EC 4.5 - tekken and VF : EVO tourney... 2/22/03

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by tomhilfiger, Feb 5, 2003.

  1. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Re: Yusuke's ALIVE!

    SHOU is midwest fool REPRESENT
  2. siLEpai

    siLEpai Well-Known Member

    Re: Two siLE Thumbs Up for Hilfiger's Tourney

    Just wanted to give a thanks a bunch of dAZs to Hilfiger for organizing a super siLE tourney that also included VF. It's always a challenge to gather a group of scattered VFers together, but thankfully we have siLE people like you who give us all the more reason to get together.

    The Game Fixx is a great place around the corner 'n literally a home for enjoying hours of video game fun thanks to the Venom family. Thanks to the SoCal VF Quad Squad, who kindly donated their kickass EVO supergun rig, for sharing the experience with those of us who aren't as fortunate to have access to EVO. It was amazing to watch you guys play on the 65" TV as well as get a few rounds of play time =P I was a very happy VF camper albeit a bit stressed out from my silent cheering in all the close matches =)

    Plague, it was good seeing you again and meeting Catherine. It's not often you find chickies who enter tourneys and inspire their BFs to play VF =)

    Spotlite, thanks for bringing your camcorder to record the matches. I'm sure you'll find a group of grateful and anxious VFers awaiting to download those clips @_@

    Mike, it was refreshing to see a Lion in the mix as he seems to be a rare breed to play given his poke-a-thon style.

    Andy, it was good to see you and your Pai kick some team battle butt tossing the competition around =P I think having fudd gave you the NRG boost late in the game. Hopefully, you can help Yusuke revive VF in the Bay Area with the rescue of Feixaq from Bowlingmania =b

    Joey, you are too funny with your siLE bright-eyed facial reactions and funky Dragonball aura. Thanks for providing the comic relief in the midst of all the serious competition =)

    Shou-Sama, glad to see you brought your smile with you from STL. You still seemed like VF drained the smile-force outta ya, but hopefully yummy Persian fudd in SJ will rejuvenate the Akira power haus within ya =D

    Yusuke. now that we know you're alive . . . we need to find a way to wake you up siLE =) Don't make me practice the live-action SPOD IRL to prep you up for the next tourney. Speaking of which, when are you gonna post you're siLE SF idea? I'll offer to make curry dumplings so I can wake you up a la bap on da head style =D Thanks for the 1P, KKKickmania lesson =P

    Jo, as always you are the stabilizing factor in making sure things get done like running the tourney brackets. Kam-sam-ni-da for letting me crash and help out in the kitchen. I miss cookin' with ya not to mention you feeding me all sorts of yummy treats like roasted marshmallows in your fire place =D
  3. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    quick results

    1. Yusuke...wolf
    2. Spotlite...akira
    3. Mike90210...lion

    Some really close matches between Yusuke and Spotlite. Hopefully Tom or jhky can hook us up with the brackets.
  4. tomhilfiger

    tomhilfiger Member

    thanx Joanne...

    The tourney probably wouldn't have gone as smoothly as it did if it weren't for Joanne helping us running it.. I hope everyone appreciates the time and effort she's put out to help us run the VF tourneys... it was great seeing everyone there. I really learned a lot from this tournament... I hope we'll really represent well at TiT.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Great event

    Thank you to Tom, Joanna, and Game Fixx for a smooth running tournament. Thank you to Spotlite, Andy, Joey, and Mike90210 for providing the EVO machine. And thank you to all competitors for an exciting competition.

    It was so cool to see Shou-Sama and sILEpai again... not to mention meeting Akapan... I swear he magically turned up Wolf's framerate. Catherine said "that's the fastest Wolf I've ever seen." Great comeback victory. - congratulations.

    Onward to Texas! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  6. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    Re: Great event

    This was a fun tournament/gathering. Shou and I wore ourselves out with VF from Thurs-Sat night. I only wish that ALL the socal people wouldve shown up(I wouldve won more than $11/versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif)

    Tom thanks for letting us crash at your house and helping support the US VF scene. Your Akira is improving at a scary rate! Im so happy you beat Joey for me /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Shou: Good to see you again. We played each other way too much. Theres some kind of conspiracy always matching us up in tournaments! I think we laughed through half of our tournament match. Im still dazed from all those SPODs on Thurs/versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif Midwest is weak, you gotta move to Cali!

