Combos without Iaigeri?

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by Genzen, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Didn't want to sully the proper combo thread with my amateur nonsense.
  2. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    No need for such trolling. combos are combos...
  3. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    You can basically replace iai with a p and it'll just work. though i agree that we should just learn the iai and lose the game if you miss it. bigger incentives eh? hehe
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Doesn't work in all combos because iaigeri floats higher than punch, but for the most part yes.
  5. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I tried them by replacing with punch (and also with low punch). Some of them work, but other times not so much.

    It's strange, because the way I play Jacky, I rarely land combo-starters much, and annoyingly, the one I land most is the high punch from back slide shuffle, which is where Iaigeri seems to offer the biggest increase in damage. The rest of the time, I'm just poking with elbows, low backfists, jabs, the full-circular mid, and throws. Occasionally I'll do a 'from range' heel drop, but I can get a decent enough amount from my scrubby P, 1P+KPP combo.
  6. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    I practice in the dojo for sometime last night and now I can do like 12 iais in a row. Timing is very easy I think, if you use the guard button to "rhythm" it up. tap tap tap
  7. Gorilla_Pimp

    Gorilla_Pimp New Member

    Bumping this 30 year old thread, I havent played since VF4 Evo on PS4. I got rid of my old stick 20 years ago and geting the move on my new mayflash F500 elite is so random. Which method do you use in combos to get the kick (qcfK - G or fight holding F K(g)?
    I cant feel the diagonals on my stick fir the qcf method and someone mentioned timing after the kick to get the combo off? Any advice would be appreciated.

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