El Blaze combo thread.

Discussion in 'El Blaze' started by Seidon, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Been using this a lot lately. Specifically after a low dropkick into 2P, 3K+G ~RD, forward jump over opponent then if you can 2P a backturned opponent. If they do a rising attack or mash randomly you can get a 2P into a guaranteed low back throw.. I've also had some success with just jumping over prone opponents. The best part about the jump from rd after the low dropkick combo is that if they tech you get to keep applying pressure and if they don't you're in a good oki position.

    On another note I noticed that after a low dropkick from RD you can combo into 2P 4KPP against most of the cast. I'll look into potential from thos cbo starter a bit more tonight.

    Been using 1P+K a bit more as well. Having mixed results at the moment but when I'm more familiar with the move I can see me reaping all sorts of rewards.

    Sorry I haven't rounded off this combo list yet, I've been ki da busy. Got a party this weeke d but I'll see about finishing things up at the start of next week then whoever gets the character specialist spots can upload to the combo database!
  2. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    [4][6][K](hit)[6] - RD[K] - [6][P]+[K][P] - [6][P][K]
    works on everyone except LWs and Shun(haven't tested it on all) for 78 dmg

    You have to delay the [6][P]+[K][P] after the crumple to get a quite high refloat.

    On Taka only the [6][P] is guaranteed:
    [4][6][K](hit)[6] - RD[K] - [6][P]+[K][P] - [6][P] 66 dmg
    [4][6][K](hit)[6] - RD[K] - [6][P]+[K][P] - [2][P] 61 dmg
  3. Shouta

    Shouta Active Member

    So that Handsome Scratch Rush is way powerful in this. It's stupid hard to hit but you can get some serious damage off of it. I managed to hit a full combo with it off setups and raw today and it gets you into the 130+ damage range pretty easy. It's only -5 on Guard, I think so it's not too bad. Of course, you could just go for guaranteed damage but hey, style points.
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    After getting a PKG sabaki on some attacks handsome scratch is guaranteed. I find a good way to set it up is after a blocked 2P into a backdash. If you can get away with backdashes it's the way forward. Another nice piece of timing is after PKG-K~P+G. If they tech they'll be standing into it and if they're pushing buttons you get a CH. You can do the same gimmicky stagger combos with 3P+K~P+G which is faster as well.

    If you happen across a complete beginner who can't stagger at all you can do handsome scratch rush forever when their back is to a wall. You can also do 3P+K forever as well, in fact, with the latter you can do it from anywhwre in the ring provided you dash into it. Timing is kinda funny but if you can pull it off it's hilarious.
  5. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    BT[8][K] - [6][P]+[K][P] - [6][P][K]

    I'm busy with college preparations recently, no time to play VF;
    Or drawing your pics for that matter [​IMG]
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    No worries, man!

    That's a good combo. I've been using the basic 8P+K stuff from that starter!
  7. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    I love using the backflip, you can also start off with
    [9][K]+[G] [4]

    and go into
    backturned [8][K], [P], [2][P]+[K], [K][K][K]

    Works on medium to lightweights, depends on a stagger but gives you 100+ damage if you catch someone off guard.

    on heavies I think you have to do
    backturned [8][K], [P], [G], [K][K][K]
  8. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    Found a good combo vs. Taka.

    [4] [P] [+] [K] [​IMG]Counterhit,BT [8] [K], [K] [K] [K] (85 damage)

    [2] [K] [P] [K] also works after BT [8] [K] .
  9. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    been messing around vs. taka in dojo trying make a list so i can commit bnb combos to memory, was wondering if anything can be improved upon without use of recoverable stagger moves or green down attacks and breakable ground throws.

    all combos listed were done in normal stance and cpu settings with fastest stagger and rising recovery. some of the wall combos are distance dependent but i figure the more damage and situations we can convert from the better.

    anyways, i compiled everything i could think of that could be converted into a combo in case someone has something else to add not listed.

