Euro-Russian PSN Room

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by ZBEP, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    The room is open now, with 4 non-private slots
  2. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    GGs BBs (lol) and WirdoGuy! I had grey connection to both of you, but other players from the room were more lucky, so feel free to enter another time )
  3. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    What's the deal with this in 2014 guys, still up and running? I get a great connection with SUGATA, and also Greenlexx I played a few times, and maybe some other Russian tags. I don't have Skype, but I'm familiar with the room format, and play a wide variety of characters.

    Be cool to see those still active and interested post their tags right here, and best times to link up!
  4. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I'm up for this. I haven't played in a while because end of gen so I will be very rusty. But if there is a set time during the weekend I will definitely try to be there. Thursday/Friday/Sat evening are best.
  5. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Good to see you still in action Ivor! Don't see many tags on my list logging on now. Probably quite a few people switched to other names by now, seeing as it's so easy to do on this version. The downside of that is, harder to co-ordinate these rooms. I'm still on the Koudantai tag for playing Pai and stuff like this, well up for it. Don't forget chaps, shoutbox function here can be very useful for arranging quick sessions with a few sweet connections, пойдем! :)
  6. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Russian community now is not as active as it used to be, Lyama had quit the game a year ago, and I am now studying in the other city where I don't have my console, so I can't play VF as much as I used to. There are still several active people such as Sugata, Gutsforces, Jet_bryant78, and some others. Not many of them know english though. I also sometimes appear on the weekends. It's better to contact me through skype though, because my friend list is full.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Some russians still playing VF5FS, and me as well.

    I gave created PSN text chat "VF5FS room EUR/RUS (only for ROOM MATCH)".
    Chat rules:
    1) WHEN you want and ready to play ROOM matches with good connection EUR/RUS players - just join this chat and communicate with participants to create and manage Room.
    2) WHEN you dont want/not ready to play Room matches - just LEAVE (not delete) the chat by Triangle button as a signal.
    3) Please invite other EUR/RUS players to this PSN chat for increasing its population, and TELL THEM the Chat rules.

    So, anyone from Europe/Russia who want to join this region Room matches - send me (SUGATA_RUS) friend request on PSN with VF5FS tag, and i will invite you to this PSN chat.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014

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