E3 VF Gathering

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Chanchai, May 20, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Good post, sounds like everyone had a great time!! Too bad I never got to do some constant play with you after VG. Skeletor Kage didnt bug me too much at VG, but I dont think you used it all that much against me. Shadow Rush Kage worked once, but once I saw it you can't shadow rush again and again, though it was a good laugh :) Lets see how you can deal with my pai sometime...although it will probably never happen...oh well....glad to hear you are playing again.

  2. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    I am usually hesitant to write recounts of gatherings, but i feel compelled to do so now, after reminiscing about the past 2 weeks.

    Im with Ice about Brian's vf get-together and making my E3 trip a lot more enjoyable. E3 itself was okay, but with the help of Noah and Brian, time spent at Sega's booth was priceless. Not only because of the kick-ass Sega games i was able to play, but also our interaction with our VF GOD - YU SUZUKI. Whew! I still can't believe the way we harassed him :p

    The night at Bryan's was soooo much fun. I got to meet so many kool peeps (a few from this board). A pleasure to meet new faces: Great Deceiver, Yamcha, Almaci, Tellure, Shou-Sama. It was also great to get to see people i haven't seen in a while: Mutant, Brian, Chanchai (even though i saw you recently in NY), and Sumeragi. My apologies to those im forgetting!

    I feel so bad i couldn't make it to Brian's place the second night. I tried my best, but the missus wouldn't have it :p Thanks so much for the pizza, and next time i am in LA, Brian - dinner is on me.

    I will go into describing player styles in a later post. But again, it was maaad kool playing with ma VF-FREAKS.

    Here's hoping there's another get-together...Since VF4 is a good 7-8 months away from reaching us, I don't see why not. So, lets keep training people!!!!

    <font color=red>Jyunen hayaindayo!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  3. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    This one's a little late, but anyways some short ramblings. Having not played VF competetively with anyone other than my brother for a long time, the gathering was a blast. It was cool meeting all I'd heard of and all the people who went; since I left relatively early on the first night I didn't get enough play time with everyone, suffice to say that each person showed me something cool or amazing. Adam especially with his dominating streak. Also I had fun chatting with Shou-sama, Adam, and Almaci at one point.

    Second night was cool too, me and spotlite got some good play in before Chanchai and Ice showed up (not that it was bad after they did). I really liked spotlite's Akira, totally offensive but at the same time, there's so much more to it. Also enjoyed playing against Chanchai and his crazy Lion uras. As for Ice, what can I say, I'm just glad he was tired and I was able to take a few from him. I'm sure he'd slaughter me if he were more awake though, as Chanchai mentioned =). Hopefully I will be able to meet you guys more in the future to play some more. One last thing, props to spotlite and his badass TV.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    As for Ice, what can I say, I'm just glad he was tired and I was able to take a few from him. I'm sure he'd slaughter me if he were more awake though, as Chanchai mentioned =).


    You can just never please some people! Something like: 14 wins Lau, 10 wins Kage, 9 wins Kage, 7 wins Kage, around 5 wins Jacky, Aoi, Shun, Taka, Sarah, Akira, and whomever else I played in less than three hours of action.

    I guess Adam just redefined "slaughter" for the weekend, heh heh.
  5. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    OK OK I should have made it slaughter even MORE so than he already did. How's that? =)
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Now that you're so brash about your wins in California, dont forget that when we played at Hiro's and especially at VG I took more than 2/3 of the matches we played. The first day of VG was rape fest for me against you. I just kept getting beat by Hiro or Adam or something so I didnt sustain massive streaks, other than a 12 day 2 (you, myke, chanchai, ghostdog) adam took me off on 13, and a few 7's and 8's. I also did a 6 game when shota was lying on the bed watching me play against you myke hiro and rich. I beat you in a three round fury, the last round I dodged a heelkick and hit you with a sidegrab for the win. all I heard was "I got raped" and you took a second turn then myke beat me :) Also when I won I won almost 3 straight a LARGE number of times. In fact at one point I just wizzed through the matches. I thought I should say this just to deflate your winning's :) j/k too bad I didnt play you more when you got back.

  7. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    mental note: NEVER give andy an excuse to brag.
    fucking hell you're arrogant
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    ::rolls eyes:: I knew you were busting out the opportunity to say something like this. I personally hate these "whose dick is bigger" contests as everyone always seem to remember different things, especially when it comes to player-player streaks. I don't remember being part of your 12-game streak.

    In fact, I wonder how Day 1 could have been a rape fest when I almost never played you. I was playing on the right station with Adam, Hiro and Myke for practically the whole night and you were playing on the left station with Chanchai, Ghostdog, Myke later on, Rich and Shota a little bit before they went to sleep.

    With your fixation to "get respect," I knew the chest beating was going to be inevitable as things stood the first week. Unfortunately you declined my numerous offers to play VF deathmatches during the second week and settle things once and for all so that your "dominance" wouldn't be limited to streaks I have no memory of being part of.

    Little did you realize that when I wasn't doing well against you I wasn't doing well against anyone. I thought Sunday night at VG was the turning poing in getting my game back, but unfortunately you weren't around in New York to see whether my previous losses were systematic or specific to you. I improved my game against Adam's Jeffry and Hiro (ex. Kage) dramatically; I wonder if the same could not have happened with your Jacky if I could only sit down and play with your Jacky consecutively for some number of games. Finding your Jacky is like finding a free T-shirt at E3...it's never around.

    oh yeah, just kidding :) :) :) :)

    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by ice-9 on 05/24/01 07:44 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    ah numbers...numbers...1+1=1

    Maybe a tourney should have been held after all /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy not SPODED, enemy not DOWN~~~'
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Of course the assnane chest beating is a part of playing VF, I did play you quite a bit the first night before shota went to sleep the first day of VG, since I played shota perhaps three or four matches the first day of VG and quite more the second. I spent half the time on one station and exactly half the time on the other. I actually had two big streaks you were involved in one right before we switched the DC's to play CvS, and the other I already mentioned.

    It really is too bad we never got to death match, I liked playing shota that death match stuff, and I think I said sure to you when you asked, but you went to E3 then back to NY to play at Hiro's, but I cant expect to start playing at 12am, im the only one out of the group that works at the moment.

    Aside all this unless you keep playing VF, sadly I will always have the edge both from experice and dexterity, since if you quit for another few months, I will be playing during this time. So try and get some practicing in!!! it's always fun to play someone whom you find challenging ;)

  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't know, my memory of the first day is very different. I remember being on the first station for a little while--Shota had a streak with Lau, I broke it with Aoi, got a mini-one with Aoi, and then Shota got a mini-one with Kage, can't remember who broke it, then I moved to the other station with Adam and Hiro (and Myke at that time). I pretty much played on that station the entire night. When did we play CVS again? I can't even remember for sure, but I had always thought it was Saturday night (Day 2). I just lost to everyone on Day 2.

    After E3 we had two big gatherings at Hiro's...it's too bad you couldn't come. We started playing early in the night and you could've played a bit. Donald works too. In fact, he played until 7:30 AM in the morning, went back, showered and then went straight to work. He worked double shifts too that day.

    You're right though. The sad thing is that the next time we meet I'm gonna need a little bit of time to get back into the groove of things again and you're gonna kick my ass for the first few times. Sigh, there's just never enough VFing...

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