El Blaze combo thread.

Discussion in 'El Blaze' started by Seidon, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Is there any chance Blazes combo section will get updated? :(
    with how his combos works differently on different chars, it will be reat help for peeps trying to learn him
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Sorry, man. I really have been all sorts of busy for a while now with other things. As much as I'd love to update things I really don't have the time and it's hard to make it. In all honesty if anyone is able to do it 001 would be the best bet. I really wanted to do so much with this but I can't unfortunately :(
  3. Iamtheone1983

    Iamtheone1983 Active Member

    Anyone have any good setups for the 33p+g throw? I have seen some really good ones upon wake up. Anyone have any other suggestions?
  4. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    care to share these setups?

    only ghetto ones i know are after ch 2p+k and ch bt 2p give you enough advantage to 33p+g low throw if your opponent doesn't abare. normal hit 2p+k isn't enough advantage and bt 2p normal hit is tough from having to buffer 33 fast.

    also kinda tricky is if your opponent exact tech rolls from a face up feet towards knockdown you can time 2 crouch dashes in to catch them at the end of their roll. also if they tech roll to the front of the screen it is more likely they will remain in a crouch since they are already holding down.
  5. Iamtheone1983

    Iamtheone1983 Active Member

    I believe there are some exact setups in the meaty combo thread. I was just curious if anyone had something that they have had consistent luck with.
  6. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    in vanilla vf5 characters used to be able to combo into low throws from a stomach or back crumple but they took that out in fs or at least blaze can't do them anymore.
  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Was experimenting with 8p+k combos a bit cos i got annoyed with p, kkk being unreliable on midweights, and found a fun, somewhat reliable combo:

    So, on midweights:

    8p+k !6p+kp !2p !6pk, for 66 damage! Kill those frames!

    Edit: remove the ! from 6pk and it hits jacky and akira as well
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
    001 likes this.
  8. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    8p+k, 6p+kp, kkk for 71 damage on jacky! Works on akira as well, but only in open stance :/
  9. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    4kpp can also work as a combo ender, and is independent of stance. It also pushes them pretty far if you want a ringout. I usually use the following on midweights:

    8p+k, p, 4kpp
  10. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I noticed yesterday that there are some pretty sweet combos from 3P+G on the combo list with some of them ending with just 6P.

    3P+G, 6K+G, 4KPP, 6PK can be done at least on Eileen and Lion with 1fk 6P (66PK). It didn't work on Eileen from 8P+K starter but it does less anyway. I didn't check the other characters it's listed on.


    Looks like this wonderful throw is a bit underresearched.

    Though 3P+G, 6K+G, P, 2P+K, KKK does more damage I also notice that 3P+G, 8P+K, 4KPP, 1fk 6PK work on Aoi.

    3P+G, 6K+G, 4KPP, 6PK must be exact recovered by Jean or it hits.
    3P+G, 8P+K, 6P+KP, 1fk 6PK hits Jean for 62 (current max is 61).

    3P+G, 6K+G, 6_P, 2P, KKK works on Goh for 70 (I tried this on Lei too, it's exact recoverable before KKK)
    3P+G, 8P+K, 6P+K,P, KKK works on Jacky for 71 (bonus points for not even having to worry him hitting a button for CH and getting turned over cause it works on him from the front too).
    EDIT2: this Jacky combo also works on Akira (careful though, if he turns around he is NOT in the right stance for the combo to work anyway. If he turned and you already did 6P+KP, finish with 6PK.)

    3P+G, 8P+K, 6_P, 2P, KKK does 67 and works on Jeffry (and is avoidable via exact recovery only by Wolf before KKK)
    3P+G, 8P+K, 6_P, 2P, 6PK does 58 on Wolf

    That Vanessa only 73 damage combo on the list is missing a [P] fron 6P+KP

    3P+G, 6K+G, 2P+K, dash 6_P, 6PK works on Taka for 69

    3P+G, 6K+G, 4KPP, 1fk 6PK also works on Pai for 79 (so Brad straight and Ei, Pa and Li with 1fk)

    I guess that's it for now except for

    super bonus
    3P+G, 9P. Probably works on everyone for 30 and looks awesome.

    p.s. perhaps those 3P+G, 8P+K entries should note that the opponent can get get turned around for different combos if they press a button and get CH'd while turning around?
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
    Neonomide likes this.
  11. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I guess I'll just bump and highlight this so that the huge edit doesn't get missed by people who might have seen the original already.
    Neonomide likes this.
  12. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    2_6P+K, 3PP, KKK

    72 dmg on Jeffry both stances and Wolf closed stance.
    Neonomide and ShinobiFist like this.
  13. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Some optimizations on those 3P+G combos

    3P+G, 8P+K, 6P+KP, KKK also works on Jean for 71

    3P+G, 8P+K, 6P+KP, 1fk KKK works on Kage for 71

    3P+G, 6K+G, 2P, KKK 65 on Lau (I think this was already on list)

    3P+G, 8P+K, 6P+K, 2P, KKK works on Sarah and also Jeffry for 68 (I don't like this one on Jeffry since 8P+K combos should IMO have a good follow-up option if the opponent does something and turns around. The 67 Jeffry combo allows for this confirmation.)

