EVO Lei Fei:Combos, flowcharts and stances

Discussion in 'Lei' started by LM_Akira, Aug 24, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Errrmmm when did I say it wasn't good??? I was talking about guard cancelling it. I said it wasn't as useful as say, using a stance guard cancel of either [8][P]+[K]+[G] or [2][P]+[K]+[G] as in my opinion it is not. If your going to pick holes in what I write at least quote me back so I know what you're talking about.

    [1][P]+[K]+[G] IS a useful stance and I've never written that its not.
  2. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    oops, sorry.

    Is Bokutai dancing useful? It keeps you in a near endless state of bokutai while giving you the option to cancel and go into anything else while masking it with the dance I guess. It's pretty hard to keep it going at full speed continously though so is it worth putting time into learn?
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Thats ok.

    I'm actually going to put down some uses for it soon and also how to develop the right speed for it. Yes it is very tough at first ( I can't keep it going for very long myself ) but if you watch the replays on the evo DVD of HanaBiRei you'll see just some of its uses. Some you have pointed out. Whether its worth the time to learn is debatable but I think it does have uses in fights.


    For those wishing to learn the Bokutai dance/taunt heres some pointers:

    In training from ([2][P]+[K]+[G]) just try doing the following;

    1. [8][P]+[K]+[G]>[2][P]+[K]+[G]

    slowly at first then build up the speed. You should be able to get to the point where you don't really see the IN system ([8][P]+[K]+[G]) coming out at all ( it'll look a bit strange). This is the speed you need to change between these two stances during the Bokutai dancing.

    Next try;

    2. ([2][P]+[K]+[G])>[2]>[8][P]+[K]+[G]>[2][P]+[K]+[G]

    and repeat but do so VERY slowly. This will give your hands a feeling for what you want to be doing. Make sure you're pressing all 3 [P], [K], [G] buttons at the same time and pressing the right direction too.

    Then try;

    3. ([2][P]+[K]+[G])>[2]>[8][P]+[K]+[G]>[2][P]+[K]+[G]>[2]

    Only do what is written and now be looking at speed. Do the middle bit as fast as you could the first idea I put down and make sure you press [2] and nothing else at the end. Practise this as much as you feel you need to.

    When your confident move on to something like;

    4. ([2][P]+[K]+[G])>[2][P]+[K]+[G]>[8][P]+[K]+[G]>[2]>[8][P]+[K]+[G]>[2][P]+[K]+[G]>[2]

    ie 2 cycles of dancing. Once you've got this just keep adding an extra cycle till you're happy with it. It'll take patience and practise but the again what doesn't in VF?

    Theres no point trying 3. if you can't do 1. quick enough and similarly don't try 4. if you can't do 3. as you'll just be frustrating yourself. In an actual fight 3. maybe the better dancing option I listed here to rely on since it will appear that you are going to launch into some dancing when you aren't. I've a few vids of some crazy dancing Lei Feis using different patterns to those already listed so once I've tried to work out what they're doing I'll add them.
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Just though of another way to practise it too:

    From either Neutral stance or DM ([2][P]+[K]+[G]) it doesn't matter do


    being sure to get the IN to DM change quickly and then the [2] at the end. Try a few cycles of this to get a feeling for it and hopefully you'll be able to build up some speed on it.
  5. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    What works for me is to go through the sequence on the stick without the game on. This allows me concentrate on the movement alone without thinking about anything else. If you do this enough it becomes natural and then you gradually speed it up. You have to make sure your doing the sequence accurately though otherwise your ingraining the wrong thing in your mind.
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yes...why do you think I bothered explaining above that it must be done slowly at first? With or without the game on you're still doing the same motion so why do it without the game on at all????
  7. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Im simply stating what works for me. With the game on I feel Im distracted by the character on screen. What it comes down to in the end is a pattern of stick movements and button presses. If you concentrate on just getting a rythm going and repeating this sequence over and over without worrying about what happens on screen it could help.

