Evolution 2k4 is announced

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Brisal73, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    *no fights yet. hahahahah

    /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif That would be very comical, VF players fighting!
    I'd put my money on spotlite by judo throw
  2. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Good reports, Stomp. Keep 'em coming. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Congrats to the people who placed in the brackets.
  3. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    great to here everything is goin well there, glad to see many of the faces where they are at /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Final results are in.....

    Number 3: Kurita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Vanessa)

    Number 2: Shou Sama (Sarah)

    Number 1: Itabashi Zangief (Shun)

    The rest....

    First round: Kurita versus Roah: Winner: Kurita 2-1

    Maddy versus Shou: Winner: Shou: 2-1

    Ryan Hart versus Itabashi Zangief: Itabashi: 2-0

    Adam Yuki versus Cappo: Adam Yuki: 2-1

    Losers Bracket:

    Roah versus Shou: winner: shou 2-1
    Ryan Hart versus Adam Yuki: Ryan Hart: 2-1
    Shou Versus Ryan Hart: Winner: shou 2-1
    Shou versus Kurita: Shou: 2-1

    I guess Shou kinda shut us all up huh? He even beat Zero Chan's idol Kurita in front of 500 people. hahahha. See you later. Off to play till the wee mornings. :)
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    It's SHOOOOOUUUU time!!! Nice going, beating two Japanese players!

    Also congrats to Adam, Maddy, Cappo, and Ryan for representing!
  6. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    Congradulations, SHOUtime!!!! Going out with a bang!

    Maddy, I was rooting for you, but it seems Shou-sama has finally had his revenge! Go buy Shou a drink! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  7. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    o_O;; ..........

    but seriously, madd props to the maddness, the capn, "shou time", and my dude in the NYC, adam YUKI, for doing what they like to do, and doin it well.
  8. ghetto-SHUN

    ghetto-SHUN Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Shou beats Ryan, Shou beats Kurita, Shou beats Roah
    and Shou beats maddy. That's a hard road to travel.

    After all the talk shou finally walked the walk.
    Congratulations shou on a supreme performance.

    It's official, Evo 2k4 was all about SHOU-time.

    For the next few months shou has a free pass to talk shit
    about anyone he wants concerning VF. Absolute impunity.
    Enjoy it Shou!!!!!!

    That is all.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Talk about dramatic ! He said he was the shit and he proved it. You gotta love it /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif. Mad props to Shou on this one. Homeboy was on a mission lol.
  10. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    A shun player won a Tourney. Now we'll never hear the end of this from all The Shun Dis.

    Ok, even I have to gave MAD PROPS to ShouBoy for his performance during the Tourney. Congrats you FAke player you, next time you're in NYC again I'll buy you a even bigger Shou Juice. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Oh yeah is the Money match still up b/c I still have $500 on Boston. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  11. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Wow - what a route. Congrats to Shou for playing at the top of his game when it counted. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Nicely done!

    It's so unfortunate we have to wait for clips for so long. Ah well...they'll be a blast to watch nonetheless.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  12. stalwartsamurai

    stalwartsamurai Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    OMGosh what an outcome, this tournament sounded bare teef

    Big congrats to Shou teefing bare manz with teef Sarah /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    everyone else give yourselves a pat on the back for doing so well
  13. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    yeah nice one Shou, sarah is teef! , but Shun's teefer ^_^
    Congrats to everyone.

    (Stalwart what you doin? /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif )
  14. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Way to SHOU EM Shou.

    Congrats and nice job! You are the underdog that several people gave something to prove and you came out on top.

    Congrats to the top 8 too /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    the ironical side of shou praises here is hillarious.... kindda makes a certain flame war i know --------- contradictive?

    ah well, looks like the play here is complete contrast to last year's event... i sure hope i dont bump into any of the top players in the USA any time soon /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif.

    well done itabashi zangeifu.. set the mark for shun players, yey.. now i want the media so get on with it!! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif



    HURRY UP!!!!
  16. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Stuff about the final 8. Just a teaser for you folks since I want to play more.

