Discussion from "VF5R for console effort" thread

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by EmpNovA, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Haha, my friend borrowed my 4Evo quite some time ago, and... never gave it back. [​IMG] I'd gladly play it for fun.
    Nevertheless I still love and like many before me have said, will be playing VF5 ver.B or C or whatever until another version, whatever it may be hits the consoles for sure.

    I know a person in RL who apparently is very similar to You. He is a cripple, and bans companies for some weird reasons. I know that some companies, being big and powerful (yeah, right) may seem like corporate monsters in our eyes. Seriously though... I will never be able to understand why ppl "BAN" companies and their games. To deprive yourself of the pleasure of playing an awesome game, just b/c the ppl that are behind making it, are making everything for the money, which not always coincides with what some people want.

    So if I were talking about Sega now... why would I deprive myself of the pleasure of playing any future great games by Sega or the existing VF5, just b/c they kept 5R on arcades only....pffff, pointless.

    This whole effort is fun, it brings the community together to pursue a common goal. Even if that goal will never be reached, I'm actually hoping it will make some people interested in what VF actually is. Who knows... even if 50 people all over the world start playing VF thanks to that... well, it's well damn worth it. That's what loving a game is [​IMG]

    I'd even say... I don't mind hearing: "SORRY! No Virtua Fighta favu aR consoru verushion" or whatever it would sound like. It doesn't matter. What matters is finishing the document that has been started, and knowing they might actually be surprised by the effort put into it.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    You, sir, don't need to take a break from VFDC [​IMG]
  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know why they removed OM P? Is it overpowered? Is it really so strong that it needed to be removed? I noticed on the vf vids included on the disc it seems pretty strong for oki...i guess. I never noticed it being overpowered though.
  4. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Well I only ban em if they screwed up bigtime and the publisher is a fault not the devs. UBI screwed up Heroes of Might and Magic, which was one of my favorite series. EA screwed up Command & Conquer which was one of my favorite series. Rare was like Blizzard one of my favorite companies because you could buy every game without the need of a review until it got bought by M$shit and now produce shit. Blizzard is currently screwing up diablo, warcraft and starcraft. Now sega is screwing VF. I don't have any problem with the ban, since all of them enlisted have just produced games I didn't like since then. Main reason are that the devs do not get enough time and are too restricted. They all had potentially good titles but all of them got screwed. I dont see why I should support a publisher that's blinded by greed and fucks up my favorite game. If everyone would do that, they were forced to listen to the community. Most time I was active in the dev/publishers forums for month and activly talked about the flaws and what improvements have to be made and I wasnt alone, most of the players had the same sugesstions, whishes and criticism. They gave a shit, ignored the community and screwed up the games. I really really dont see why I should support the likes of them. I'll stay at VFDC for the time of the petition and play VF5 until I get VF5R or an alternative. But I won't wait 2+ years for the game to continue. I'll just switch to Starcraft 2, SSF4 or TK6 then. If sega does not want to invest much money in VF5R they could do a linux version for the fans. Most PC hardware can easily emulate the outdated lindbergh hardware. It would take just some month to write the emulation, cost would be very low. The fans could play the game in the west. Would be perfect, but it's never going to happen since all they care about are sales.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    edit: Nevermind
  6. NFlamezV

    NFlamezV Member

    A demo featuring a detailed training mode. What an amazing idea! Kudos!
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Rumors, speculations, or what else about the next VF-related game have been moved to a new thread.

    Discussion on the console effort, whether for it, bitter about it, or just being emo about it, can continue here.
  8. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    I noticed nobody created a thread about Kamaage's campaign on the http://www.1up.com boards. I can't, I need to make 100 posts there first for thread creation permission.
  9. Jacky_storm

    Jacky_storm New Member

    To VFDC staff

    Can I link the VFDC petition to my VF5R youtube videos?
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Any help to spread the word about the petition would be much appreciated, so yes.
  11. Jacky_storm

    Jacky_storm New Member

    Thank you [​IMG]
  12. p0l1cy

    p0l1cy New Member

    Yo before we send the document to Sega someone needs to do a find/replace and change VF5R -> VF5FS
  13. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Thankfully, my entry into the petition was already geared towards this situation more then wanting to get R [​IMG]
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    To anyone concerned that this petition to get VF5R ported for consoles is now a waste of effort since SEGA have announced VF5 Final Showdown, please read my post here.

    I had a chat with kamaage today, and we've agreed that we'll close the petition this coming Tuesday, 23 February 2010.

    VFDC alone currently has approximately 700 messages. Kamaage estimates that he'll provide another 300 messages from his site. Together, we should be pretty close to reaching our target of a 500 page document.

    If you haven't yet posted, then you only have a few days remaining! Don't hold back! If you need to use VF5FS to <span style="text-decoration: line-through">bribe</span> convince others to post, then do it! [​IMG]
  15. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Myke,when you have time, maybe update the front page to put the deadline. I assume their might be some procrastinators that are waiting for an actual set date.

    Edit: Nevermind!
  16. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    I support this product and/or cause.
  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Myke can we use up a few pages to add stuff from the thread Brisal started?
  18. master19

    master19 New Member

    If SEGA does not do this game many fans will be dissapointed. I still believe in SEGA.
  19. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty happy that at least I got a lot of things I wanted to say to Sega written down. I know they won't read it, but it was also great to see what others had to say about their love of the game. Whatever happens, right now I'm too busy getting hyped about FS to worry too much.

    Again, thanks to Myke, Kamaage, akai and others for all the efforts.
  20. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Nobody has to redo their post in the petition . There is a feature in Msoft Word that can change every instance of "VF5R" to Virtua Fighter 5 "Final Showdown" automatically in the whole 500 pg doc .

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