Countering cowardly tactics

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by SpeedFreak25, Mar 12, 2004.

  1. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mirage said:
    Watch other people's hands = LAME, it's 1000 times worse than these cowardly tactics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quit gaying up the thread plz.

    Protip: Watch your opponents hands when they go for ground throws. If they are playing on stick (and they probably are), you can easily (more easily than you think) tell the diference between [2] and [3]. You should be able to break ground throws 100% unless your opponent fakes their direction input.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Watching other people's hands is LAME, it's cheating no matter what you say.

    BTW you two are the ones... well take your own words "gaying up" the thread by telling people how to cheat rather than giving legitimate tip.
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mirage said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    sanjuro said:

    A great way to deal with (again, a yomi'd) round starting backdash is to yourself & watch their hands. If the hands go up, + & if you're using Jeffry (or whoever really, but it should be Jeffry ) you get splash mountain. If the hands don't go up, & if you're using Jeffry (or whomever, but it should be Jeffry ) you will get a big fat kenka upper. This game is and isn't that simple.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Watch other people's hands = LAME, it's 1000 times worse than these cowardly tactics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He means the hands of your opponent's character on the screen. When he presses guard, his character's hands move upward. He's saying you should watch for that when running in.
  3. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mirage said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    sanjuro said:

    A great way to deal with (again, a yomi'd) round starting backdash is to yourself & watch their hands. If the hands go up, + & if you're using Jeffry (or whoever really, but it should be Jeffry ) you get splash mountain. If the hands don't go up, & if you're using Jeffry (or whomever, but it should be Jeffry ) you will get a big fat kenka upper. This game is and isn't that simple.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Watch other people's hands = LAME, it's 1000 times worse than these cowardly tactics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He means the hands of your opponent's character on the screen. When he presses guard, his character's hands move upward. He's saying you should watch for that when running in.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh... I see, thanks for point out, because in earier his post he said
    [ QUOTE ]
    you see the hand go up for [G] , throw them. If they don't [G] ,

    [/ QUOTE ] for the [G] icon is listed as a button in here, I tought he mean the [G] button, didn't know he mean guard.

    sanjuro, I am very very sorry about what I said, please forgive me.
  4. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    sanjuro, I am very very sorry about what I said, please forgive me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /me produces white glove of honor


    NEVAH!!!! I DEMAND satisfaction...I challenge you to a duel.
  5. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Just force yourself to be more patient than your opponent. Even if that means waiting around for most of the round. I remember long-ass sit down matches playing SF2:HF and CvS2 against a friend of mine, baceuse at that time we were both much better at countering than we were at attcking. It may have not been very pleasing to watch, but I never found playing like that boring, as usually only one flurry of attacks/counters would decide the win. Just be patient.
  6. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    I should have known from the nic that you were a Jacky is indicated, isn't it?

    Don't forget about Jacky's standing neutral means that you can close on a [P] happy Lau with a degree of confidence. As with all things though, once he becomes accustomed to this approach you will have to vary things. BigBoy loves to show a bunch of punches then switch to kicks just in the nick of time to avoid autoparry punishment from the likes of Jacky, Lei Fei and Vanessa...his match experience isn't so great VS Kage and my use of Akira's [4][P][K][G] hasn't been sufficient enough for him to start second guessing himself with those moves, though they work essentially the same (actually I'll use Akira's [3][P][K][G] vs a [P] happy opponent out in midrange before the inashi since it leaves me less exposed...I'll use the inashi when fighting close & I *know* a [P] etc is coming)...

    The point is, have confidence in your special moves...the reward for a successful autoparry with Jacky is the free [P], then a free throw (it can be escaped) provided you are quick enough...If he starts getting out of your throw with evading or normal throw escapes, then [4][6][K]+[G] or [3][3][K] might be what the doctor ordered. Again, remember that Lau has tons of good (and embarassing) options if he knows you have moved into autoparry mode...[6][K]+[G] first among them at my house due to the move's sobering psychological effect. Something about kicking someone in the face.

    I played many Jacky v Lau matches this morning and I remember thinking how impossibly wild things were. Good fights between evenly matched & experienced opponents in this game are too furious and quick for any rules to govern or any words to describe. Both of you mix it up & continue to improve & enjoy the game.
  7. SpeedFreak25

    SpeedFreak25 Active Member

    Thanx sanjuro. The lau friend doesnt try that tactic as often now, but when he does I did manage to reverse him a couple of times. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Longe range stuff also worked great. Bin training hard with him and now so far for the last 3 days i havent lost a single match! (play in morning before school and during lunchtimes, cuz my house is near school)

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