    1 finals match:
    Kurita versus Roah: It started out with people not knowing that the rounds were set up as 4 rounds per match. Till 3 rounds into the fight, someone figured it out and they changed it. After the slight delay, they started playing. Kurita hit him with his standard, high, mid, low jabs, into throws and tackles. Roah really had trouble against Kurita but he still won a good close match with his f,fp+k moves into his from crouch launchers. Roah's step was never really seen because Kurita kept close distance and took him out quickly. Kurita advances.

    *The introduction to shou versus maddy went like this....
    Coming from San Francisco, someone who needs and wants to prove himself, it's SHOWTIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! *Followed by a huge amount of boos and jeers. Shou started laughing and then waved at his favorite fans who love him so dearly. Then they introduced Maddykun. They introduced him as the midwest champion and biggest rival to Shou sama.

    *The first fight starts and it's a doosy. Maddy rushes him with crazy korean style box stepping, Quest mode perfection or as Andy from NY would say, an execution whore. Maddy wins the first match 3-1 rounds with a variety of moves including pull-in throw, dlc, AS3 ground attack and Shou looked helpless. Then Shou responded. Shou knew that Maddy doesn't reverse. So Shou started to furiously jap, elbow, delay, low punch, and when he found a great opportunity, Shou would backdash, boxstep or side step into the dragon cannon. The first round of the second match really set the tone for the entire match. Shou mixed up all his throws and even did the low punch sabaki on maddy who started to rely too much on low punch and backdashing. Shou took control and won the match 3-0 and ended each match with flashy b,f+p+k, p,k(g) cancel attacks. Third match Maddy still moved well but seemed a lot slower. But Maddy hit him with kick cancel throws and really set the tone in the first two rounds. Being up 2-0, but still slow, Shou kept poking and proding and started to come back. He hit him with 5 straight 270 throws, with his jab setups, and hit him with a flamingo low kick hit throw. Maddy never recovered, and shou advances.

    *Ryan Hart versus Itabashi Zangief: What can I say. Shun is not supposed to be that powerful, deceptive, and fast at the same time. Itabashi showed all three while wowing the crowd who was not really interested in seeing the vf finals. But he got the entire place ooo0ing and ahhing and laughing with Shun's strange and funny tactics. The drunk walk, the turn around punches, thelaying down and drinking as a taunt, he did it all to Ryan. Ryan didn't use the high slap as much as I have seen him and he seemed to have missed a tft combo. But other than that, Itabashi brought out his chouwan, mule kick, db+k,k moves anytime he wanted to. Itabashi advances 2-0

    *Adam Yuki versus Cappo: Basically the rematch of the Fsb finals. Adam was really focused on this tourney. After coming to nyc and only sleeping two hours, he didn't do very well in the arcade mode gathering, and he didn't play that much. But he really stepped itup in the tourney. First being the only person who beat Itabashi Z. in the first round pools, and than taking out Cappo. Adam started out with his carefully timed low punches, and mid punched. Seemed he didn't start throwing till the 3rd round of the first match. He didn't seem to really need it at the time because he kept cappo's speed in check and also kept his counter attacks to a minimum. Cappo's only real opening was defending his mid attacks and doing the K, float combos. It didn't seem Cappo could get him up in the air with his from crouch punch. Cappo had the upper hand in throws but Adam came back with a few throws of himself and won the first match. Cappo came back in the second match by mixing up his throws. Lots of the back stumble throw that led to swallow kicks, and also hit him with an inashi that had the crowd ooooo pretty loud. For it looked pretty. Adam had one strat that he played as I would call a bluff sort to speak. Let me explain... Adam knew that cap was throw escaping almost everything he was doing. Cap left him the b position throw where Jeff would pick him up and toss him on the ground. Capp took the gamble as he was confident enough to safely tech roll out of three attempts. Adam used the throw to be in positional advantage and since the stage was a breakable wall stage, adam used it to win with his knee and throw mixups. Adam advances 2-1.

    More to come. :)
  17. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    This just in... the 500 dollar match between Shou versus Boston was cancelled and backed out by everyone.