    It depends on the person though. For some this is a good way and for others not. It's not the same as what you said.
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Mmm yeah I suppose, whatever works best for you I guess.
  9. JoeMax

    JoeMax New Member

    nice dance [2][G][P][K] -> [2] -> [8][G][P][K] -> [G] -> [3][3]->[G] -> [1][1] -> repeat
    little diddy i made myself, combines dancing and stepping a little to look sorta funky.... throws off opponents too if you get fast at it cause they think ur goin into a stance and then all of the sudden you go [3][3] -> [3][P][G] or [3][3][6][P] when they try to grab... lots of good potentials with that... just get fast

    and a couple things i was thinking about when i read over the lei thing... what about sabaki practical use for a little bit higher of a level... such as [6][P][P]->[2][3][6][P][K]
    or [8]/[2]->[G][P][K] -> [P] -> [2][3][6][P][K]
    also good after a [2][G][K]

    another thing... for light and some midweights (ending at like akira or jacky) [9][K][G] -> [P][P] ->[K][G] works both o and c and does a lil more damage but is just as gaurenteed as [9][K][G]->[P][P][P] is

    oh yeah and another thing... i believe some ppl might think this ones cool when the opponent has back to a low fence... [6][6][P] -> [9][K] will sometimes knock them over... distance is tricky and the stance has to be.. i think open (could be wrong)... ive only actually pulled it off about a half a dozen times in a game... but when it works boy do they feel salty

    and here was a couple intros to backstaggers i dont think i ever saw mentioned anywhere...

    [2][G][P][K] -> [2] (bokutai) -> [6][P] -> [2][P] -> [2][G][P][K] -> [P][K]
    and my fav... [2_][6][P] (MC) -> [2][P][K] -> [2][G][P][K] ->[P][K]

    assuming they techroll on both of those...
    i can nail the timing every time on that second one, first ones kinda tricky...

    these two are great because they dont have the obvious [4][P][P] in em which gives away the face down head towards after stomach crumble....

    [6][6][P][K]->[9][K][G] (ie when [6][6][P][K] is gaurenteed like after a [2][G][P][K]->[P]->[P][K] blocked)

    none of those are really gaurenteed.. but they sure do set ppl up for the spill... ud be suprised how often that stuff works... and how often... silly people when they cant tell whats gaurenteed;)

    for the [9][K] -> [2]/[8] ->[G][P][K]->[P] you gotta dash foreward... id reccomend [9][K]-> [3][3] ->[8]/[2] -> [G][P][K]->[P] because [8]/[2] cancels [3][3]
  10. Kimble

    Kimble Well-Known Member


    Welcome to the boards! I think it's a better idea to write [P]+[K] instead of [P][K] cause they really mean different things and that will confuse lots of people.

    To clear a few things up...

    [9][K]+[G] [P][P] [K]+[G] can be used on all characters except Wolf and Jeffery. For those two characters, you must use [9][K]+[G] [P][P][P] instead.

    There are dozens of ways to set up backstaggers but any experienced player would detect it and not TR. You can do [2][3][6] [P]+[K] and follow up with a [P][P][P] instead of a [4][P][P] and it still wouldn't make good players TR. [4][P][P] simply does more damage. You can start backstagger combos with the following crumble moves:

    - [2_][6][P] (Counter hit)
    - DM [2] [6][P] (Counter hit)
    - EV [P]+[K] [P][P]
    - [4][6] [P]+[K]
    - [2][3][6] [P]+[K]
    - [4][P][P]

    Keep in mind that even the evo AI won't TR in these situations.

    [6][6][P]/DM [P] [P]+[K], [9][K] can ring out taller opponents on high fences. No stance is required for this to happen.

