Evolution 2k4 is announced

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Brisal73, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Final results are in.....

    In dedication to SHOU for his superb cheesey performance
  2. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    there is more to the finals than what was said...but I'll wait till someone else talks about it /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Oh please share.

    Oh BTW competence can be measured in a lot of ways.
    After all the Japanese players might very well feel that they are better then Shou and that Shou doesnt get the game but that he simply lucked out.
    Apparently a lot of people who dont GET IT are actually quite proficient at it.

    That and the Japanese players have totally ditched evo for a fair few weeks now and are in a transitional period between trying to forget Evo and adapt to the changes in FT.

    This tournament came at a really bad time for them with all of em being semi used to FT moveset by now.
  4. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Yes its all about shou-time indeed big it up for sarah players shou

    [8][8][2][2][4][6][4][6] select & start /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif oops wrong game
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie said:

    Oh please share.

    Oh BTW competence can be measured in a lot of ways.
    After all the Japanese players might very well feel that they are better then Shou and that Shou doesnt get the game but that he simply lucked out.
    Apparently a lot of people who dont GET IT are actually quite proficient at it.

    That and the Japanese players have totally ditched evo for a fair few weeks now and are in a transitional period between trying to forget Evo and adapt to the changes in FT.

    This tournament came at a really bad time for them with all of em being semi used to FT moveset by now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't help but go " LOL " at this. Let the hating begin.

    Good job Shou... See you in FT, hopefully!
  6. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Fishie, you are OWNED, by the very definition of the word. Nothing you can say will stop the OWNAGE, it is useless to try!
  7. EggChen

    EggChen Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Well shou proved it.. .he's the man.. .STL finest.. .#1 in usa.. .now all the haters can suck his cock in pride.. .

    egg out,
  8. Yushiro

    Yushiro Active Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    I really had a great time at Evo and I really learned a lot playing all of you guys. I was definately impressed with the different gamestyles and the VF finals IMO were very good. At least now that I do have some experience playing with the VF competition and I still have plenty of work to do which I'm willing to go through.

    It was great to meet all the VF players at Evo and I hope to be back next year. If you guys are still wondering as to who I am, I was the one playing Aoi.

    Chris (Yushiro) ^_^
  9. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Hey guys, just got back safe and sound. I will post more on the finals and even the semi finals later. I need to sleep. Ahh, I never thought I would say this.. but I am glad to be back in humidity weather. The dry polluted air was making me cough so hard. lol
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    Fishie, you are OWNED, by the very definition of the word. Nothing you can say will stop the OWNAGE, it is useless to try!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How was I owned?
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    How you were owned

    [ QUOTE ]
    How was I owned?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is this the part where you try to downplay your grand monolog of competence that you did just now as a means of damagecontrol then? Just checking kekeke.

    Gratz to all the peeps, you lot seemed to have a great time over at Evo and alot of fun. America seems really strong now. Shame there isn't any media / probably will be none - not like last years Evo dvd got very high regards amongst those few who actually bought it :cry:

  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    *Ryan Hart won Tekken Tag Tourney.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not only did our boy Ryan win TTT, he also placed 5th in Tekken 4, and he doesn't even play Tekken 4!!! Way to go Ryan!

    Also, part-time VFer Unconkable took 2nd in TTT. Niiice.
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: How you were owned

    Nope, im just pointing out that his runner up position means jackshit to me and is in no way indicative of his level of play or indeed the level of play of his opponents.
  14. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    EggChen said:

    Well shou proved it.. .he's the man.. .STL finest.. .#1 in usa.. .now all the haters can suck his cock in pride.. .

    egg out,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Jesus people -- he may have proven that he is a good player. But, he has yet to prove that he is a decent human being. Consequently, he doesn't earn my respect.

    reverend kbcat
  15. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Cool reports. I so wanted to go but the cash flow is teh whackness.

    to Shou : Good work ya trash talkin bastard! Its good to see some one can totally blow away the haters in one swoop. I still dont agree with ya on the whole competence thing *shrug* hehe

    Shun won Evo? Awesome. There goes that wonderful VF balance again. Not to put down Zang's vf hotness but I wonder if things would have been different if some of th eother big name jap players came like chibita / homestay / kyasao / minami and all the other faves. Well it seemed cool anyways. Were there any KOF games played at evo?
  16. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    kbcat said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    EggChen said:

    Well shou proved it.. .he's the man.. .STL finest.. .#1 in usa.. .now all the haters can suck his cock in pride.. .

    egg out,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Jesus people -- he may have proven that he is a good player. But, he has yet to prove that he is a decent human being. Consequently, he doesn't earn my respect.

    reverend kbcat

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very true. Notice how much Andy is "respected" by the "community" at large.
  17. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Note: I left my wallet somewhere in cali... made getting on the plane twice as fun! but if anyone sees it, my address is on my license, so can you take wahtever money it costs for shipping and send it? Thanks!

    Big report coming soon....
  18. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    you realize you people basically came in here to rain on shou's parade. people were congradulating and deservedly so and you had to come in here and start the hate. just let the guy have his moment. kbcat if you havent ever met shou then stfu about his character. fool is one of the nicest guys ive met just bewcause someone gives an honest answer when asked and doesnt try to feed peoples egos doesnt make him a bad person just makes people who get that offended by his thoughts bitches.
    zero-chan: did shou steal your anti-depressents or something? well if he did forget about go back to your doc ask for some more make me act normal pills and move on. jesus h christ
  19. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    You have had some sort of emotional problem with me, so I consider what you say to be essentially worthless. And about feeding people's egos, like you haven't been doing that with other for god alone knows how long.

    And honesty? I think you're an arrogant womanizing dick.
    PS. Stop sucking on NYC's cock plzkthx
  20. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    well then you dont know me. this is why people who dont actually know other people shouldnt make assumptions about other peoples character. like why do you try so hard to post negative things about shou personally. you must have some deep personal problem with him. well maybe you should keep those personal and keep that shit off the message boards. im not a womanizing dick though if i were youd be okay cause youve always looked more like an ugly little boy anyway wow people picking on you personally isnt cool is it.

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