    Basically.... jerky didn't want to participate. Shou said that one of Shang's teammates is backing out.

    Jerky and Shou are both already on the plane back home.

    Sorry folks.. it would have been fun.
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    My impressions...

    The way Shang used to go on about them, I thought Jerky and SiYkO would suck.

    Um.... no.

    It's not like that.

    I thought Shang might suck, too.

    Um... no.

    It's not like that, either.

    It's all a ruse, people!

    This next part is all Ken_I's fault /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif - he was so close to handing Shou a loss in the pools...

    Shou Timelessness...

    Finals, introductions:

    I say <font color="red">"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"</font> *cough*INCOMPETENT!*cough*

    After first Shoufight I say "well that blows."

    After second Shoufight I say "this is fucking not happening."

    After third Shoufight I say "this is fucking HORRIBLE," and "he'd better win it all, now - just because."

    After "Go back home!" and the ensuing Mega Itabashi Style Humiliation action in finals, I say "too bad Shou didn't win - the drama explosion would've been legendary - guess everyone should log off VFDC for the next month"


    Itabashi Shun with zero DP = ouch
    Itabashi Shun with 20 DP = OMG, he stepped it up. Followed by - OMG, he stepped it up yet again. Ouch x 20.

    To Shou: You can apologize for offending people. I think damage control rocks. Eventually people will believe you, too. Long road. This kind of stuff is worth it to me.

    To Stomp: awesome reporting. Thanks for having dinner with us. Awesome stories.

    To Tim: cars? racing? cool! Glad you had dinner with us.

    To Tragic: well, if [P] throw and [2][P] throw (repeat the previous two set-ups about 13 times) will win the match for me... well, yeah, that's what I want to do. Tournament wins don't have to be works of art.

    To Dobi: [3][P]+[G], [3][P]... MC Knee rising attack breaker coming... NOW! And here's another [3][P]+[G], [3][P] plus, wait for it... KNEE! (just like at my house). That was my favorite fight. Too bad for me that I ended up losing to you 1-2 in the end. Great fighting.

    To mukatsuku_shun: thank you for bringing yourself, Kurita, and bearcrusher to my house on Wednesday. Glad you liked Frisco's. And... you've been in the registration line for 73 minutes and have moved exactly one fucking penis hair closer to the end.

    Speaking of that long ass line... "If you really wanted to make things easier for all those who registered on line before the event, why didn't you dedicate a sign up crew just for them?!" [sic] credited to: Sanjuro

    Thanks again to everyone for the Wednesday Night VF Invasion at my house.

    <font color="yellow">Corn.</font>
  19. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    stompoutloud said:

    This just in... the 500 dollar match between Shou versus Boston was cancelled and backed out by everyone.

    Basically.... jerky didn't want to participate. Shou said that one of Shang's teammates is backing out.

    Jerky and Shou are both already on the plane back home.

    Sorry folks.. it would have been fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Jerky You fucking Pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I'd said it, what!?

    Oh Stomp, great report dude. No wonder you're the streak breaker. Thx Buddy, kekeke. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  20. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Thank you Plague for the compliment. I really had a blast hanging out with you. I will tell you more stories before I leave.

    *Just some side notes....

    The super turbo, third strike finals were both amazing. It was so cool to see the high level play live. Vids sometimes doesn't do justice. Because there is no crowd noise sometimes in the vf vids we download.

    *Everyone was super cool so far. I think the Denny's stories were the best that I told to everyone because I made Jerky laugh so hard, he had tears in his eyes. I guess you all missed the story. Which I only tell once. h aha. Just kidding.

    *My Oakland A's are in first place in the A.L. West! Yeah.

    *there was a lot of new vf players that don't post on here that often that are very impressive and have a lot of potential. Please don't look at the past drama and think everyone is like that. For you saw the real people's characters/personalities when you guys came to evo. So keep playing and post from time to time. Or keep in touch via pm.

    *Not sure if anyone wanted my observations of the semi finals? I could write it when I get back. I know I am jumping around, but tonight I'll try and post the impressions of the second half of the finals. :)

    *Ryan Hart won Tekken Tag Tourney.

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