Compilation of vf 4 Akira combos

Discussion in 'Akira' started by LM_Akira, Apr 22, 2003.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The point (if I can call it that) of the movie was to demonstrate a kind of bug in the way the Evo life bar will display combo damage.

    As spotlite mentioned, it's not a true combo because there are a number of points where it can be broken. But with this particular sequence, given the opponent cooperates, the Evo life bar will show the total damage as being in one combo.

    Hope nobody loses any sleep over it.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    There are many sequences of attacks for many characters that the game will count as a "Combo" even though they can be prevented in different ways. Good examples are sequences of attacks that involved staggers and/or throws. Both of which can be struggled or escaped....

  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I see /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif thanks for clearing that up myke!
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Some more stuff...
    The following is probably aimed at players just starting to use Akira.Its all the stuff in the training combo sessions and that with a few notes by me.The first 6 aren't combos but "effective series", essentuially a few mix up ideas to use.

    2.[4][6][P]+[K](opp guards)>[2][P]>throw
    4.[6][6][P](opp guards)>evade attack
    6.[2][P]>[6][6][6][P](guarded)>evade..(SDE hits)>[6][6][K][K]

    The first one allows a quick jab to be performed then takes you out of harms way.It will avoid short elbow attacks and [2][P] s from your opp.It is possible to SPoD after the hit if it staggers but the LBF follow up works well and if you manage to counter you can follow up with [6][6][K][K]or DLCorABC for good damage.[6][P] and [2][P] are reccomended mix ups to use after the first hit to keep guessing games going.
    2:Since the recovery for [4][6][P]+[K] is decent when guarded you can get a low jab .One of the best ways to follow a low or high jab is a throw, though this can get predictable against human opposition.
    3.Theres an excellent example of this some where in "movies of the week revived".Good players will guarded after this move so a forward guard break is one way to loosen them up!SPoD works very well after this as does a canned sgpm to dbpm ( [2][6][P]>[2_][4][6][P] ).
    4:[6][6][P] is useful since it has a shorter recovery then SDE when blocked so if the DE is guarded a good follow up is an evade attack to the back of an opp.[2][P] is also a good alternative follow up.
    5:probably an instinctive reply to Akiras [P][K] series is to return with a jab and so the sabaki [3][P]+[K]+[G] will beat that threat away.If your opp becomes aware of this mix up the follow up to a jab>throw.
    6:SDE comes out very fast and so is a very useful tool for getting counter hits.If you get an MC your opp will drop to the floor in a gut collaps and an easy follow up is [6][6][K][K] but if the attack is guarded evade is good defense and as skills improve the best guarded follow up would probably be E-DTEG( Evade Double Throw Escape Guard).

    Now is a list of the 10 combos given by the computer to do.Most if not all have been covered before but again I'll try and add notes where useful:

    3.[2_][6][P]+[K]>[6_][P]>[6][6][K][K] ( open stance )
    8.[4][6][P]+[G](onto wall)>[P][K]>knee

    Note that these are the commands as they are written on the screen.Hence most dbpms will have to modified to get them out quicker and [3][3][P]>[6_][P]... means as soon as the yoho has hit hold forward to ensure all subsequent hits connect.Some don't really require this but some do.
    In evo Akiras knee is a very useful float move as if it is guarded it may only be countered with a throw.Yoho is the highest of floats though and on MC against light weights should be used to full advantage!
    The canned sgpm [2][6][P] can be used after ;
    and where ever it hits a modified dbpm is alwats a guaranteed follow up.
    When atempting the last combo the SDE motion must be broken up into [6][6]>[6][P] (almost not literally) to make Akira dash the extra distance between himself and the opps back and ensure the hit.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Shrm and knee ideas not already listed...

    Last five seem to require closed stance for the [P] [4][6][P] or knee to connect.


    [2_][6][P]+[K](MC)>[P]>[4][6][P] (>[6][6][6][P] vs LW)
    Both closed.

