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EVO to be appeared on PS2?!

Discussion in 'General' started by LeoT, Aug 12, 2002.

  1. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Dude long before the DC was released the hype for the PS2 was growing.
    Then came that generational leaps ahead bulshit and even before the PS2 had its Japanese release there were articles saying the PS2 was so ahead techwise that Sega better packed up and played death and that Nintendo shouldnt even bother releasing new hardware and how lucky MS would be iff they could meet let alone exceed the standard set by Sony.
    The DC WAS dead before release becouse of massmarket idiocy and spindoctoring and the only ones too blind to see and/or acknoledge that were a bunch of nerdy Sega fanboys like us.
    That being said Capcom played it smart and did make a lot of money on the DC.
  2. ktj

    ktj Member

    yes ... I admit to being a sega fan boy. :p
    yes ... DC died from fake-hype and bad press, not from its own demerit.
    yes ... maybe Capcom made an ok choice with DC not because they made a lot of money which I still doubt. It made sense because DC fit into their arcade strategy with Naomi. Maybe SEGA gave them a good deal? They probably signed some long-term contract with SEGA before the Sony spin-doctoring. Check the numbers for Japanese DC Capcom games on magic-box, they're not that great. (they could have made more money releasing the same games on PS2)

    On a separate note ... Capcom is about to release Marvel vs Capcom 2 on PS2. Personally, I think it's too old to sell well.
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I agree --- all Street Fighter Clones should've died a horrible death about 5 years before Super Special Street Fighter Theta XII vs. Batman... but that's just me.
  4. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    ""Super Special Street Fighter Theta XII vs. Batman""

    i can get the quadruple helper infinite in this game, with 20,000 hits, and a jab to finish them.... mvc2 on ps2.......joys. maybe they should do another darkstalkers game.........that at least would be somewhat interesting.....sorry for the jacking...
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Thats the thing, people stare at sales too much.
    Capcom´s games generally arent overbudgeted crap .
    This isnt Square we are talking about, Capcom´s games dont need 3 million units sold to BREAK EVEN.
    Super Monkeyball in all likelyhood with its sales of around a million units worldwide is probably more profitable then the latest Square bloatware, same with the Capcom stuff, they had a lot of games that in Japan sold over 100k, all games that needed less then 50k units sold to turn a profit.
  6. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    <font color="limegreen"> Does anyone know when it will be avalible in the US because they already have it in Japan. </font color>
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    lol did you mean the console version or the arcade version?
    If you mean the console version, you'd better come up with some proof.

    If you mean arcade version... well.....

  8. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    <font color="limegreen"> I saw people playing it in Japan or somewhere near there on the new evo.clips. </font color>
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    holy shit are you kidding me?
    you saw people playing evo on one of the recent evo clips?
    What about the 2 month old evo clips, can you see them playing there too?!
  10. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    No in a old one I heard them in the backround and I went to Japan and I played evolution.I got whipped so bad by them it wasn't funny al lthough I beat someone twice.
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    you must be lying. Evo isn't out yet, all the movies are test versions and the test version is done. You can't play evo until it's released on gamecube.
  12. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    No I'm not lying I was there watching them play the game and I asked if I could play and I played.
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    you must have played VF4a, it looks a lot like evo. An easy mistake to make.
  14. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Maybe but it had Texas Wolf,Goh and Brad.I might of played the VF4a but I saw them playing Evo.
  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    oh texas wolf with that haT? lol that's VF3 dude!
  16. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    No in evo.they have texas wolf again.
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    you mistook taka for goh probably they're both japanese. Evo isn't out anywhere except for that test and that was only for a day. And they'd never let an american play when there are long lines of japanese guys who want to play.
  18. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Taka is skinny with a beard,I don't think thats Goh because Taka is fat.Anyway I waited on line for about 2 hours but was fun watch those two hours.
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    sure it wasn't tekken 4? brad looks a lot like steve fox. I bet it was tekken4 . When the writing is in japanese it's hard to tell the difference.
  20. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    No I don't play tekken.Anyway since when was Akira in Tekken 4. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif I played VF4 but watched other people play.I'm not new with VF.I've played all 4 and saw evo.

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