    2_6p+k, 2p+k, 6_p, 6pk 64

    6k+g, 6p+kp, 6pk 65

    8p+k, 6_p, 6pk 52

    1p+k, 6pk 48

    41236ppk, 6pk 59

    p+k+gp, 2p+k, 6pk 59

    pppk, rd k 37

    bt 8k, 6_p, 6pk 60

    bt k+g, 2p+k, 6pk 61

    from rd k (crumple), kkk 52

    from rd 9k+gp, 6_p, 6pk 65

    from rd 1k, 2p, kk 49

    ch 4p+k, 8k, p+kp, 6pk 91

    ch 46p+k, kkk 62

    ch 1k+g, 6k+g 47

    ch p+k+gp+k, 6pk 35

    3k vs. backdash, 4p+k, 8k, kkk 106

    jumping p descending, 6pk 43

    jumping k descending, 6k+g 37

    momentary touchdown k, 1k+g 44

    from side, k+g, ppk 65

    from side, ch p guaranteed throw attempt

    from side, ch 6p guaranteed throw attempt

    from side, ch 3k, 9p+kk, kkk 80

    from side, ch 2p+k guaranteed low throw attempt

    from side, ch k+g, p+kpp 85

    from side towards back, ch k+g, p+g 97

    opponent crouching 2p+g, 6pk

    opponent back towards wall 46p+g, 6pk 73

    opponent back towards wall p+k+gp+k, guaranteed throw attempt

    opponent back towards wall rd k+gk, rd k 62

    opponent back towards wall backturn 2k, 6k+g 37

    opponent back towards wall jumping k (ascending), 6pk 43

    opponent back towards wall ch 6pk, 6k+g 60

    opponent back towards wall ch 4p, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, 6pk 107

    opponent back towards wall ch p+kpp, 6k+g 73

    opponent back towards wall ch 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, 6pk, 93

    opponent back towards wall ch 6k, ppp 63

    opponent back towards wall ch 4k, p+kpp 79

    opponent back towards wall ch p+k+gk, p+kpp 78

    opponent back towards wall 46pkk wallsplat, 9p+kk, p, 2p+k, 6pk 90

    opponent towards wall 9k wallsplat, 2p+k, 6pk 59

    opponent back towards wall 41236pp wallsplat, 9p+kk, 4p+k, 2p, 6pk 74

    opponent back towards wall rd p wallsplat, 2p+k, 6pk 59

    parallel and back towards wall opponent to right pppk wallsplat, 9p+kk, kkk, 6pk 76

    parallel and back towards wall opponent to right 46ppk wallsplat, 9p+kk, 6p+kp, 6pk 66

    parallel and back towards wall opponent to right 1p+k wallsplat, 9p+kk, kkk, 6pk 76

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to left 4pkp wallsplat, 6pk 39

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to left 8k wallsplat, 2p+k, 6pk 56

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to left 3k+g wallsplat, 9p+kk, kkk, 6pk 78

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to left ch 46pp2k wallsplat, 6k+g 47

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to left ch kkk wallsplat, 6pk 64

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to left ch 2k+g wallsplat, 9p+kk, kkk 65

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to left ch bt 2k wallsplat, 9p+kk, kkk 67

    natural combos

    4kpp 49 no knockdown

    p+kpp 48 knocks down

    ch ppk 45 knocks down

    ch 4pkp 62 knocks down

    ch kkk 50 knocks down

    ch 2kpp 51 no knockdown

    ch 2kpk 55 no knockdown

    any help would be much appreciated :)
    Seidon and cobratron like this.
  10. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D

    You can squeak out a 91 damage taka combo with this, thanks to pajcsi's latest video:

    [4][P][+][K] on counterhit, BT [8][K], [P][+][K] [P], [6][P][K]
    Seidon likes this.
  11. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    I see. I haven't gotten around to watching that vid.
  12. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I went through the whole dojo but did not find max dmg combo for Blaze & Eileen from volcano knee and don't care since this combo rocks so I post it here:

    6K+G (CH, closed only)
    6P+K P, 4P+K, 2P, KKK - 104 dmg.
  13. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    you can also do ch 6k+g, 4p+k, 2p, p, 2p+k, 6pk for 104 dmg

    your way is better though since the 6p+kp followup is an easy hit confirm out of seeing if the hit is ch or not since you can do 6k+g, 6p+kp, p, 2p+k, kkk as a normal hit combo.

    anyways, here's an old list of combos i have against eileen if anybody wanted to mess around with more lightweight combos. not all of them are max damage though.