    [2_][6][P]+[K](MC)>[P]>[4][6][P](wall hit)>[6][6][K][K]

    Note last few are mainly vs LWs.Some will not require the MC hit.

    knee(MC)>[P]>[6][6][K][K] (closed)
    knee>[6][6][K][K]( HW require MC )
    knee(MC)>[P][K](wall hit)>[4][6][6][P]+[K]
    knee(MC)>[P](wall hit)>[P]>[4][6][6][P]+[K] or [4][6][P]+[K]
  6. Akira_Zero

    Akira_Zero Well-Known Member

    yoho combos

    Note: MC vs LWs

    both stances
    [3][3]+[P] - [P] - [3][3]+[P] - [3][3][4][6]+[P]
    [3][3]+[P] - [P] - knee - [3][3][4][6]+[P] edit: i think this one may be closed stance only
    [3][3]+[P] - [P][K] - [3][3][4][6]+[P]
    [3][3]+[P] - [6_][P][G] - [6_][K] - [3][3][4][6]+[P]
  7. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Akira_Zero said:

    yoho combos

    Note: MC vs LWs

    both stances
    [3][3]+[P] - [P] - [3][3]+[P] - [3][3][4][6]+[P]
    [3][3]+[P] - [P] - knee - [3][3][4][6]+[P] edit: i think this one may be closed stance only
    [3][3]+[P] - [P][K] - [3][3][4][6]+[P]
    [3][3]+[P] - [6_][P][G] - [6_][K] - [3][3][4][6]+[P]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Some addition to this.

    MC against the characters lighter than Akira(Both stance)

    Yoho-[4][6][P]-DLC(88 damage) -> stylish IMO
    Yoho-[P][G]-[4][6][P]-Double Palm(89 damage)
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Messing around using the 2/3 DLC on the ground I came up with this,


    that seems to work well on LWs.Yes I know its not a true combo and that the dbpm can be missed through QR and TR ing but it looks nice!I like the idea of using the DLC more on the ground instead of just after floats now with the option of turning your back...opens up possibilities of back turned moves mid combo like [2][P].Combine near walls and you can chain combos on for a while.Forgive me if this is all just old news to those who've been playing evo for a while but I haven't really seen it mentioned any where.
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    For any budding Akira players still reading this thread ( or finding it after a search , whatever ) heres some useful links to other Akira related stuff around the forum:

    First link deals with Akiras new sgpm-DE move and after talking to various new Akira players on the site thought an explaination of exactly how to do it would be useful as it can be frustrating working out the timing yourself.

    Second link is one about Minami Akira and is related to his videos that have been displayed around the forum and his unique stepping technique.

    Thirdly is ReCharredSighs FAQ guide.While mainly aimed at ver b of vf4 ( I think ) he makes notes of ver c and a .Obviously it includes no evo additions but gives a far greater guide to playing him in most versions, than could be written about in this thread.Its long but very rewarding for patient people.

    Fourth link is quite funny.If its still up it shows some of Akiras actual moves being done on a person.

    Lastly is a link to dunce/disgrace items for all chars in vf 4 evo, including how to get Mr Bunny and Mr Squirrel.

    In the mean time a few things I don't think I've seen posted before:

    [3][3][P](MC)>[3][3][6][P]+[K]>[6][6][K][K] ( open stance LW preferably )
    [3][3][P](MC)>[P]>[P]>[3][3][P] (open I think ) I've pulled this off against Brad a few times but haven't tested it on anyone else much.

    [6][6][P](MC)>[3][3][6][P]+[K] ( closed )
    [6][6][K]>[3][3][6][P]+[K]>knee/[4][6][6][P]+[K] ( TR able but useful for pressuring purposes )
    [6][6][6][P](MC)>[3][3][6][P]+[K]>[K]+[G][P] ( again TR able I think but useful )
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    ( for anyone interested )

    Been quite busy with other things lately but when I get the chance i've a load more ideas to get down, partly inspired by watching Dongpil Akira...the guys a monster.Thanks to Madacasgar for pointing him out to me. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  11. PGhacker

    PGhacker Well-Known Member

    Dongpil? Isn't he korean player?
    I thought his name is Dongpal
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Woops /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif yes he is the korean Akira and it looks like I've made a little typo...Dongpal Akira.
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Some fun guard break combos...

