Evo Jacky Strats Wanted...

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by replicant, Mar 22, 2003.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Proper followup for FC, d/f+p or d/f, d/f+p on MC is:

    For big damage but has to be timed f+p,p,k.

    If they don't struggle I do either BKnuckle or Hit throw =).

    If they do struggle, throw. Or input f+p,p,k ASAP.

  2. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I keep having trouble with the Hit Throw. Is there an audible or visual sign when to input the [P]+[G]? I have about a 20% success rate, but that is mostly luck. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif Although, I tried it on a friend to a cool result and it worked. I accidentally went to do [3]+[P] to ring my friend out because he was on the ring edge and did [3]+[P]+[K] instead. I noticed the difference and did the [P]+[G] part and it worked. So I got the HT to push him out of the ring. Looked stylish, but it was a fluke.
  3. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Basically the only suggestion I can offer is getting used to pressing P+G when the attack hits, just go into free training and do it a bunch of times, it gets a LOT easier. Although I don't know if that throw is anything but a showoff move :p
  4. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    i just input the p+g immediately after d/f+p+k
    even if opponent blocks theres no whiffed throw animation.
    IMO as long as u get the hit, the throw will come out.
    plus the damage is not bad.

    the d/f+p+k looks relatively safe.but isit countereable after the opponent blocks it?
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I've heard from blondie that it's uncounterable.
  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    yah man

    only disadvantaged
  7. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    I agree with emx to go to training and just practice, but just to give you an idea for timing...

    You don't have to hit P+G so quickly; after the punch hits you have a small window to perform the throw part. So... df P+K and when the punch hits enter the throw command a fraction of a second after - you'll never miss it.
  8. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I've since talked with Cappo about the hit throw and his background with Tekken 4 makes him somewhat of a phenomenon with "JUST FRAME" moves. Jacky's hit throw needs to be inputted just after the hit, not right when the hit occurs. If you input just after you'll hardly ever miss it. I promise ;P.

    And yes Creedo the d/f+p+k leaves jacky IMO at -5 or -6. And even if you input the P+G a little late you won't get the throw whiff animation. When I put more thought into it I don't think anyone should ever do this move with jacky. There are just too many better options for jacky now in EVO than a Flashy hit throw for damage. I'll mainly only go for a hit throw if I'm beating the shit out of someone and I get a MC dodge on a big move that's going to finish them off. Later =)
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    This is about right, I can see sometimes I press pg while jacky's puling his arm back right after d/f+pk hits, and he'll warp to the throw animation.
  10. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Another use for Jacky's hit throw is that it drains one of Shun's drinking points... Jacky's [P]+[G] throw also has the same effect... I'm not sure if he has any other moves that drain drinks off of Shun... But yeah if you want to drain drinks, and know that the [3]+[P]+[K] is going to hit, go for it instead of hoping they won't escape [P]+[G].

    Also, I've tried out Jacky's [8]+[K]+[G] but havn't had too much luck with it. Even if it leaves him at an advantage, it comes out very slowly... (slower than say Shun's same style move)... maybe I should just be doing it from further away...

  11. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Jacky shufflestep fun flowcharts

    Some fun things I do in shufflestep ([4]+[G]+[P]+[K], that's what I call it)

    If your opponent lets you get away with it, just do that (like when they are getting up to get out of range out of their rising attack) then mix up coming in with [K] or [2][K][K].

    Also, hit [3][3] while in his shufflestep stance to crouch dash forward. Only don't go for the obvious mid [P] which most opponents will block, I love buffering in another [3][3]+[P]+[G] to pull of his hangnail throw while the opponent freezes up to block the usual mid [P].

    Also do moves to bait people in... Like [P]+[K], [K], [4] and then do any of the above... I find that after beatknuckle, kick, shufflestep a [2][K][K] will get some opponents who come in to counter attack...

    A new trick I was working on to get Namflow was to buffer [3][3] after a beatkuckle, kick shufflestep... because it's much easier to play the [K], [2][K][K] guessing game but if you are fast enough to input the [3][3] and go from there... Experiment in the heat of battle and see what works against the guy your are playing...

    I'm sure there are other great moves to use into the shufflestep... everybody care to list their favorites?

  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Jacky shufflestep fun flowcharts

    Something that I've seen jerky use, and which is entertaining... is shuffle step a couple of times to try to convince the opponent to run in, then f,f+K puntkick. Seeing them come sprinting into that kick is hilarious.
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    if u really wana take off shun's drink point n do it with major damage...

    ur best bet is to time ur beatknuckle n backfist well

    n it's real easy too

    just do a beatknuckle first, then delay the backfist, followed by p, kickflip or low p, kickflip.

    beatknuckle alone takes of one drink point..

    beatknuckle-> backfist-> minus one drink point.

    But when u delay the backfist, then engine will read the initial beatknuckle as a stand alone move n deduct two drink points instead of one ^0^
  14. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, I've tried out Jacky's U+k+g but havn't had too much luck with it. Even if it leaves him at an advantage, it comes out very slowly... (slower than say Shun's same style move)... maybe I should just be doing it from further away...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This move should be done from a step or two away. It's slow and really only has use if you get them teching or doing a sweep, LBF, or LP. Mind you the only time I get them for Lping is if I backdash while I'm at a advantage(Which is usually a cold day in hell before I do something like that =P) and do the move. It's strong point is that it is completely safe unless the opponent dodges to the body of Jacky. Leaving him at +1 he's got an array of moves from a step back to pound someone with. IE ff+k, F+p, b+p, b+k+g and so on. =) anyways I'm off to practice, peace.
  15. SmoothCriminal

    SmoothCriminal New Member

    Hello everyone. I am completely fasinated by the amount of dedication some of you have put into this game. vf4evo is indeed the best fighting game available (b4 was DOA2). Would someone be so kind to explain a few things:

    what does MC stand for?
    where do you guys play the game? I go to the arcade.
    what is open/close stance for Jacky?

  16. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    SmoothCriminal said:

    Hello everyone. I am completely fasinated by the amount of dedication some of you have put into this game. vf4evo is indeed the best fighting game available (b4 was DOA2). Would someone be so kind to explain a few things:

    what does MC stand for?
    where do you guys play the game? I go to the arcade.
    what is open/close stance for Jacky?


    [/ QUOTE ]


    MC = Major Counter
    I play on PS2.
    Open/Close Stance = http://virtuafighter.com/view.php?section=vf4&file=vf4_general_guide_glc.txt
    Look in the Stance section for a visual description.

    The Homepage of VFDC is also a good starting point for reading some of the basic faqs to get a better clue of abbreviations and general game terms.
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Can you still do P+K, P, PPu+P for -3? /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  18. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Just tried that CreeD.
    The [8]+[P] misses.
    I can do [P]+[K],[P] -> [P],[P] ,but only in Open Stance.
  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Against wall maybe?
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    why not just do [P][P][6][K]? /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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