Compilation of vf 4 Akira combos

Discussion in 'Akira' started by LM_Akira, Apr 22, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hmm not sure if the [2][P] can be delayed otb as if it is the dbpm will definately miss I reckon.Like madagascar said if you get the low punch in fast I think the dbpm follow up will connect okay but I'll check this then edit this post...

    Yep bare-knuckle your are right:
    You can do SDE ( MC) >LP>DBPM on all weights any stance with a quick LP or like you say can wait about a second ( literally) hit the LP and bounce along with the dbpm BUT the timings not nice and its easier to just do the LP quick or better still use a higher damage combo.I just put it down as a variation really.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

  3. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    There's 2 combo that he didn't do. Only works on Aoi and Pai.
    [3][3]+[P]-->[4][6]+[P]-->shram-->dblpalm.(close tance)
    [3][3]+[P]-->shram-->[4][6]+[P]-->dblpalm.(open stance)

    Must be done from far distance for the yoho inorder for the rest to connect.
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Thanks for those two Danny.Now with his kind permission, I'm gonna transcribe ironpalms kickass combo vid ( second link above ).
    Since not technically all true combos and all done against LWs I won't go into the details of the restrictions that apply too much nor the damage.Some have been covered before but for clarity I'll write them in order.When a move has been modified I'll write down the way I'd modify it though this isn't necesarrily the way it was done.Apologies if a make a mistake here or there but I am only human.Here we go:





    [6][P]+[K]+[G]>[3][3][6][P]>[3][3][4][6][P]>[3][P]( might be a downwards guard break to a canned sgpm I'm not sure, haven't tried it yet)
    [6][P]+[K]+[G]>( wall in corner )SPoD>knee


    [2_][6][P]+[K]>[P]>2/3 DLC (BT)(Wall hit)>[P]+[K] ( The BT refers to the "back turn" after 2/3 of a DLC.
    [4][2][P]+[G]>[4][4][P]>[3][3][6][4][P]>[1][P] ( note4 direction change)


    [4][6][P]+[G](onto wall)>[P][K]>knee


    [3][3][P](wall in corner)>[P]>[P]>[P]>[3][3][6][P][P]
    knee>[P]>knee>[P](wall hit)>knee

    [4][6][P]>[2][P]>[3][3][P]>[3][3][4][6][P]( a very strict combo that works only on Sarah I think)
    [2_][6][P]+[K]>[P]>[P]>2/3DLC(wall hit)(BT)[P]+[K]
    [2_][6][P]+[K]>2/3DLC(wall hit)>[P]>DLC( very nice!)


    [6][P]+[K]+[G](wall)>[3][3][6][P]>SPoD ( again could be downwards guard break to canned sgpm)

    Phew /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif and thats the lot.Sorry they aren't grouped in order of float or there aren't many notes on stance or normal/counter hit but watch the vid and you'll see why I did it like this.
    Just a note on the many [P] s in float combos is that they maybe be a guard cancelled [P][P] series.Watching replays of Ohsu Akira on my ps2 shows that he always seems to guard cancel the series instead of just tapping [P].Thanks once again must go to ironpalm.
    Enjoy! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to correct something here:

    csnape wrote:

    "If your opponent's back is near a wall then a good series to use is (b, d+P+G- Single Palm, or break guard- Single Palm, or Surprise Exchange- Single Palm) to any wall combo list higher up on this thread. Wall combos are a genuine way to cause real high damage if you get a sgpm wall stagger."

    I wanted to mention that this doesn't work. This has been mentioned before, but many people seem to still try these kinds of combos (there's one on the new combo clip), and I thought since I just explained it to a budding Akira here in LA, I'd explain again.

    Akira has 2 kinds of Single Palm (Moko): the normal SglPm, which has to be done from a crouch, can be followed with another P for the canned elbow, and has scaling damage of 20 - 35 points.

    the second kind is the buffered SglPm, which can be done with just d, f+P; only after any break guard or set-up type throw, does a flat 20 points of damage, and cannot be followed with the canned P (that's why you can't do b, d+P+G- Single Palm-P). Japanese people call this "Kuzushi Moko".

    If you look at the command list in a Evo Complete Guide from SoftBank, you can see that the SglPm has 2 separate listings.

    As you probably know, there are 2 kinds of wall hits: Wall Hit and Wall Stagger. Wall Hit is caused by moves that do less than 20 points of damage, like P, elbow etc. Good follow-ups are catch throws, break guards... Training Mode teaches how to do this stuff.

    Wall Stagger is caused by moves that do over 20 points of damage and don't knock down, like Akira's Middle Kick, d/f+P+K, and the normal SglPm. These cause the long stagger that can be followed with nasty combos, like SPOD or QCB+P against people who struggle slowly.

