Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

Discussion in 'Console' started by Catch22, Mar 14, 2003.

  1. CRXgoon

    CRXgoon Member

    Re: Thank You Catch22

    Hey guys, I emailed Excellentcom to see about getting Sanwa parts... they emailed me back the next day and the prices seem to be pretty darn good: joysticks (JLF-TP-8Y-SK) are $10 and the buttons (OBSF-30 Yellow / Blue / Green / Pink) are $1 a piece. Shipping for 2 joysticks and 20 buttons would be:
    Ship by DHL - USD32
    Ship by UPS - USD46
    Ship by Fedex - USD48

    Seems like a pretty decent deal.... has anyone else dealt with this company???
  2. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: Thank You Catch22

    Several shmupsforum guys have reported success + fast shipping from excellentcom. If anybody in the u.s. wants to put together a group order to consolidate shipping . . .
  3. CRXgoon

    CRXgoon Member

    Re: Thank You Catch22

    i might be interested in getting in on a group order if it would save me some mula... although i'm getting pretty impatient! i've pretty much stopped playing the game until i can get my joystick built and finally pull of all of Akira's moves......
  4. hamand

    hamand Member

    Re: Thank You Catch22

    No message from Catch-22 since's now December...are you selling sticks again yet?

    (pretty please!)
  5. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Thank You Catch22

    Guess what? I have 1 stick set I still had in Hawaii that I bought over for vacation a year ago to build on my vacation. I'll let you guys know when I got the time to build one... but let it be known that I'm gonna charge an arm and a leg... since I make way more money working at work, than I would get from making this stick. I'll let you guys know next year, cause I'm putting in 50 hours a week, and I got no time for the rest of the year.
  6. armad1ll0

    armad1ll0 Member

    Re: Thank You Catch22

    I ordered from them and found them to be quite good. It was pretty expensive though and I now offer full japanese buttons and sticks in the joysticks that I build.

    I also have a tutorial on my site for you guys that want to see how to mount one in a wood body.
  7. lw3

    lw3 New Member

    Re: Thank You Catch22

    just curious cut could u just mount a sanwa stick on plexi glass
  8. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    Choosing a stick it took me something like one and a half hours, but I read this whole section. Whew. And I totally appreciate all you guys have said on this topic - so if you read my question and want to say "get lost," then totally feel free /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    My final question is this - which stick do you suggest for someone who wants to play MULTIPLE PS2 games and isn't going to enter any tournaments? Keep in mind that since I'm a slacker and I'm just looking for something heavy (can't stand sticks whose bases fly around when I use them), and something with enough buttons to be mappable to other games. That is, I'll want to play everything from the old 6-button SF games (like SF Collection) to VF4e?

    I know, I'm asking a total newb question and I should be shot for not being hardcore /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    I got the idea from you guys that I should just get an X-Arcade, since I'm not going to be hardcore about anything. But then someone said they've got crappy parts. I don't know if I want to invest in a MAS, because that's SOOOOOO expensive - I'm trying to keep it under $100.

    What about the new SVC Chaos Hori stick at playasia and lik-sang? Is that any good? At $58, plus shipping (did someone say $30-something?), that'd be an option if it got good play out of it. Naturally, I picture that flying around since it's cloud white /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    So yeah, I'm cheap, I'm a newb and I'm not hardcore. Help!
  9. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Re: Choosing a stick

    You might want to take a look at the sticks over at Mod Everything. Look at the modified sticks section. This guy (John) basically takes Red Octane boxes, and modifies them to your preferences. He offers a stick at the $60 level, which will get you (quoting his page):

    [ QUOTE ]
    We are proud to announce the $60 value joystick. This stick comes with the stripped black RedOctane case, their PSX encoder, Happ Ultimate joystick and 8 black concave buttons or "classic arcade color" concave buttons. For this price, it's a truly great stick beating all others in the class including the X-arcade solo and the Pelican arcade stick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can upgrade the stick to an $85 level, and also get:

    [ QUOTE ]
    I personally recomend a stick at the $85 level. This particular stick has the extra L1 and L2 buttons for the full spread as well as upgraded microswitchs. The Plexiglass is cleaned of the RedOctane paint so that this stick is all black. It's just a great entry level stick! For a limited time, I also have these sticks with a little "white" man on the Start button.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You might want to check it out... I've ordered a stick from there, myself.
  10. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    Rad, thanks...I was looking at the RedOctane stuff last night and was intrigued by it all. I wish I had the knowhow to make my own stick - I've always been a wannabe electrical engineer, but I bought one of those little solder kits and dicked it up somethin bad!

    Anyone else have success with the RedOctane sticks? I remember reading about them, but I don't remember if anyone gave them a yay or nay.
  11. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    is soldering tough? i want to make my own stick too but im worried about damaging some parts cuz of crappy soldering techniques.
  12. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    [ QUOTE ]
    aznricemasta said:

    is soldering tough? i want to make my own stick too but im worried about damaging some parts cuz of crappy soldering techniques.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    From what I understand, it's easy to learn. Hold the iron at an angle, wipe it on a damp sponge between solders, never go directly AT a connection....blah blah blah. I mean, I've only done it once, and it was easy enough to pick up. But I was also out of control.
  13. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

  14. Black_Devil99

    Black_Devil99 Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    i just bought the game and i don't even have a stick i would like to get one but i don't know were to get one and i live in st. augustine so can you put a stores name down please because i am still using a controler /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  15. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    if your starting out, and not using akira, chances are you'll like the feel of dualshock better...
  16. Black_Devil99

    Black_Devil99 Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    oh ok
  17. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    its true actually, i only use stick when playing akira (so i can get the byakko and knee consistently), for every one else (except characters that have a lot of moves that need to be buffered) pad is great.
  18. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    Does anybody have the SC2 Hori stick(& use it for evo)?...I heard they were made in Japan...and they are actually better quality-wise then the Chinese-made evo hori evo hori stick's P button is dying down.....But before buying one Im concerned about the button settings....are the settings/config exactly the same(the length between the stick and the 3 buttons used) the sc2 higher or lower or the same?

    Thanks in Advance
  19. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    I have a SC2 hori stick, and it works perfectly fine, its the best stick I bought soo far, and I think the setup is the same as the Evo stick, Im not sure since I havent bought an evo stick. Its a really good stick though. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  20. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick

    just wanted to know
    Are there any compatibilty(pal/ntsc) issues for the official evo stick? Will any evo stick work on any ps2 or do I need to buy a pal specific evo stick to work on a pal ps2?

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