    2_6p+k, 6k+g, 6_p, kkk 6 hits 76 dmg

    6k+g, 6p+kp, p, 2p+k, kkk 8 hits 86 dmg

    8p+k, p, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 75 dmg

    1p+k, 6_p, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 78 dmg (open stance only)

    41236ppk, p, 2p+k, kkk 7 hits 85 dmg

    p+k+gp, 2p+k, 4kpp 5 hits 69 dmg

    pppk, rd k, 6pk 4 hits 60 dmg

    4kpp, dash in p, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 69 dmg

    2kpp, 2p+k, 4kpp 63

    bt 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 83 dmg

    bt k+g, 2p+k, 6_p, kkk 6 hits 77 dmg

    from rd k (crumple), 2p, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 70 dmg

    from rd 9k+gp, p, 2p+k, kkk 8 hits 88 dmg

    from rd 1k, 2p, 6_p, kkk 6 hits 69 dmg

    ch 4p+k, 2p, 6_p, 2p+k, kkk 7 hits 92 dmg

    ch 46p+k, 2p, 6_p, 2p+k, kkk 83 dmg

    ch 1p+k, 6p+kp, 2p+k, kkk 7 hits 90 dmg

    ch 6k+g, 4p+k, 2p, 6_p, 2p+k, 6pk 104

    ch 1k+g, 2p, 6pk 4 hits 59 dmg

    ch p+k+gp+k, 6pk 3 hits 35 dmg

    3k vs. backdash, 4p+k, 2p, 6_p, 2p+k, kkk 8 hits 113 dmg

    jumping p descending, 2p, kkk 5 hits 60 dmg

    jumping k descending, 2p, 6k+g, 1k 4 hits 52 dmg

    momentary touchdown k, 2p, 6pk 4 hits 59 dmg

    from side, k+g, ppk 4 hits 65 dmg

    from side, ch p guaranteed side throw attempt

    from side, ch 6p guaranteed side throw attempt

    from side, ch 3k, 9p+kk, 6p+kp, kkk 7 hits 91 dmg

    from side, ch 2p+k guaranteed side low throw attempt

    from side, ch k+g, 2_6p+k, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 105 dmg

    from side towards back, ch k+g, p+g guaranteed back throw 2 hits 97 dmg

    opponent crouching 2p+g, 6_p, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 73 dmg

    opponent crouching 6k+g, 6_p, 2p, 6pk 5 hits 61

    opponent towards wall 6pk, 6k+g 3 hits 52 dmg

    opponent towards wall 41236pk, 6pk, 6k+g 5 hits 65 dmg

    opponent towards wall 6k, ppp 4 hits 53 dmg

    opponent towards wall 4k, 2_6p+k, 4p+k, 2p, p, 2p+k, 6pk 8 hits 108 dmg

    opponent towards wall 4kpp, p, 2p+k, kkk g hits 69 dmg

    opponent towards wall 2kpp, 2p+k, kkk, kkk 8 hits 78 dmg

    opponent towards wall 3k, ppp 4 hits 53 dmg

    opponent towards wall 3k vs. backdash, 6k+g, 9p+kk, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 10 hits 123 dmg

    opponent towards wall p+kpp, 6k+g 4 hits 65 dmg

    opponent towards wall 2_6p+k, 4p+k, 2p, p, 2p+k, 6pk 7 hits 87 dmg

    opponent towards wall p+k+gp+k, guaranteed throw attempt

    opponent towards wall 9p+k+gk, rdk, 2p, p, kkk 8 hits 98 dmg

    opponent towards wall rd 1k, 2p, 6k+g, 2p+k, kkk 7 hits 80 dmg

    opponent towards wall rd k+gp, 2p, p 2p+k, kkk 9 hits 90 dmg

    opponent towards wall rd k+gk, 2p, p, 2p+k, kkk 9 hits 92 dmg

    opponent towards wall backturn 8k, 2p, p, 2p+k, kkk, 6pk, 9 hits 94 dmg

    opponent towards wall backturn 2k, 1k+g 2 hits 34 dmg

    opponent towards wall backturn k+g, 4p+k, 2p, p, 2p+k, 6pk 7 hits 91 dmg

    opponent towards wall 46p+g, 2p, p, 2p+k, kkk 8 hits 97 dmg

    opponent towards wall jumping k (ascending), 2p, 6pk, 6k+g 5 hits 61 dmg

    opponent towards wall p+kpp, 6k+g 4 hits 73 dmg

    opponent towards wall ch 46p+k, 2p, 6k+g, 2p+k, kkk 7 hits 84 dmg

    opponent towards wall ch 4p, 6k+g, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 9 hits 110 dmg

