Does Virtua Fighter Still Exist?

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Technocrow, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    First. Virtua Fighter is its own form of martial art. It is something to be learned, practiced and enjoyed with or without a scene.

    Second. Before you can play it competitively you have to be able to play it. First you learn to sweep the stairs, and carry buckets of water my friend. Then eventually you earn your way to the dojo. Then sparring mode, and license mode on normal, and license mode on hard.
    At that point you have the basic VF vocabulary, and philosophy from there you begin your journey to find a few worthy opponents. And your most worthy adversary will be yourself. That's how it is in most legit martial arts VF is no different.

    Third. 'the scene' thats such a vague phrase. Do you mean online? online Xbox? online PSN? what time zone if you're talking online. If not online, what continent, country are you referring to? VF is a martial art that is practiced all over the planet. Once you pick a continent and country and narrow it down to a city then you can start asking questions about 'the scene' and even then are you talking about public or private tournaments? I'm in regular offline (but private tournaments) with friends and family all the time. And these tournaments are by invitation only. And to be sure they feature some of the most sought after VF masters.

    I don't know if there has ever been some ubiquitous global 'VF scene' the martial art of VF is an acquired taste, and requires skill and dedication that is not matched by any other 3D fighter. The race is not to the swift and the battle does not always go to the strong.

    And the pursuit and mastery of VF is a worthwhile goal regardless to whether you ever play in a tournament, or ever find 'the scene' Seek out a VF master and become a student and let that master help you to a knowledge of self.

    Is not a VF fighter like any other creature? the rabbit feels rage. The tiger, pity. The dragon, pain. All creatures, the low and the high, are one with nature. No life is insignificant. If we have the wisdom to learn, all may teach us their virtues. From the crane we learn grace and self control. The snake teaches us suppleness and rhythmic endurance. The praying mantis teaches us speed and patience. And from the tiger we learn tenacity and power. And from the dragon we learn to ride the wind.

    @Technocrow first seek to learn, and you may find that competition is an illusion and the only true tournament is within....
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
  2. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    I just recently bought a X360 again for this game but i also have a PS3.

    I couldn't play VF5FS in the past because of life, but i love fighting games...

    I used to play Killer Instinct with my little bro on XB1, and Pai on DOA5LR but this game is not that good lmao...

    Virtua Fighter 5 FS looks so damn good and perfect as a fighting game !

    And it looks so much fun and trolly, and yo those characters entrance/exit while a match are garbage and funny ! it's so bad i love that omg xD

    Give me 1 month and i think i'll be ready for doing well online.

    i will make my brother trying it too ! So yeah i'm from EU and this game is not dead to me it's just the beginning =)

    One more thing, rumors say today and yesterday that VF5FS is finaly coming very soon for XB1 backward compatibility ! Let's go ! PogChamp
  3. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    Whereabouts in the EU are you from, dude?

    I'm in Dundee in Scotland and while VF isn't exactly popular here, there's a couple of core players. A dude named Insect Prince (who some folk might have played at previous Hypespottings) and myself are the main two guys and we try and push the game as best we can at our local weekly, so we've got a handful of people who'll sit down and play but not really anyone interested in making it their main game or putting a ton of effort in. Lately I've been a bit more on-point with talking people through the match when I play them and explaining their options and my thinking behind what I'm doing, and trying to explain to them / show them as much cool stuff as possible whilst also providing links and vids etc. so people can see what's up with VF. It's not exactly a fast process, but my hope is that it clicks with at least a few people and we have folk we can run sets with every week and mess around online with. At the very least I want them to be tournament ready when HS5 rolls around!
    Ellis and Ares-olimpico like this.
  4. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    i'm a bad Lion from Spain. ¿Can i add you Mdog in PSN?
    Ellis likes this.
  5. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    Yeah, absolutely!
    Ellis likes this.
  6. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    MDog, i'm French and i play on 360, i have also a PS3 but no VF on it.

    I'm still learning the game and i'm waiting for an adapter to play VF with my stick.
  7. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Does that mean you play on xbox360?
  8. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Yeah i just had a game now lol
  9. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Then add me, I'm in europe and I play on xbox360. Usually online after lunch and sometimes late at night (after midnight).
  10. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    I have FS on both, feel free to add me on 360 if you like. I'm currently trying to get a new 360 though as I just have an old Arcade model from 2008 or so and it's finally giving up.
  11. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    I can add you, what's your GT ?
  12. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

  13. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Dreamboat likes this.
  14. pupstar

    pupstar Active Member

    I miss this game, so I'm thinking about buying an Xbox 360 or PS3 again. Appreciate online matches are thin on the ground now, but which system do you think would give me have a better chance of finding some opponents online? I'm in England if that helps. Anyones input would be helpful!
    Ellis likes this.
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I seem to find more random matches on Psn, but have always had more organised matches on Xbox.

    If the game gets backwards compatability on XBOne it might see an Xbox resurgence. It really needs pc/steam release.
    pupstar likes this.
  16. pupstar

    pupstar Active Member

    I did vote for it on Xbox live, the count's up to nearly 3000. Do you reckon it'll happen? It's annoying if it doesn't based on a lot of the guff they've bothered to sort backwards compatability for.
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    When they were doing backwards compatability on Xbox 360 sometimes the process of making one game work would make another work by accident. I'm hoping that's what happens with FS.
  18. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    I'm looking for the backward compatibility everyday LMAO.

    Of course it would give a little breathe to VF5FS again !

    I'm pretty sure that most of half people who play on Xbox One don't have a Xbox 360 anymore so...
  19. Technocrow

    Technocrow Well-Known Member

    I think a PC release would be the most essential right now. Backwards compatibility would be cool too. I still doubt the possibility of either happening though.
    Ellis likes this.
  20. HofHaH

    HofHaH Member

    The truth is, it was never that good of a game compared to the others in the first place. It doesn't help that the community was toxic snobs touting-how technical it is. Then gladly gum-up this site with super convoluted documentation. (The Glossary on this very site has double entries under different names and contradicts itself about the behavior of the game). This creates a high barrier to entry, and is a turn-off. Shoot, the very fact that a video game has a glossary is bonkers to start with.

    The game-makers made it complicated and this actually hurt the game in the long run. Giving birth to a monstrosity of a community who were little more than elitists who made a huge fuss around the game instead of actually getting good at it, only to abandon the game in search of something else that serves to signify their superiority.

    I suspect people were more in love with the idea of it than the game itself. It always annoyed me how it seemed people were more in love with labeling themselves adherents to a niche and technical scene than participating and propagating it in a sensibile way (NOT by writing tomes and textbooks).
    It's SEGA's fault.
    SFII stood the test of time because the depth lie in how the simple parts come together, accessability. Not 100+ moves per character and dozens of useless techniques that, in reality when you watch even the highest level matches, boil down to low-punch.

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