    Yusuke: Congrats on the win! Your Wolf is just too strong for me. It was impossible for me to poke-throw you/versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif. I hope you had fun playing VF with us and getting to check out the socal scene. You have to get those SF guys...errr, people(sorry siLE) playing again!

    Bryan: All I can say is youre clutch at tournaments. Evade bodycheck does TOO much damage /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Hook a homie up with the vids. How much of the final did u miss?

    Andy: You got a messed up draw. Yusuke then Joey haha! At least you redeemed yourself in team battle.

    Joey: I doubt youll ever read this. Lau's gay.

    Wes: Why did I ride to the restaurant with you?!?!?! We were late by like an hour/versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif. Haha its cool though. Your Lei Fei is getting pretty nasty. Gave me a bit of a scare.

    Joon: Ching, ching. Is that how you spell it? Keep practicing Goh! Youre already pretty good with him. You, Tom and Wes are getting really good. Keep it up.

    Plague: Your Akira is getting better especially at finishing combos. Glad to see that youre not relying on
    [3]+[P][K] so much anymore.

    Cathrine: Thanks for making it. Its cool that you and Talis came even with your busy schedules.

    Jenny: You shouldve played in the tournament! Sorry I didnt get to talk to you much. I was too concentrated on playing. You, Yusuke and Andy got me interested in playing Pai now! Get those bay area people to stop bowling and play some VF!

    Joanna: Nice job running the tournament. Thanks a lot.

    Great tournament/gathering everyone. I had way too much fun and O.D.ed on VF.

    P.S. vf4akira is weak. Playa! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif I represented for your f00.
  7. siLEpai

    siLEpai Well-Known Member

    Re: Great event

    I totally agree on this being a fun gathering, which is why we should have more of them now that there's a dozen or so of us within Cali-4-Nai-VF-YAY! A fast and siLE lone Wolf was hinting at something happening in SF after EVO is released mid-March *ahem*. If it doesn't happen soon, I'm afraid the Bay Area VF scene will die out as half of them own their own bowling balls and are converting the rest of us!

    Plague & Catherine, good luck U2 in Texas! You guys should get a tag team battle going on given you've got a dynamic duo with 2/3 already =)

    Mike, I'll be sure to play in the the next gathering to add to your pot to at least pay for 2 servings of bulgogi at Brothers up in the Bay Area. Maybe we'll find a siLE way to disprove the conspiracy theory of you 'n Shou having to play against each other =)
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Great event

    [ QUOTE ]
    siLEpai said:

    ...I'm afraid the Bay Area VF scene will die out as half of them own their own bowling balls and are converting the rest of us!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bowlers have frame advantage /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    No wonder Yusuke's Wolf is so fast.

    As far as the Mike90210 vs. Shou-sama conspiracy... it's not a conspiracy as long as Mike wins. oooooooooooooh - Disappointment in STL /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  9. siLEpai

    siLEpai Well-Known Member

    Re: Great event

    siLE Plague, you be funny hehe. We need to bring competition to SF in order to revive the VF EVO spirit. As it stands, they are now hardcore bowlers 3-4 days a week because that's the only competitive activity around after Howard, Jason, and Yusuke disappeared. Now, Yusuke's back and trained his Wolf to be faster than ever even without the bowling frame advantage =b The VF guys are on a mission to get Yusuke to bowl given his siLE performance playing mini-golf happy gilmore style at SVGL =)

    So what happens when Shou-sama moves to Cali? Is it still disappointment in STL or a new rivalry between the Bay Area and SoCal? I guess if Shou-sama and Mike90210 are representing the same region, then there could be a conscious effort to ensure they don't play each other hehe? Or am I just missing the whole point of Cali tradition that Mike90210 should always win against Shou-sama hehe?
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Great event

    [ QUOTE ]
    siLEpai said: I just missing the whole point of Cali tradition that Mike90210 should always win against Shou-sama hehe?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, I just created that scenario on the spot /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    But Mike90210 should probably win all the time, anyway (unless he's fighting against Brisal73 - then he should always lose).

