EL Blaze"I'll Spit in Yo Face!" VF5FS Thread.

Discussion in 'El Blaze' started by ShinobiFist, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    good stuff UKD, i knew some of my combos were pretty lazy.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    No idea if it's techable, probably is, I hadn't set the CPU to ukemi.

    I'm about to go out for dinner with my Missus but when I get back I'll sort some legit combos.

    Any of the new moves sticking out as winners this time around? For me his 3p+k hit throw seems like a solid addition to blaze. I'm still doing 3p instead of 6p as my elbow every now and then. [​IMG]

    Anyway, I'll try and post either tonight or tomorrow with what combos/tricks/ringouts and setups I work out.
  3. Guayaba209

    Guayaba209 Member

    So uhh my nicovideos are all black anyone know how to fix this? so taht i can view the el blaze videos
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Right, so I' gonna post up the combos I find for each launcher.

    I did find some stance specific stuff but what I'm putting down is max damage from either stance. (If the max damage change with a specific stance is big I'll post it).


    Normal Hit

    [6][P]+[K][P],[6_][P], [2][P]+[K], [6_][K][K][K]
    86 damage
    Works on:
    Eileen, El Blaze, Aoi


    [6][P]+[K][P], [2][P]+[K], [6_][K][K][K]
    84 damage
    Works on:
    Pai, Sarah, Vanessa, Lion, Shun-Di


    [6_][P], [2][P]+[K], [6_][K][K][K]
    78 damage
    Works on:
    Jacky, Akira, Goh, Jean, Lau, Kage, Brad, Lei-Fei


    [6_][P], [K][K][K]
    66 damage
    Works on:
    Wolf, Jeffry


    [6][P]+[K], [6][P][K]
    65 damage
    Works on:

    I'm doing CH combos at the moment

    I'll upload when I get the chance [​IMG]
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Good stuff bro. I'm away from my console now. But post the combos of 1P+K and 8P+K we spoke about on the chat.
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze


    COUNTER hit

    [6_][P],[4][P]+[K],[2][P], [6_][K][K][K]
    99 damage
    Works on:
    Eileen, El Blaze, Aoi, Pai, Sarah, Vanessa, Lion, Shun-Di


    [6][P]+[K][P], [2][P]+[K], [6_][K][K][K]
    96 damage
    Works on:
    Jacky, Akira, Goh, Lau, Kage, Brad, Lei-Fei


    This also works on Jean however the damage jumps up to 102 for some reason, can anyone explain this!?


    [6][P]+[K][P] [6_][K][K][K]
    86 damage
    Works on:
    Wolf, Jeffry


    [6][P]+[K][P], [6][P][K]
    77 damage
    Works on:
  7. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    CH of 236P-K into 6P+KP-2P+K-KKK is so sweet. It was on Kage during a offline match I did it. Going to experiment more when I get home.
  8. UKD

    UKD Member

    If you call yours lazy, then I don't know what mine were before reading what you posted, lol. It's just the results of random experimentation.

    Not like you need to. If you have detailed stats on during Free Training and you do a combo, watch the hit counter. If the hit count number turns green, that means the combo is escapable, by way of ukemi, throw break, etc.

    As for everything else, I'll be sure to try out the combos you guys listed. Been meaning the optimize my damage. :p

    I've actually been practicing that exact combo, only with 6PK as the ender. Didn't think KKK would land there.

    Edit: Wait, is this his shadow hammer, or fake roll? Not sure if you have the hcf motion incomplete, or doing a quick way to do hammer and forgot to put a +.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    The wall combo is fine. I've found loads more stuff today, I'll post them up when I have the chance
  10. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The wall combo I've been is using

    [6] [K], [6] [K] [+] [G], [9] [P] [+] [K] [K], [4] [P] [+] [K] [8] [+] [K], [P], [2] [P] [+] [K], [K] [K] [K].

    I'm not sure about the conditions to get the [K] from [4] [P] [+] [K] is, as sometimes it stands them up and some times it doesn't. Will test later.

    EDIT: Tested and it's a Half Wall stage that this combo work on. For full walls us [2][P] after [4][P][+][K]
  11. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I've been doing the same, it's kinda funny with that backflip K, been using 2p after the 4p+k sometimes into KkK if I'm having no luck with the kick
  12. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I've got the kick to restand them 10/10 right now on Jean, using half fence (Akira's stage), gonna try on Full Wall stage right now.

    EDIT: Are you talking about the KKK string after 2P? You should do the K string after the 2P+K. Delay it a liiiiiiiitle bit and all three kicks should hit.
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    After you use 4p+k 2p is his back turned 2p+k
  14. Wesker21

    Wesker21 Member

    Thank you to all contributors, will be learning all those later and see if I can find anything new.
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Been looking at ringout options over half walls. 6pk works at a distance, crazy!
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Any EU/UK Blaze players on x360? Add me and we can talk blaze, play some mirrors and trade experiences.

    I work mon-fri but I should be able to get online during weekends and maybe each night for an hour or two during the week.
  17. Wesker21

    Wesker21 Member

    Right here! I'm a scrub, but very willing to learn.

    Don't have much time this days to get online, between work and exams, but I'll add you if you don't mind. Hope to get some matches with you soon.
  18. We already met online. Unfortunately, at the time i was already on tilt. Not to excuse my poor performance, i am still getting used to el blaze & FS in general. So this experience trading would, at the time, be very one-sided.

    By the way, any pointers on how to fight eileen are much appreciated. As the few i meet online are already well versed and i'm having a hard time getting any match-up experience.
  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I don't mind if you're a new player, or not. If any Blaze players want to have a few games or even just chat I'm up for it.

    I'll send you guys a friend request when I'm next on and we can make a room. If you have headsets (and can understand my accent) I can maybe talk you through some stuff and show you some things through matches.

    I have some experience with Eileen in FS, against some new players and against Marly's Eileen. I don't really have much advice I could give that isn't just basic advice on the game but if you know what it is you're having trouble with specifically, I might be able to help.
  20. I never had the opportunity to talk to someone form Scotland, so i'm looking forward to that actually. The chaps form england i usually talk to have the inconvenient habit of talking in a kind of a hurried mumble when they are amongst themselves. So as long as you keep it relaxed, all should be fine.

    Regarding my eileen problem, i'll see if i can convince marlyn to join me for a few matches. Maybe i'll get the hang of it.

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