    In evo the GB command is now [6]/[2][P]+[K]+[G] though I'm not entirely sure what the differences are between the two.If anyone would like to clear that up it'd be cool.When testing these things I switched the COM to fast struggle and was suprised to learn that an awful lot is guaranteed after a GB provided your timings tight.Footing doesn't appear to have much dependence in what I've been messing round with but obviously weight of opponent will.Most of the things I'll list I tested on Aoi ( ie LWs ) but did test stuff on Jeffry to get a balances picture ( MWs and Jacky/Akira will fall somewhere between the two ).I finid it useful at close range when you an your opponent may be bobbing up and down to avoid high throws or dashing in on a defensive player like [6][6][P]+[K]+[G] or [6][6][2][P]+[K]+[G].The down side is that the attack is linear and so can be easily dodged and also that the move must hit a guarding opponent to combo , else you'll just do a measly 5 damage kinda punch on them /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif.

    Follow ups from GB ( from what I'm aware which one you use doesn't matter ):

    [6][6][K]>[K]+[G][P] 50
    [6][6][K]>DLC 53
    [6][6][K][K] 37
    [6][6][K]>[2][P]>[2_][4][6][P] 51
    [6][6][K]>[2_][4][6][P] 44 ( useful for RO...will push your opponent a LONG way back )
    [2_][4][6][P] 30
    [6][6][K]>AS3 45 ( plus possible light down attack for no recovery )

    [4][6][P]>[6][6][K][K] 52 open
    [4][6][P]>[2][P]>[2_][4][6][P] 53 in fact a lot of stpm starting combos will be useful.

    [2][6][P]>[2_][4][6][P] 60
    [2][6][P]>[2_][4][6][P](wall hit)>AS3 60 + whatever hits of AS3 connect.Use this one when a good distance from a wall.IF the sgpm hits them into the wall its possible for them to block the following dbpm.However if the dbpm hits them into the wall the AS3 should connect as they fall face down onto the floor.

    All these should work regardless of weight.

    Some LW specific follow ups:

    [6][6][K]>[P]>[K]+[G][P] 55
    [6][6][K]>[P]>[2_][4][6][P] 53
    [6][6][K]>[P]>[6][6][K][K] 58 ( this is the one I saw Dongpal Akira use recently and that which gave me some ideas of follow ups.)There is actually a slightly better folow up along the same idea:
    [6][6][K]>[6_][P]>[6_][P]>[6][6][K][K] for 60 damage
    [6][6][K]>[P]>[4][6][P]+[K] or [4][6][6][P]+[K] prob works on MW too
    [6][6][K]>[P]>DLC...a measly 56 for all that flashiness /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif,thats damage scaling for you
    Near a wall Vs LW:
    [6][6][K]>[P][K]( wall hit )>lots of possible follow ups;
    knee,[2_][4][6][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K],[4][6][P]+[K],[6][6][K][K]( possibley).
    One Vs Aoi or Sarah
    [4][6][P]>[2][P]>[3][3][P]>[2_][4][6][P] ( dbpm is TRable and timing is nasty...Dongpal also tried this one too /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif )

    Vs HWs the [P] after a [6][6][K] will not connect so it is probably best to use standard stpm combos or the m-sgpm-m-dbpm which is a guaranteed 60 damage.

    [6][6][P],[6][6][6][P],[4][3][P] etc... are also possible folow ups but with little or no combo potential, however depending on the circumstances you're in may still be useful.