    Now, if Shou-sama would've been wearing the cool pixelation mask that he sports all over his website (check out the E3 section to see what I'm talking about), I'd have probably routed for him, instead.
  11. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    I'd like to thank everyone for making my stay in Cali so pleasant and an extra thanks goes to tomhilfiger for being so accomodating and understanding. I think I'll take this opportunity to bow out for awhile for a training of sorts so until we meet again, be well everyone.
  12. akapan

    akapan Active Member

    return to SF

    I just start to adapt living in normal life…I cannot believe that I had been playing VF for just two days.
    I feel like I spent a week! I totally appreciate each people who I met at LA. I must be a totally stranger, but people give me warm welcome and even let me stay in their training base. Also, the tournament was really smooth, so I could really concentrate on my matches. As my impression, LA VF scene was really beyond my imagination. I could be lost every step in the tournament. There was no single easy routine fight. Everybody not only has deep understanding about theories about VF and add their own arrangement especially in terms of “risk and return”. Moreover, I am so glad that I could find “We” love VF. I am looking forward to see all players again. Thank you very much!

    Tom: Thank you for let me stay in the Lab! The match with you was pretty scary. I cannot imagine how the result would be if you play only VF.

    Mike: Thank you for giving me a ride and playing with me all the time! Anyway, why did we have match twice in the tournament? /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif (Nice come back!) I remember our first match was especially pretty close. Looking forward to watch the movie!

    Shou: My LA/VF trip was started from playing with you and Mike. We three played really a lot. I think we improved our skill a lot…but we could not show it at the team battle. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Spotlite: Our first match was really tense! After I picked wrong character between 1st set and 2nd set, I felt the stream of the game was changed. Your combination of catch + 2P+G(?) was really scary! I am so looking forward to watch the movies. Thank you for putting movies on the internet. (Sorry about missing final.)

    Andy: I did not think my first match was against with new player for me. It is so hard to get enough data to predict what you were going to do even after we had second set. If you were warmed up, the result would be defferent...

    Plague + Cathrine: It was so nice to see you! I wish I could have more match with you two. Anyway, thank you for making comment on my Wolf. So, should I start to play bowling to get my Wolf faster? /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif (no no I should not be one of them. I will convert them…may be /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif)

    Jenny: Thank you very much for dragging me out from my hard cell. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif Traveling and meet new VF players are totally worth. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif I hope we will have a kind of gathering in SF. Anyway, your Pai is somehow adapting to Evo. How come? I meant how could you predict and capture my finishing 3K by 2P+K?? /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif That should be on movie.

    Joanna: Thank you very much for organizing VF tournament as well as two Tekken tournaments.

    I am so glad that I could participate in this tournament.
    I am looking forward to see and play with all of you again!
  13. andy

    andy Well-Known Member

    Re: return to SF

    Because I'm sure I'll see the socal people soon, I'll address this to our visitors.

    Yusuke, it was good and bad to have played such a strong player first round. Good for experience, bad for getting elminated, and like you, I had no idea how you played beforehand. I was glad to have taken one match from you. I wish I had a chance to see you play Pai...maybe next time when we go up to SF. And despite what anyone says, "red pants" will "beat the heat".

    Eric, you are a spod machine and a frames guru. I have never been hit by so many spods in my life, all without the help of a wall. On top of all that, you're great fun to play against, with an aggressive style. Our pre-tournament matches were nerve-wrackingly close.

    Jen, you should have played in the tournament. Pai needs more representation in cali. I'll never forget the expression from Joey when he found out you weren't Japanese! /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Hope to see you soon, and hope you can hook us up with killer food in SF.

    One last thanks to Tom and Joanne for running everything. It really was a smooth tournament.

  14. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: return to SF

    your lucky i wasn't there...My Wolf shall defeat you all !!! Or at least Mike...jk Sounds like fun hope to see you guys soon. Oh well back to AI I go
  15. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: return to SF

    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who came out for the tournament, especially the people who came from out of town, like Shou, Yusuke, and Jen (you should play more, Pai is incredibly strong in Evo!).

    Also thanks to the Tekken guys (now a regular part of our VF scene, maybe I should call them the Crossover Koreans /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif). Everyone's getting so much better, I'm really happy to see our scene growing. What happened to gribbly?

    Just some random comments:

    LA players: for the 3rd time, we let some out-of-towners come in and steal our thunder!! WTF guys? We CANNOT loose at E3! ANDY! JOEY! MIKE! get with it! You guys are too good to loose in tournaments (MIke, you almost won it this time, nice job). As for myself, I have no excuse, I suck. Ice 9. Mad Dog Jin, now Yusuke... who's next to embarass us? Jedi Fei?

    Plague: keep at it! You're getting better and better. Be careful about watching what happens/what the opponent does after the hit/guard of your attacks. I think you'll do much better by watching carefully what's happening with the opponent before inputting your next throw/attack etc.