    So, by this rule, Akira's Buffered SglPm after a ST/SE/Guard Break cannot cause a wall stagger, so the only true combo after any Buffered SglPm hits is a properly timed DblPm, ala the ST combo. That's the good thing about the Kuzushi Moko, you can make the DblPm any time it hits.

    The other good thing about it: if the oppt guards the buffered SlgPm, Akira has advantage! So, if you're oppt guards the SglPm after the SE by just holding G, or is good at struggling out of the ST- SglPm or Break Guard- SglPm, Akira's still at +2! A perfectly buffered DblPm will beat any attempt to attack/throw here, as it'll connect in 10 frames after the oppt recovers, faster than any normal attack (even in the case of a 10 frame move, like Vanessa's old d/f+P, I think the DblPm would win because of higher damage). If the oppt happens to guard the buffered SglPm from a crouch (the lever was at D during the last part of recovery, the oppt made crouching guard after the SE etc), Akira is at +6 /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif! The normal DblPm has much worse recovery.

    If Akira could make ST- SglPm- (wall stagger) SPOD/QCB+P- nasty combo all from just the ST, he really WOULD be too strong /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.

  6. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    [ QUOTE ]
    spotlite said:

    If Akira could make ST- SglPm- (wall stagger) SPOD/QCB+P- nasty combo all from just the ST, he really WOULD be too strong /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're right, ST-->sgpm-->dbpm-->(wallhit)--> bodycheck is allready too nasty for me /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  7. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Guard break~sgpm causes wall stagger and you can't struggle guard break~sgpm if it is executed without delay.

    One more thing, I think Akira is at around -1 to -2 frames after a blocked sgpm after the ST...try setting the CPU to guard with P as counterattack the struggle setting set on fast. Then do ST~sgpm~dbpm/P you'll get MC'ed every there something i missed?
  8. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Single palm after ST throw is -1 on guard, so exact

    frame punch will MC the following double palm.
  9. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Have you guys already posted:
    [3][3]+[P], [P], [3]+[K]+[G],[6]+[P],[4][6][6]+[P]+[K] ?
    If u didn't, here it is. My basic combo. It's freaking easy to do. Even AS3 is harder to pull.

    Edit: Sorry, you had post it before. But you wrote DLC. Didn't notice.
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Apologies to any one I've confused or mislead with my information /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif and thank you spotlite for pointing it out to everyone.In future I'll be sure to double check the stuff I post.I might also post some of the recomended combos that the com gives me for various situations.If anyone else spots I'm talking rubbish please let me know!

    No offence vale but AS3 is easier to do than a float>DLC type combo.In fact AS3 is easier than DLC period.
  11. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    lol, I don't want to start a discussion, but "again": That's relative to each player. I make DLC as fast as i drink a cup of water..ok not that fast, because i might choke, lol. Anyways, AS3 is weak, and i don't like it. Besides that, i can't even input the first part ([2]+[K]+[G]) because it does a [2]+[K] instead. And yes, i practised. And even if i got to use it, i found no use for it. So I don't really need it. Don't kill me for this but, I can even do Knees... 70% of the times i try, i get a knee... It's just a matter of practise like AS3, but i think AS3 is useless, and knee ISN'T.

    My humble opinion =)
  12. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Have all of you seen this yet?

    This is an excellent way to follow the [4] , [2]+[P]+[G] throw when the opponent is back facing the wall, and this video is just cool anyways /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  13. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I stand corrected somewhat:

    BMF and madagascar are correct, guarded SglPm after the ST is -1. I tried the test, and checked 1/6oth, and it's -1. But, as I said before, it's +2 after the SE, and in BOTH cases, should the oppt make a crouching guard, it's still +6 according to 1/60th and the Complete Guide (seems like buffered SlgPm usually gives +2, and +6 to crouching guarders, and that after the ST is some special case).

    After a guarded SE- SglPm, Akira's P will beat Pai's P. Which means this SglPm follows those rules, BUT, this SglPm seems to always give 24 damage, on just standing or "normal hit" settings (the difference being the standard "do-nothing" hit gives the big back KD). Is it because even though this SglPm is buffered, it's not hitting in any kind of recovery window? I guess if your oppt is prone to getting hit by this (trying to avoid a throw etc), you CAn use this one to start wall stagger combos, as the 24 points will give wall stagger.

    Regarding the Break Guard- Single Palm... this is strange. With regards to struggling out of it, I can't tell. I'm not the best struggler, but I somehow don't think it's guaranteed, as most things I've seen suggest that it's up tp 14 frames (b, f+P). I'll try tonight with Andy, as he struggles really well. But, setting the CPU to fastest recovery after the Break Guard doesn't do anything, it will still get nailed by really slow moves that aren't guaranteed, like P+K+G, Yoho, Knee, and even b, d/f+P, which is 24 frames. For some reason, it recovers in time to guard QCB+P (which is also 24 frames...), but that's about it. Changing it from fast to slow seems to make no difference.

