Cleveland Players?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by NinjaCW, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    good games today akai and ninja. i learned a lot about vane and pai today, except for what character to pick for myself -_-.

    btw- i'm pretty sure i heard the sound of someone crying while we were playing, and i'm about 100% sure it was my table. at least the magic stick is alright.
  2. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    LOL. Yea ur controller dropping was scary....thought it might land on my foot.

    But yea great games today you too. Yall was basically using me as a punching bag lol. I got a couple of mini streaks going though.
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Good games everyone.

    Thanks for hosting it tribal. I got to play against alot of your different characters so that was fun. Your Shun, Sarah, and Lion were good! Sorry about the table -_- (That stick of yours is very durable).

    Ninja, switching between two different joysticks you held your own and did well! And you also got to see my wonderful sense of direction.
  4. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    Hehe yea....our sense of direction sucks. But yea switching between configs every match or every other match was rough but i still managed to play lol.
  5. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    we definately gotta do it again sometime. i just hope my car gets fixed in the near future. stupid accord.
  6. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    I probably won't be able to for like the next 3 weeks x_x.

    Two weeks working and one I will be out of town for a tourney.
  7. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    thats ok, we can go without a punching bag ^_^. jk, it's coo dude. it's not like we're on a schedule or anything. although, i am trying some new characters, and it would be cool to try them out against actual people rather than a lame ass ai.
  8. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    Hehe...will post up next time I can hang out with you guys. Well actually by the time I can VF5 will be out lmao
  9. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    well, if we can do vf5, i'd love to see it on a hdtv big screen, but that's just wishful thinking, right akai? ^_^
  10. Chinny

    Chinny Well-Known Member

    I live out in Avon.

    I'm mainly an Akira player, but I also play a few other characters here and there.
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    VF5 on February 20 - Check
    HDTV and HDMI cable - Check
    Big Screen - Sorry!
    Joysticks - only 1 -_-

    This weekend is bad for me, as I am having troubles starting up my car. I am bringing it to a shop tomorrow. 45-50 minute walk to work, until then. Maybe the next weekend, Tribal! Ninja, just let me know whenever you want to play and good luck with your DOA tourney.

    Not sure where Avon is, but hi Chinny!
  12. BodyMechanic

    BodyMechanic Member

    I can't wait for VF5 ! its too bad I shant have a chance to play anytime soon. school is takin me aback with fighters in general. I really gotta destroy these MBME exams. Will you guys be free in June ? lol..? ! I'll be down in june that's for sure. sorry about this.
  13. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    akai, that's cool man. i feel your pain on the car troubles.

    chinny, avon huh? i know where that is. do you have a means of transportation? as of right now i don't, but if you wanted to hang this weekend it might be a possibility. where in avon exactly?
  14. Chinny

    Chinny Well-Known Member

    I live right off 83 directly across from the Bob-O-Link golf course.

    I too will have VF5 on the 20th. I ordered the High Grade stick as well. So if there's any gatherings I can make it to...I'll be more than willing to bring my PS3 for another console to play on if needed.

    I know a guy in Strongsville from the Tekken scene who goes by the name "tribal". Are you the same guy by any chance? If so, that'd be pretty rad...

    Didn't know you were into the VF scene. Then again, I could be getting ahead of myself if you're not the same guy. hahahaha
  15. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    are you for fucking serious? that was a looonnngg time ago, but yea i'm the same guy. i go by the same name in pretty much every fighting game forum you can think of.

    if i've met you before, who are you? damn, now this is gonna bug me.

    btw, if you wanted to hang sometime this weekend, let me know. you'd probably have to come to my place given that i have no current mode of transportation as my car is still in the shop. but if you'd like to, gimme a call: 440-552-7497 is my cell. we'd be doin evo, but there ain't nothin wrong with that. let meknow on here or gimme a call.
  16. Chinny

    Chinny Well-Known Member

    My name's Chris. I use to come up to Great Northern every now and then when T5 first came out. Then I left Tekken for VF when I started to get into hardcore.

    And it also ended having to put up with Lucky's bullshit complaining. Hahahaha.

    How've you been man? Did the Tekken scene die out here?

    I'm up for some games(especially after I grab VF5), but it'll all depend on my work and school schedule.

    I'm working all this weekend.
  17. BodyMechanic

    BodyMechanic Member

    actually the tekken scene is still pretty big in Cleveland, not as big as the VF comm is gonna be. muahahahahahaha.....ha.
  18. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    i dunno if you're laughing because you think that's not true or if it's truly maniacal laughter.
  19. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    Wow this is gonna be weird if we all meet up. My name is Chris too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I "think" I am off next weekend oddly enough but that can change at the drop of a hat. Will let yall know by Thursday if yall can/want to do anything.
  20. BodyMechanic

    BodyMechanic Member

    no it's maniacal laughter, because I think a lot of people will really get into the game. It's getting a LOT of hype from a LOT of places, and I think it'll be a bigger hit than people are expecting.

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