daigo parries Justin (Chun Li's) entire leg combo super and goes into his own combo into a super finish. That brought the entire place to stand and cheer. Everyone stood up and went nuts. It was a sight to see. Also, the matches of Kuni and Daigo using Balrog and Zangief on super turbo was jaw dropping. :)
  15. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    stompoutloud said:

    Daigo parries Justin (Chun Li's) entire leg combo super and goes into his own combo into a super finish. That brought the entire place to stand and cheer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    www.shoryuken.com has already posted a clip of it along with the crowds reaction in PIP. Damn, really regretting not going now. Have to wait till next year.
  16. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Not to mention Daigo had no life left lol
    For those who didn't saw it :
    Better love the air parry in order to had the jump HK lol
    Also Notice how Justin tries to mash his stick to make Daigo miss the parries whene he realized Daigo was going to parry it all.

    By the way evo 2k4 seemed to have been a blast for all of u , did someone captured any media ? Will there be a DVD this year ?
    Congrats to Dave's buddy Itabshi for winning, to Shou for his performance and to Ryan for 4th place.
    Hope FT makes it to any console, if so I would probably come next year to have my ass kicked by top Jap/NA competition. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  17. Yushiro

    Yushiro Active Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    That'll be cool. Let me know when is your next session and I'll be there since I have nothing going on for now.
  18. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shag said:

    Actually, they had unofficial SNK tourneys in the Bring Your Own Console room. Someone posted on SRK saying that Ryan Hart got 2nd in KOF '02 tourney. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    way back when, Ryan used to bruck everyone at KOF98!!!

    reespecK to him for winning Tag

    i wonder if he got any vfEvo practice b4 he went usa!!!

    5th in tekken4 is kool as well considering the game is broken

    on another note, i see at the evo2k site theres no mention of the VF Evo results! /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
    all the capcom games get like 1st to 7th places and ggxx and only get 1st to 4th!
  19. Toodles

    Toodles New Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Just wanted to throw a line in that VF4E was, IMHO, the smoothest qualifiers I played in in Evo. Everything was fast and smooth compared to the cluster**** most of the others were. Good job to everyone responsible.

    It was great to see people playing solidly and get in my first matches against humans. I really wish I could have played more of you guys and gotten more input on the game, other than my mad lack of practice. Everyone that beat me (I think Group B bracket 2?) earned it. Thanks for the experience, hope to fight more of you all in the future.
  20. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....


    big up props to kuni funada he is my hero man (old man) with low tier specialist with zangief raping mans for free yet again seems like only daigo beat him up again from absolution to evolution to brassaution next time round

    kunis wheel of fortune [6_] [3_] [2_] [1_] [4_] [7_] [8_] + blatant 360 ------------ [P]

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