Eileen Combos

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by MarlyJay, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Thank you for testing Neonmide. When you test the combos, can you write the damage as well? I believe that would be convenient because I have all these numbers in my head of approximately how much damage I can deal to different characters. So if I see a bigger number on a combo that's where I'm gonna start.

    Also, you are right on "ハ" referring to open, and "平" referring to closed.
    If you look at the pics in the link below it seems right, also "ハ" means "8" but I believe
    it is called that because of the kanji (symbol) wich could be seen as a visual
    representation of the feet of each character. So it's easy to visualize and remember.


    I'll pull some weight later today and test some combos too when I get back home.
    Tricky likes this.
  2. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Alright some testresults incoming. I went to the link Jimmy provided and started testing everything. Here's some results for the heavyweight trio. Since it's handy to have the damage listed for these combos I might do a few more later. Also, I just copied and tested the stuff on the site, so it's not necessarily combos of choice. Just remember that.

    Quick notes:
    Everything bold is my addition, the rest is directly pasted from the link given.
    遅 (kanji means "late")
    平: Closed foot position
    ハ: Open foot position
    両: Both foot positions


    33P +25
    両:66K > 3P214K+G +43

    46P +20
    平:P > 6P+KPP +40
    ハ:3P236KKK +42

    66P(CH) +27
    平:P(遅)P214PP214K+G +47 (works in open also with same damage)
    ハ:P(遅)P214PPP +43

    9P +20
    平:PP214PPP +43
    ハ:PP214PP214K+G +47

    9K +25
    平:4PP214PP214K+G +49
    ハ(CH):PP236P+KK>66K>214PK +58 (note +37 on launcher for CH, it should say "両" since it works in closed too)
    ハ(NH):P3P214PP214K+G +51

    3P+K(CH) +22
    両:66K > 6K +38

    6P+KPP +20 (for last P only)
    平:2P(前ステ) > 6PPK +38 (2P has to land exactly when Wolf hits ground)
    ハ:2P(前ステ) > P3PK +36

    46K+G +20 ( I think these were reversed, the one with 214K+G should only work on Wolf in closed
    NOTE that I have switched them for you, they are listed the other way around on the website)
    平: 6P+KP214PP214K+G +55
    ハ: 6P+KP214PP +42 (+51 with third P) (surely this is a typo, he forgot 3rd P))

    8P+K+GP(ヨ)PP +20 (counting only last P)
    平:6PPK +32
    ハ:P3PK +30



    33P +25
    両:66K > 3P214K+G +43

    46P +20
    平:P > 6PPK +38
    ハ:4P+K236KKK +41

    66P(CH) +27
    平:P(遅)P214PP214K+G +47
    ハ:P(遅)3P236KKK +45

    9P +20
    両:PP214PP214K+G +47

    9K +25
    平:PP214PP214K+G +47 (NOTE, the Wolf combo was listed with 4PP instead of just PP, and that works here too for +49dmg)
    ハ(CH):PP236P+KK>66K>214PK +58 (note +37 on launcher for CH, it should say "両" since it works in closed too)
    ハ(NH):P3P214PP214K+G +51

    3P+K(CH) +22
    両:66K > 4P+K214K+G +42

    6P+KPP +20 (last P only)
    平:2P(前ステ) > 6PPK 6PPK +38 (2P has to land exactly when Jeff hits ground)
    ハ:2P(前ステ) > P3PK +36

    Refer to Wolf for notes, I believe the author made a mixup but these results are valid)
    平: 6P+KP214PP214K+G +55
    ハ: 6P+KP214PP +42

    8P+K+GP(ヨ)PP +20 (counting only last P)
    平:6PPK +32
    ハ:P3PK +30



    46P +20
    両:66K > 4P+K214K+G +42

    66P(CH) +27
    両:P(遅)PP236KK +34 (It's way easier with PP for +29)

    両足:微有利 (?)

    9K +25
    両:43P+K > 6P+KPP +48

    3P+K(CH) +22
    両:66K > 4P+K214K+G +42

    6P+KPP +20(last P only)
    両:6K +21

    46K+G +20
    両:43P+K > 6P+KPP +48
    steelbaz likes this.
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Daydream I updated the 1st page with your tested stuff for taka. I had done wolf and jeffery too but only wolf was able to make it in. I lost the post on jeffery due to character limit and the edit window just deleting my changes :mad:.

    Great work everyone who's been testing out combos and fixing things here and there . This is exactly why we need to test the notes given to us, even from our japanese bros.