    Damage wise, away from the wall, I couldn't get more than 20 points. Right next to the wall, but still a little step away, again 20 points, Wall Hit. But, if exactly up against the wall, to the point where the BG actually pushes them against the wall (normal BG animaton, no real way to tell but the shaking lever), it does seem to go over 20, to about 25-30, which will give the Wall Stagger.

    This distance is really tricky, as you can see in the Norizo_Combo clip csnape linked to: ST- SglPm into the wall (Wall Hit)- Break Guard- SglPm (Wall Hit)- b, f+P+G. Even though Goh's just been nailed into the wall, he still isn't close enough for the BG- SglPm to make over 20 points: no shaking lever, and Akira doesn't wait for any stagger to end before making his throw.

    Pretty interesting stuff. I'd like to see if the BG-SglPm is struggle-able or not, I'll find out tonight. Even if it is, my overall point remains: there are 2 kinds of SglPm, and people new to Akira should try to understand them, so they don't wonder why some SglPms allow for a big combo and some don't.

    Thanks to BMF and madagascar for pointing the ST -1 out.

    PS: I noticed that while the DblPm will be stopped by P after the oppt guards the ST- SglPm, the Shoulder goes right under
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hmm your reply is like that seen as though you haven't played any evo and seen as though I now have a copy and have stated that all follow ups on this thread are evo specific somewhat I have no desire to discuss vf4 ver c.
    Yes I don't wanna be drawn into an argument but AS3 requires LESS button presses and slower joystick movement then DLC.Therefore it IS easier and I'll say no more.
    AS3 is useful in evo.imo seen as though Akira has such a "small" command list this results in almost every move or series having a good useWhether this means usable in many different situations or just the one its still useful.

    Any way back on topic i was messing round with Akiras catch throw and follow ups last night.Ones the com gave me were:
    and this is guaranteed I think HOWEVER I have heard people have problems with it against Sarah.
    is a good follow up too and is guaranteed I think.I then started to mess round with the follow up move.If you repeatedly use the [P][K] to end the series it may be useful to take advantage of the guaranteed [P] to get a throw in:
    being probably the highest damage example I can think of.Obviously if your opp becomes aware of you using this a lot they will obviously enter throw escapes but for a mix up to play mind games it doesn't seem too bad.The m-dbpm follow works well as a ringout tool.I'll try and get down as many of the recomended com combos today. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Heres some more stuff I've been messin around with.I think in some situations the combos the com suggests could be more damaging but heres some anyway:


    [4][P]+[K]+[G]>[6_][P]>[P][G]>[6][6][K][K] ( Ohsu seems to favour this )
    To get these to work the inashi move must deflect a [6][P] from the p2 side.
    The St throws I got are not necesarrily guaranteed as they depend on how good a struggler your opp is:
    [4][2][P]+[G]>[2][1][4][P]>[3][3][6][4][P] ( posted before)

    If your opps back is near a wall the following is useful
    Can't seem to find any more useful follow ups as the first move knocks opps back so far.

    also do decent damage and knock your opp back making them good for ring out purposes. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  16. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EmpNovA said:

    Have all of you seen this yet?

    This is an excellent way to follow the [4] , [2]+[P]+[G] throw when the opponent is back facing the wall, and this video is just cool anyways /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, is this all garanteed? I understand that throw can

    be broken, but if guard breaking is garanteed, it is quite

    awesome. =)
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I had seen this before and yes a good struggler could avoid the ST follow up but as for the guard it possible for an opp to evade to dodge a guard break?I'm not sure.Also would it then be possible to avoid the wall follow ups by dodging?

    I'll go and check it out now.
  18. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Well, after a lot of testing last night, seems that if you CAN struggle out of BG- SglPM, it's very difficult to do so. But, I remember seeing Andy do it once... although he couldn't repeat it.

    BTW, the combo shown in that clip is breakable at several points: it requires that the oppt hold guard after the SglPm (many people dodge after getting hit with ST-SglPm trying to dodge a mis-timed DblPm), and hold guard (or do nothing) after getting hit with another SglPM. More of a flowchart really than a combo, but a nice one.

  19. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    In regards to the combo I posted earlier, why does the life bar (of Goh) display the "combo" as a single strand of attacks, as the damage is increasingly tacked on the life bar as the moves flow?

    The Evolution life bar displays attacks like that when they are part of a combo no, so if this is not a combo, why is the life bar like that? Just kinda curious.

    PS: 1/60th might have made the life bar like that, though I seriously doubt it....
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    It may be that the very beginning of each move JUST tacks onto the last part of the subsequent move before the life bar decreases.Try it out in training like I have been doing and its not possible to chain as a combo and as spotlite already said requires the guard break be guarded as it were.Does look nice in motion though! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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