    Catherine: Nice mastery of the tricky P, P+K air combo. I think you can follow that one with u/fK+G, and maybe even ff+K against lightweights.

    Joey: well, you aren't gonna read this, but with that new necklace, you really look like a Final Fantasy character. If it weren't for dodge-bodycheck (to Lau's backside...hint), you would have won our match. I think Joey must have the best Lau in the country, so it's time to represent, fool! next tournament, put your money where your 35 game win streak mouth is!

    Mike: your Lion is getting so much better, I like how you went for flashy combos during the tournament. While you could have used 2_6P+G- 2P- 46P+KPP (which is flash enough), you went for the 2P- 46P+K- 2_6P followup! Is Akira too heavy for that combo? That match with Yusuke where you both had about 5 points left, then you did 3P+K+GP(? the little low swipe dodge), then he guarded, and I think after that you guardrd his low kick... in another fight you almost killed him with 2_6P- P (46P+K?)- 2KK+G, then followed with 3P... I think he had like 2 points left! When Iwatched the replay, I remember your running commentary .... "fuck that..." Anyway, nice job.

    Andy: I think not being able to warm up hurt you a little... still you should have won, because Pai's a pig. Seriously though, nice use of 9K (counter hit)- 270 throw, guess we have to attack to get out of that one. Also, I like (or don't like, I should say) 62P+G- 2_6P... that one fucks me up. If you start following 62P+G with the 270 throw, I'll kill you. I think I have to finally get down to brass tacks about which of Pai's attacks are counterable, and with what (maybe I should do that training mode throw or low P 20 times thing with Pai). Hey, I saw someone do 66K+G- P- 66PK...ugh! Also, someone said try using 2_4P when you have disadvantage, like after 1K+G normal hit, if you get a counter, you can give them the counter hit 9K treatment.

    Sorry if my Akira is getting boring, I'm trying to switch things up to keep up with all the new coolness coming from you and Mike, but I usually get stuck trying to master old shit I can't do every time (like SPOD, St-sglpm combo <although that one seems like it's about to be obsolete!>, break guard yoho etc.).

    Wes: I wish I could have seen more of your play, but I think I wasn't paying attention for some reason, and you seemed pretty bust with Marduk. Everyone says your Lei Fei is getting a lot better, and I'm sure they're right.

    Tom: wow, big improvement. I think once you get a little more comfortable with Akira's real strengths (powerful hits, big combos), and move away from 2K etc. Your Akira will become very powerful... but sorry, we can't let you win all 3 fucking events /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Personally, for some reason I think after you get really good with Akira, you'll switch to a more obscure character (nina), but I could be wrong. Nice 46P- P- 246P against Wolf. i whiffed that about 5 times against Yusuke trying to keep up with you in the style department. (BTW Shou, I read something recently that says in Evo, that combo actually IS just-ukemi'able for Wolf and Jeff... so I guess 2P is best, if the opponent can just-ukemi).

    Joon: I really like your Goh style, I think it's much more headstrong than the way I use Goh, and I like your better. Either way, nice to see someone using Goh period. The matches between you and Wes/Tom were really nice, and I'll post them soon.

    Shou: you've also greatly improved in the last year. I was kind of hoping you'd move here, but Ithink we've got enough Akira playing here, and if you go up north, you and Yusuke can make the Bay Area team come alive again, and we can get the whole Cali Civil War going (even though the LA team won the first round... don't get discouraged HAH!). I like how your Akira is a power fighter, which is how Akira should be. If our tournament were one match (like the Infinity Cup), you would have had me. You also had a nice Aoi I noticed, a lot of reversals/throws and less 6PP, 6P+KP, etc cool. I hope we can meet again in Texas.

    Yusuke: Wow, when I first heard you were coming, I got scared, and now I know why. Your skill preceeds you, and you are "Densetsu no Wolf" in the US. You have really mastered using Low Throws in tight situations, which is a basic skill for throw characters most people don't take the time to learn, but you showed how powerful it is. I felt a lot of "fighting conversation" in our matches, but in the end you found my weak points very well and exploited them before my slow brain could adjust. I hope we get to play again soon, so master the "Shining Wizard" to use against us!

    Thanks Again to everyone, and see you later

  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Awesome write up

    Incredible write up - I can actually re-live the action and emotion by reading it. Very cool of you to take the time to do that. Thank you.

    Also, your suggestion for my improvement is dead on. Your insightfulness coupled with your knowledge of this game is unsurpassed. The encouragement is appreciated.

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