    opponent towards wall ch 4k, 2_6p+k, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 99 dmg

    opponent towards wall ch 1k+g, 2p, 6k+g, 2p+k, kkk

    opponent towards wall 9k wallsplat, rd k, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 75 dmg

    opponent towards wall 46pkk wallsplat, 9p+kk, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 10 hits 113 dmg

    opponent towards wall 6k+g wallsplat, 9p+kk, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 9 hits 92 dmg

    opponent towards wall 41236pp wallsplat, 4p+k, 2p, p, 2p+k, 6pk 7 hits 76 dmg

    opponent towards wall rd p wallsplat, 2p, kkk 5 hits 60 dmg

    opponent towards wall rd k wallsplat, 2p, p, 2p+k, kkk 7 hits 73 dmg

    opponent towards wall ch ppk wallsplat, 9p+kk, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 9 hits 97 dmg

    opponent towards wall ch 4p+k wallsplat, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 7 hits 84 dmg

    opponent towards wall ch 2k+g, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 8 hits 89 dmg

    opponent towards wall ch backturn 2k wallsplat, 9p+kk, 4p+k, 2p, p, 2p+k, 6k+g 7 hits 86 dmg

    parallel and back towards wall opponent to right pppk wallsplat, 9p+kk, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 9 hits 92

    parallel and back towards wall opponent to right 46ppk wallsplat, 9p+kk, p, 2p+k, kkk, 7 hits 74 dmg

    parallel and back towards wall opponent to right 1p+k wallsplat, 9p+kk, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 9 hits 92 dmg

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to right 4pkp, 2p, 2p+k, kkk 6 hits 61 dmg

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to right kkk, 2p, kkk 5 hits 50 dmg

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to right 8k wallsplat, rd k, kkk, kkk 8 hits 76 dmg

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to right 3k+g wallsplat, 4p+k, 2p, kkk, kkk 9 hits 84 dmg

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to right ch 46pp2k wallsplat, 9p+kk, p, 2p+k, kkk, kkk 10 hits 86 dmg

    parallel and stomach towards wall opponent to right ch 2k+g wallsplat, 4p+k, 8k, p, 2p+k, kkk 8 hits 89 dmg
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Wowzers good shit in this thread!
  15. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I've randomly toyed around with Blaze in online for a few days and found out I really love playing with the dude. Will delve deeper into his game once I finish the Goh combo compilation but I decided to do something for him so I'd have some grounds for doing stuff in matches. Ended up making a vs Jacky combolist.

    None of this is stance specific, while I found a couple of those too I most often don't really bother.

    vs Jacky

    6K+G, P, 2P+K, KKK 78 (90)
    CH 6K+G, 6P+K,P, 2P+K, KKK 96
    2_6P+K, 2P+K, P, KKK 73
    8P+K, 6P+K,P, KKK 71
    41236P,P:K, 6_P, KKK 75
    P+K+G,P, 2P+K, P, 6P,K 66
    1P+K, 6_P, KKK 66 (78)
    CH 1P+K, 6P+K,P, KKK 86
    CH 46P+K, 2P, 6_P, KKK 73
    CH 4P+K, BT 2P, P, KKK 82
    CH 1K+G, 3P+K 56

    BT 8K, 6P+K,P, 6P,K 70
    BT K+G, 2P+K, P, KKK 77

    RD 9K+G,P, 6P+K,P, KKK 84
    RD 2K, 2P, 6_P, KKK 69
    RD P+K+G,P:K, 6_P, KKK 75
    ..RD K, 2P, 6_P, KKK

    MT K, 3P+K
    2P+G, 6P+K, KKK 62

    (4KP)P, P, 2P+K, KKK 69
    (4KP)P, P, KKK
    (2KP)P, 2P+K, P, 6P,K 60

    CH (46PP)K, PPK 65 Stance specific, don't remember with. Nothing from the other one.

