"Competent" NAVF players

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by supergolden, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hmm, now i'm confused... i see several subjects here, one being compitence in the US, .....two being some sort of betrayal / hatred against shou's nature (toward the compitence in the US), three being some dramatic rivaly history against fishie arguing the point of "hey, my posts arent THAT pointless yet, i'm still safe you bad modder!". zero writing some poem about shou and andy are really an evil demons underneath a delightful charming act with some sort of jelousy twist to it.... and now a silly willy wants to bring out a knife, hmm.... quite a creative thread this has turned out to be. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif - a good read, thanks to all those creative writers.

    imo, all these other little side stories in this thread seem as though they could be quite irrelevant, and quite petty.... i've just stepped right in the middle of a warzone by saying that.. but hey, someone's gotta step back and really see what's going on. i mean it seems like anything historical is being thrown in to the thread and trying to make a link to the subject. from a readers point of view ... it dont

    *shrug* just my insignificant 2 cents.
  2. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    I concede BK, that these are the Days of our Lives here at VFDC.

    See you kids at Evo. I'll be sure to bring my glock just to be sure I don't get taken out like a sucka.
  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Ah, outright lies! See, the only person I would be calling in Japan (outside of work-related things) on a regular basis would be the BF (who usually would call ME). For everyone else I have email and IMs. And only one phonecard, thank you.

    So why can't you name names, then? As always, nothing to back it up.
  4. Kurt

    Kurt Well-Known Member

    jesus, you respond quick ! i left that post on for ONLY 5 mins only b4 thinking better of jumping into a warzone hahaha

    in any case if ppl are wondering:

    subject: calls to Japan
    body: 0-chan: any reponse?
  5. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    Can't touch this

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    LOL This thread is arguably one of the funniest thread ever /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif !
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Back then, EDTEG was the big thing we were all trying to do but they already knew how to beat it. To this day, few players in NA are using tactics such as delayed launchers to beat it or even other advanced defensive strats and that is what i'm referring to as incompetent

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sorry, this is real old (but actually to the point of the thread) --- just saying that this kind of stuff doesnt require much advanced knowlege or defensive strats at all, if you really believe that nobody uses this "level of skill" in NA (and i cannot really answer that) then i must say this is pretty low VF even for a starter. to delay your move and stop evaders (and most certainly ETEG is in the very basics of training mode)

    err, i dont understand this either, you say that you can use delayed launchers to break ETEG, but then you say that it's a defensive strat. doesnt the opponent normally use ETEG as a defensive strat? i'm not sure what point of view you are putting this in. if you are saying to use a delayed launcher in defense instead of eteg, then then it's more against your favour. you are at reverse nitaku and can eat a launcher yourself. if you are putting this to the other point of view, then is more understandable, but it's a very basic technique. i hope you arent really thinking along these kind of lines when you are saying "competetant".

    and btw, i wouldnt refer this to the whole western scene which i have seen floating around this thread. all i can say for where i'm from, the one thing players dont lack is advanced logic - or atleast from the highest in the area.

    i really apologize for the diggin up, but i'd like to understand some of the points for this 7 page long flame thinggie.
  8. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    shou has never seemed two faced to me. i ask him if im good or not he says no cause im not. simple question simple answer. oh and dont hate on the collection that thing is so KEWL. he also seems like a good guy. just thought i would come out with some
    words of support for a friend and a former midwest hoe

  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    lf: that's because you are a shou cocksucker. He told you to suck it in your face and you too the shot in the mouth.
    bk, imagine a person so blown up by his ego, from being a mod, hanging out with good player, and misunderstood jp thinks he is a good sarah player, that's shou.
    just to put it on the table, Shou first started playing vf as Akira and he was a nobody. He pretty much jumped off wall in every match. Now Shou jumped on the sarah wagon because no one in the states know how to play against sarah... whoot you got so much skills shou, do you realize 90% of the people you win against are clueless vs your character. Guess you real shined your skills vs the Jp Players.. oh.. wait you got your ass riped openby them!! How insecure you must be to be advertising you vf skills all over on the internet. Learn a fucking lesson from Ryan Hart: If you are good people will give you the props, going looking for it will only make you look like a fool. For the record: SiYkO played vf for about 3 month, first time he left boston to play vf is to NYC vs Shou. SiYkO did 5-7 vs Shou. You must be so fucking good to keep on whining you won again someone who never played outside boston Shou.. Why don't you try to get a 10 win streak before you ask your opponent to pick your character! Learn something some personal skills fuckface.

    btw myke: Shou must give really good head as you still haven't de-moded him. Keep up the good work myke!
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I hope "outsiders" find this thread as entertaining as I did!! I miss this soap opera!!!

    We in Singapore are just too nice to each other.

    Summah -- You SUCK! Quit fooling around all the time! Learn how to play with Singapore arcade sticks!!!

    Danny -- I hate your Akira! It's too damn goo--err, sucky! And you're machi!!!
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Here's my take on this:

    I think to myself, "hey, the VF scene in NA is not like it is in Japan. I want to change that." I have a number of options. First, I figure I'll do everything I can with what I've got (information, time, etc.) to improve my own game. I'll add to that by opening my house so people can all play together and learn new skills.

    Now I'm playing against Spotlite and he notices a hole in my game that could be patched with some advice. He says "after that 46p you can 66kk in open stance." I think, "how cool, it'll be great if I teach myself to watch stance (note - haven't done that yet)." He used his knowledge to help my game without berating my abilities. I really like that approach.