    A DM [P][P]+[K] blocked doesn't guaranteed anything, instead it gives Lei Fei some frame adavantages. You can follow up with a throw, [2][K]+[G], [6][6][P], [6][6][P]+[K], [3][K]+[G]. None of them are guaranteed.
  11. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: some variations...

    just resurrecting a good thread...

    1. my two pennies worth on the [3][P]+[G] follups...

    hits for around 65 points of damage, this is dependant on the opponent not tech-rolling which is quite likely, it's quite tricky to do, not as easy as TR-ing after the [6][6][K] follow up. No down attack with this variation though /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    2. [2_][6][P]->[P]+[K],[P],[P]

    Useful for me because I keep fucking up the [8][P]+[K]+[G] -> [K],[K] command after I get the counter hit, because I'm a retard. Damage is pretty good on it as well.

    ...and just to show that I've been using [P]+[K],[P],[P] a lot...

    3. [9][K]->wee dash forward->[P]+[K],[P],[P]

    Also works after [9][K]+[G] for an extra 1 point of damage when compared to the [P],[P],[K]+[G]


    I only tried these on mid-weight-ish characters.
  12. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    Re: some variations...

    A.I in the arcade did this.
  13. centigradezero

    centigradezero New Member

    Fighting the Ai in quest.

    A few things I have noticed against all levels of ai opponents in quest mode. b, df p- k to k,k or k+g, after any tech roll this brutalizes the ai. expecially higher level where they always go for a throw or a "Guaranteed" hit move. It's a wierd state and except for Shun and a few Jeffery ai's it is a great situation.

    df df p p to d p+k p is great, then against ai just sit in the back turned stance, sure rip me for not knowing the cool term, any movement by bot, hit punch, followed by combo of choice.

    uf k+g and f f p are the murder team. after any f f p that hits do a ug k+g, may need a quick f-f inbetween but the pain continues. I dunno how well I would do against a human (read badly) but I can mangle the ai with lei fei.

    side note, I would love to play with/against humans, so if you are in the area of Seattle drop me a line.
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Fighting the Ai in quest.

    Just adding a cheeky little combo I only recently found out:


    To do it you need to dash after the initial hit [6][6] and wait for just a second or so before you start the second move. I think it works on pretty much any character but maybe not Jeff or Wolf not 100% sure. In fact I've come across quite a bit of stuff that hasn't been posted already on this thread so I'll try and add more soon.

    Also, a nice little flow is


    which you actually execute as [3][K]+[G]>[6][P] as [3][K]+[G] leaves you crouched. This is with the proviso that the first attack is blocked (otherwise it will float slightly, but more on that another time) and with any luck you can score an MC with the second hit and finish with say ([8][P]+[K]+[G])[K][K] or any other MC collapse combo already listed.
  15. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Fighting the Ai in quest.

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've started using [2][K]+[G][2_][6][P] a lot. I might try the above though. If the initial [2][K]+[G] is blocked the recovery takes a fucking eternity.
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    EVO Lei Fei

    btw has Faded asked you if your coming to our next manchester meet? I've got your name down on a Lei Fei file. We'll have to get ours to do battle with one another if so!!
  17. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    I pm'd you back about this.

    I haven't got much experience against Lei's other than quest so it should be interesting. Mine is probably similar to yours since I use a lot of things in this thread, but probably nowhere near as good /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  18. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    Shucks, thanks for the compliment but my Lei is a bit rusty now really. I did most of this back in the summer and since then haven't really used him much. I'll try my best to get him back to his dancing self though!
  19. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    Little Lei combo I've been practicing.

    Closed stance only.


    Does a wee bit more damage than the other [9][K]+[G] combo's. Also leaves you in a nice position to sabaki a rising attack.

    Can't remember if it's in tactics advice, I forgot to check, but I saw it in a video I downloaded, and thought it looked pretty smart.
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    Errr yeah its one of the many I listed on the first page and one of the ones I use way to often!

    You can also guard cancel the final stance to BT stance and then get a body check in with [P]+[K] /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif (after combo is finished that is).

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