    3P+G, 6K+G, 4KPP, 6PK is avoidable via exact recory only on Shun for 79 (-1 dp)
    3P+G, 8P+K, 6P+KP, 6_P, 6PK works on him for 67 (-1 dp)

    Am I missing somone? Wolf is the only one I can't break even 60 with a guaranteed combo.
  14. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    While this has no real new information, I'm currently doing text documentation for myself of combos to use on different characters and this is what I made for 6K+G. This is tested on rCH, some of the combos (the ones with 6P+K) don't work with the same timings on CH and I'd also rather reserve this for abare and -17+ punishing.

    6K+G, 6P+KP, 6_P, 2P+K, KKK Eileen, Blaze, Aoi
    Extra jab on these SLW's. Slight walk forward before KKK.

    6K+G, 6P+KP, 2P+K, KKK Sarah, Pai, Lion, Vanessa, Shun (-2 dp)
    The jab still works stance specific for 2 extra damage (not sure if it does on Shun), but I didn't include that stuff here.

    6K+G, 6_P, 2P+K, 6P+K, KKK Lau, Lei-Fei, Brad, Jacky, Jean
    6K+G, 6_P, 2P+K, 1fk 6P+K, KKK Kage
    6K+G, P, 2P+K, dash 6P+K, KKK Goh
    6K+G, P, 2P+K, KKK Akira
    For the first 5 characters just do 6P+K ASAP.
    For Kage input 66P+K for 1fk 6P+K and it'll work
    For Goh it works ASAP in the other stance but the other requires a longer delay. Just do a dash into 6P+K and it'll work from both, it's quite lenient.
    For Akira the 6P+K does not work at all so 4 less damage (although I somehow did manage to land it once as a true combo from the stance that KKK usually whiffs completely).
    Slight walk forward before KKK and do those 6_P's as 6_P's, not P's. It actually matters vs some characters.

    6K+G, 6P+KP, KKK Wolf, Jeffry
    Pretty basic.

    6K+G, 6_PK, 6PK Taka
    6K+G, 2P+K, dash 6_P, 6PK Taka
    2 combos for Taka, same damage. The latter one is harder as the P in the other stance needs a delay but I included it since the first one does not work next to a wall. I didn't test much but it might just be the best you can get near a wall as Taka does not splat from 6K+G.
    EDIT: 6K+G, 6_PPPK Taka
    Eeh, I'll just add this too. Everyone else has KKK into RD option so I'll put this up. Also doing immediate OM into lowthrow after times itself right on regular sidetech.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
  15. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    RD K crumple vs Jeffry (damages from 9P+KK stagger)

    RD K, delay 6_P, KKK 81 (RD choice)
    RD K, dash / delay 6P+KP, 6_P, 6PK 85 (max damage)
    RD K, dash / delay 6P+KP, 6_PPK 83 (longest carry for RO with no fences)
    None of them stance specific

    The list claims that RD K, 2P, 6_P, KKK works on Shun but it does not, last K whiffs. Something I learned the wrong way yesterday.

    RD K, 2P, 2KPK works for 79 (0 dp)
    RD K, 2P, 2KPP for 76 (-1 dp)
    RD K, 2P, 6_P, 6_P, 6PK also for 79 (I think it's better RO carry with no fences)

    RD K, 2P, 46P, 6_P, 6PK for 81 (open only, 0dp)
    RD K, 2P, 46PPK for 77 (open only, -1 dp)

    BTW some of the combos for 9P+KK are missing RD K from them and also RD K, KKK is listed as not working on Taka but it does.

    I need to test if other big back dudes can be lifted with 6_P too.
  16. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    just tried 9p+kk rdk crumple, 2p, 6_p, kkk on shun and it worked fine for me. i usually test combos with player back closest to wall in the jean training stage so i can see how far the carry is before hitting the wall. i noticed that if you practice from center in training room last k won't hit due to wall getting in the way. i dunno if that's why your last k isn't hitting but it was the only way i could make the last k not hit

    but yeah thanks for going over stuff, i'll update combo list eventually.
  17. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    WTF, I tried it on the open in dojo and multiple times in matches yesterday and the last kick dropped every time. I even tried delaying my 2P in dojo. I'll retest that stuff.

    RD K, delay P, 2P+K, KKK works on Brad for 93 both stances.
  18. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    also one more thing, if you practice 9p+kk, rd crumple from center training room or 10x10 sized stages you can do 2p, 4kp wall bounce, 2p+k, kkk on shun for 105.

    you can also do 2p, 6_p, 4p+k wall bounce, bt 2p, kkk for 103. probably an easier confirm to check reach.

    there are other variations that work on other characters but i forget off the top of my head.
  19. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    try delaying between 6_p and kkk. i just noticed if you do it all fast then the last k will drop.

    but i basically do that timing on all characters for all 2p, 6_p, kkk ending combos so it never occured to me that last k could drop. maybe thats why i can't get taka ending kkk combos consistently, back to the lab.
  20. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Hm, okay. I'll have to try it when I get back to dojo. I'm done for now.

    Also, thanks for pointing out 2P, 6_P, 4P+K W. Sounds distance dependent but I'll try it out.
    Usually if I hit RD K or 46P+K near walls for crumple I go with 2P, 4P+K W, BT 2P since it's not distance dependent and works on all but heavies. If you are in a deep angle vs anyone or any angle vs heavies I go with 2P, 6_P W, 2P+K

    If you want to check out some distance dependent stuff, try RD K, delay 6_P, 6P+KP W, 2P+K vs Brad. It looks pretty cool but I'm not going to go for that in a match ever as it's so specific on distance.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015

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