    Some other get together a guy shows up who's really insecure about his abilities. He's not very experienced and he's getting worked up in a way I find funny. After he leaves I go off on him. Some people laugh, others kinda just look at me. I think "shit, I was just an ass back there. Those comments didn't help anyone. Now I got some people thinking I'm an ass."

    The thing is, I care about what people think of me. When I walk into a room, I want people to think "look, there's Talis, he's a cool guy and I'm glad he's here." I didn't get those thoughts back when I was more arrogant, selfish, and the like. Consequently people's thoughts were "shit, here comes Talis, what an ass." Didn't do me or them any good. Being cool in other's eyes improves the chances for big, succesful gatherings happening at my house. People like the experience and everyone learns more about VF.

    I think the VF scene benefits through positive reinforcement. If I taught myself and got to your level of skill, Eric, I might say to someone "hey, I'm having great success with delayed launchers to beat your EDTEG. Try one on me when you block a throw counterable move. Also, be careful not to get predictable with your EDTEG." Of course I have the right to say it any way I want. I could say "you are incompetent, I'm wiping the floor with you by using delayed launchers to crush your EDTEG - especially since I see it coming a mile away. You'll never be as good as me till you correct this problem."

    Now, the recipient has the responsibility regarding their reaction to the two approaches above. They don't have to like the first and get pissed about the other. They could get pissed about both. It's up to them. Their response is beyond my control. I can not make them or anyone else angry, it's not up to me. However, I think the majority might like the first one better, so I want to use that apporach. It gets the same message across.

    It's my choice.

    I'm glad you came to my house for E3 2004. I think it's a bummer that things aren't going so smoothly on the board for you right now. I'd like it better if you did some damage control. I hope you see merit in the way I think about things. It works well for me. Maybe it will work for you.

    Your choice.

    Good luck,

  12. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Your logic makes sense if the players are there to enjoy the game and help each other improve Plague. Some people don't play like this.. Shou plays to make himself feel better about himself. He does this by inflating his own skills while degrading others, i.e. calling people incompetent. It's pretty clear shou thinks he is some sort god's gift to the vf community and he doesn't give a fuck if he calls you stupid.
    The sad thing is people actually believe Shou is a top player in the US when he is nothing but above average with a big mouth.

    Shou: you are a sad case for a human being.
  13. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Silly Brits no wonder you lose the Euro Cup! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  14. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    my only contribution to this thread is a reply to ice 9

    lol hahahaha muahahahahaha

    This reminds me of the telephone conversations we've had b4 lol hahahaha.

    Didn't see that coming ye asshole!
  15. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Silly Brits no wonder you lose the Euro Cup!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    nah, we lose the euro cup coz the referee thought we were just way too good so he had to disallow a goal to keep it entertaining. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif ..... aint bothered about britain anywayz, it's just a name to me......... unlike you hot-headed 8 page flame americans /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shou said:
    I won't edit or delete but I'm asking you once again to be civil to people here and to myself.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This coming from a person post "can't touch this" about himself. You are a fucking hypocrite. Go back to jerking off on that mod sign next to your name loser!
  17. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member


    Just wanted to say that I'm sure I'm not alone when I say thanks for opening up your home to players like myself. I'm really looking forward to playing on friday.

    Why do Japanese players play? What's the common mentality in Japan? How do they correct eachother? How do they improve? How do their attitudes compare to ours? Do they play for 'fun' or only to 'be #1'?

    I really have no idea how the Japanese scene is, but maybe we should take a look at it? After all, they are the ones that are so much better than us. Maybe mimicing them wouldn't be a bad plan?
  18. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    In very broad terms, the Japanese scene is not unlike what we have here. I have been all around Japan and met people from several scenes, not just the Tokyo scene but the guys at A-cho, and Kiwame Dojo in Hokkaido, for example.

    What seems to me is that they have their own VF subculture. That is, so long as you are playing VF you are "in". The random guy who comes into an arcade with no card is in most cases considered a noob or just plain not dedicated to VF. However, if you actually go up and ask people questions (which is actually rather taboo in Japanese society), MOST players are very friendly and willing to help you. Even high level play, my friend Itazan beats the piss out of Tsuchikumo, and they will talk about it afterwards. People are still learning today, and that PLUS the insane amount of experience you can rack up all over the country is why their scene is so strong.

    Other people use message boards (not unlike what we have here), but instead of asking a question that turns in some 3-4 posts into a total flame war, people will just say other options out of the said situation. You dont have to say why the other person is wrong (as it is implied by the fact that you are posting other advice), much less delve into their personal life at some obscure attempt at psycho-analysis.

    I guess in the end the scene I encountered was more about having fun with the game by hanging out with friends, learning VF, and challenging yourself to get better.

    That being said, Shou has never been one to just try and whoop ass to feel better about himself, as implied above. In fact, he has always told me frame info or tactics advice when I ask him for it. I am not sure what has happened between anyone else and him in the past, but when it comes to VF, that is the Shou I know.
  19. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    mukatsuku_shun said:
    what has happened between anyone else and him in the past, but when it comes to VF, that is the Shou I know.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    maybe you should go back and read some of the stuff said about shou, and some of the stuff shou said himself. While he might have been cordial with you for whatever reason; perhaps with you having japanese connection or what.. but he is an asshole to a lots of people in the states. Again you speak base on your experience and other speaks base on their.. and many here experience Shou is a dickface.
  20. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Why is Japan the idea we should strive for? Who the hell cares...unless your ONLY playing to win, then they should not be the level we should judge all vf by.

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