    So far from what I've been noticing Eileen players need to know what foot stance they're in for max dmg combos, and in some cases in order to combo at all (I'm look at you fat characters). While this is harder for sure, it does make things feel more unique when fighting the cast. I can still remember getting bored of getting my 9K launcher in vanillia because the combo was the same for every character.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Alright I got the trick for landing this one. It's actually easier to land the 9K if you do a 66 then 9K then input the next moves in sequence as fast as possible and you'll get the bound from 43P+K. It's actually the max dmg combo I have against jacky right now. Time to find more places to use 33P in.
  5. TRI Mike

    TRI Mike Member

    Wow... those are pretty hard to do for me.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Her combos are kinda different from the rest of the cast but once you get used to it you'll be mastering them in no time. Outside of just frame combos I think she has some of the hardest combos. Topping that off she needs foot stance specific combos too and stuff changes almost for every character.
  7. TRI Mike

    TRI Mike Member

    Yeah but I'm just learning the game in a better level and playing with an arcade stick which I'm not very used to do and her commands are still incredibly hard for me to pull off quickly one after another in a combo. I dunno if this happens to anyone else here but sometimes I can pull out stuff in the Dojo with no problems but in an actual match, everything seems impossible to pull off.
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    That bolded part is always going to be an issue with your new techniques. Just a matter of learning how to do something under pressure of the fight. You're keeping track of so many more things during a fight than you are in a dojo. I slowly work into my game new techniques that I've been hammering out in dojo mode.
  9. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna have to study some of these combos and use them on Nomas, give him a taste of his own medicine :cool:
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

  11. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Oh no! They are onto us copying their stuff. They're like, find your own monkey shenanigans. The western monkeys are getting too strong lol. Anyone have the info copied somewhere? I have Pai and Sarah tested except for this one Sarah combo I couldn't get down.
  12. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Maybe you can ask Kamaage if there are any other jap sources for eileens juggles..?
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

  14. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Wow, will have to practice some of these. 214G+K is a new move right? The leaping kick, looks awesome. Would love to finish a big combo over Live with that one night :cool:
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I should add a combo I found on Jacky from sideturned. Good chance this works on lighter characters too, and probably can even get more damage on them.

    Side turned CH 3K > zenk K > P > 43P+K > 4P+K, 214K+G 90dmg
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen


    [9][K] +25dmg
    standard PP zenk launch combo works on him both stances​

    [4][P][P] [2][3][6][P]+[K][K], [6][6][K], [2][1][4][K][+][G] + 60 dmg​
    Open stance only​

    [6][P][+][K][P][2][3][6][P][+][K][K]:, [6][6][K] +78dmg​
    Close stance CH only​

    CH [6][6][P] + 27dmg

    [6][P][+][K][P], [2][3][6][K][K][K]: +51 dmg
    both stances, leads to better oki, but you can't be late on the first punch or he's too low for last hit of tripple kicks to land.​
    [9][K], [6][P][P][2][1][4][K]: + :[G] +50 DMG​
    both stances​


    [9][P] +20 dmg

    closed stance +43 dmg

    open stance +47 dmg
    [6][6][K] 2 hits +25 dmg​
    [6][P][+][K][P], [2][1][4][K][+][G] +36 dmg​
    both stances​

    [4][6][K]+[G] +20 dmg

    [8][P]+[K]+[G][P][P][P], [3][P], [4][1][2][K] [+][G] + 56dmg​
    both stances​

    [2][3][6][P]+[K] [P] +24dmg


    CH [​IMG][3][P][K] +25 dmg


    CH OR Crouching hit [8][P]+[K]+[G][P][P][P] +40dmg


    Third hit connects [6][P]+[K][P][P] +20 dmg


    CH [3][P]+[K] 22 dmg


    [4][6][P] +20dmg
    [P], [4][3][P][+][K] , [3][P][2][1][4][K][+][G] +46 dmg
    both stances​

    [3][3][P] + 25dmg

    [8][P]+[K]+[G][P][P][P] , [3_][P][2][1][4][K][+][G] +56dmg
    both stances​
  17. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    This works on Pai but good luck pulling it off it should work on heavy weights as well
    46[K][+][G],43[K][+][G], 6[P][+][K](triple mid thing), 1[P][+][K] 82dmg
    You might be able to sneak in her 3[P] but i couldn't pull it off
  18. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Do you mean 43P+K instead of 43K+G (she has no such move)? The numbers aren't going green on you during the 6P+KPP? Just from looking at it, it looks like they're going to be bouncing on the ground meaning it's techable.
  19. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    sorry that was a typo let me try in xbox terms
    46RT,43RB,6RB(triple mid thing)1RBx2 82dmg

    the numbers go green at 6th & 7th hit so after 46RT,43RB,6RB(triple mid thing) its techable?
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    The hit that starts the green colored numbering will be techable (hits after that sometimes but not necessarily are techable too)

    A useful way to test combos that involve the possibility of teching is to see does your techable combo require an exact tech. You can test this by setting the CPU to just tech to the side (not selecting the exact timing option) and see when the number goes green are they able to tech out of it. If not then you know they have to use exact tech to get out of the combo.

    Now techable combos aren't as good as real combos, but exact tech combos are almost as good, and can be very useful to know because you just FORCED your opponent to do something you can predict. Now they have to tech or eat that extra damage, and there is no guarantee that they can get out of it anyway. It's good stuff to know.

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