    Descending P, dash 2P, KKK 60
    Descending K, 3P+K 46
    side CH 3K, 9P+K,K, 6_P, 2P+K, KKK 95
    Neonomide likes this.
  16. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    One more sideturned combo, not max damage but it's a fun and fancy looking one, and I seem to be able to hit this one more consistently than the 95 dmg one:

    side CH [3][K], [9][P]+[K] [K], [6] into RD [9][K]+[G], ( [G] ) [K] [K] [K] 89 dmg vs Jean

    Here's a lightweight version one:
    side CH [3][K], [9][P]+[K] [K], [6] into RD [9][K]+[G], ( [G] ) [P], [2] [P]+[K], [3] [K]+[G]
    Neonomide likes this.
  17. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Some preliminary Goh comboes, will update later:


    8P+K, 6_P, KKK
    8P+K, 2P, 6_P, KKK (Closed)

    6K+G, 6P+KP, 6_P, KKK

    2_6P+K, 2P+K, 6_P, KKK

    1P+K, 6_P, KKK
    1P+K, 6_P, 2P+K, KKK (Closed)

    426PP:K_RD P+K+GP:K, 6_P, KKK
    426PP:K_RD P+K+GP:K, 6_P, 2P+K, KKK (Closed)

    [4KP]P, 2P, 6_P, KKK

    [2KP]P, 2P+K, 6PK
    [2KP]P, 2P+K, KKK (Closed)

    TS P, 2P+K, 6PK
    TS P, 2P+K, KKK (Closed)

    [9P+KK~6_RD P+K+GK~6_46K~6_9K+G~6] RD K, 2P, 6_P, KKK (Stagger Recovery Normal)

    RD 2K, 2P, 6_P, KKK

    CH 4P+K, BT 2P, 6_P, KKK

    CH 46P+K, 2P, 6_P, KKK

    CH 6K+G, 6P+KP, 6_P, 2P+K, KKK

    CH 1K+G, 2P, 6PK
    CH 1K+G, 2P+G_3P+G
  18. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    Interesting combo I've been using since I switched to using [4][K][P][P] as a combo ender instead of [K][K][K] in a lot of situations, due to the fact that it's less stance-dependent:

    An example situation for it is this ground-scrape combo to punish opponents who don't tech roll:
    [6][P][K] (dash in) [2][P], [4][K][P][P]

    This works in either stance, but finishing it with [K][K][K] only works in closed stance. About the same damage both ways. The [8][P]+[K] launcher combo is also stance-sensitive iirc.

    As I switched to the [4][K][P][P] ender, I found that if the opponent tech rolls, the last [P], if delayed correctly, can catch someone on wakeup, especially if timed for a meaty, and launch the opponent into a flop situation.

    Then you can dash in after the flop, and cause a re-bound with most of the cast with:
    delayed [P], [2][P]+[K], [K][K][K]

    It seems to work up to the medium weight characters like Lau, Jean, and Lei Fei (I don't think it works on Kage or Shun). edit: tested and works against Shun AND Kage.
    Anyone heavier I think you just have to go with [P], ( [G] ), [4][K][P][P] (or [K][K][K])

    So, as a result, I decided to start putting delayed [4][K][P][P] into my game, and it works great as a combo setup -- delaying that last [P] can cause a launcher on an opponent who wants to push buttons, and once they start to respect the string, you can toss out a throw instead of the last [P] to keep them guessing. If they throw break, you can also toss out his catch throw [9][P]+[G], which can't be broken.
  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I used that for a while as well and still do in a few situations. My favourite aspect of it was that after some combos if they tech roll you can catch them backturned and set up some really nice situations for yourself. Moreso if they tech in place. What I didn't like was that it doesn't go naturally into RD but blaze has enough great options on oki without that to make it viable.
  20. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    I know what you mean, I was having RD withdrawal the other day using that string

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