    As worth pointing out is the fact a well timed yoho can be put to good use meaning any yoho combo that doesn't rely on MC to float from this thread can also be used /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif.
    After talking to YohoA about combo stuff I also tried out ideas from Akiras new sabaki-reversal [1][P]+[K]+[G][P]+[K]...provided you get a successful sabaki and follow with [6][P] you can follow with

    [6][6][K][K] Vs all I think
    [6_][P]>[6][6][K][K] ( Vs LW I think )
    DLC ( as seen on Netroms vid )

    Of the top of my head a [2_][6][P]+[K] to some other move might work too I'll check it out.
    Its also worth to point out that after a fully charged DFS any stpm follow ups are useful though whether someone will fall for it is another matter /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

    Edit...main diff I can find between [2] and [6] BGs is that [2] executes slightly slower at 16 frames and [6] is at 12 frames.The speed difference is apparant when you compare the two any way, but I don't know if one is preferential to the other.
  14. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Did you find that CPU couldn't struggle of both GBs at times? From what I understand [2]+[G]+[P]+[K] doesn't guarantee anything afterwards /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  15. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    I believe d+P+K+G guarantees a Dbpm and P,K...

    csnape: f+P+K+G > Sgpm > Dbpm is 50 points not 60
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yes sorry , think I was writing down the damage from ST>sgpm>dbpm /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  17. Damn those are a lot of good combos. Sure are helping me out to further my skills. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    [3_][6_][9_][8_][7_][4_][1_][2_][3][6][9][8][7][4][1][2][G][P][K] /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  18. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Glad I can be a help to you.

    A short but sweet vid from Netrom once again. With his permission I'll list what he's done, however I'm not 100% sure on things like hit or weight so I'll just list what he does and on which char.

    PAI: (in corner) [6][6][6][P](MC)>[2][P]>[2_][6][P][P]
    LION: Guard Break>[6][6][K]>[P][K](wall hit)>[2_][4][6][P]
    BRAD: SDE(MC)>[2][P]>DLC
    LAU: Guard Break>[4][6][P]>[2][P]>[3][3][P]>[2_][4][6][P]
    LION: [4][6][P]>[2][P]>[2_][6][P][P]
    AOI: [3][3][P](MC)>[2_][6][P]+[K]>[4][6][P]>[2_][4][6][P] open
    AOI: [3][3][P](MC)>[4][6][P]>[2_][6][P]+[K]>[2_][4][6][P] open
    AOI: [3][3][P](MC)>[P][K]>[P][K](wall hit)>knee
    BRAD: [6][6][6][P](MC)>[2][P]>knee>knee
    AOI: knee(MC)>knee>knee(wall hit)>knee

    In most cases of using the [2][P] you'll need to delay for about a second to allow for re float. Check the link to see what I mean. Some more Ideas I don't think are listed :

    knee(MC)>knee>AS3 (light down attack)
    [6][6][6][P](MC)>[3][3][P]>[4][6][6][P]+[K] (delay yoho to refloat slightly)
    [2_][6][P]>[2_][4][6][P](wall hit)>knee
    [3][3][P]>[6_][P]>[6_][P]>[6_][P](wall hit)>[4][6][P]+[K] or [4][6][6][P]+[K]
    [3][3][P](MC)>[P]>[2_][6][P]+[K]>DLC either foot or [6][6][K][K] open Vs LW I think.
    Also a contribution from YohoA I'm going to check out :

    [3][3][P](MC)>[P]>knee>[2_][4][6][P](wall hit)>knee(>possible more knees on floor).Could be a full life bar effort but I'll look into this.

    Thanks once again Netrom. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Just to correct what YohoA told me the

    [3][3][P](MC)>[P]>knee>[2_][4][6][P]( wall hit )>knee>knee ( maybe one more )

    was actually done in ultimate battle. This means there was extra wall damage and extra floor damage ( plus no TR by opponent ) making this combo an insanely damaging one.
  20. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    Yes, this combo works only Aoi and Pai only in ultimate battle. Opponent must hit the wall same time when [2_][4][6][P] is used. You must use three knees in a row and your opponent must not recover from first and second one. Yet if you can do this, it will KO your opponent even with full health bar. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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